Crochet handbag (for children). Schemes, description. Handbags for girls

A princess lives in every girl, and everything should be fine with the princess. This also applies to handbags. For girls, it is an opportunity to seem older, at least not much. If mother knows the art of needlework, then it comes to the rescue, and sewn or woven products appear. Knitted handbag (crochet) is no exception. Nursery, it will certainly be of a cheerful coloring or with funny animals.

The idea of ​​a "grandmother's square"

This element of knitting, it turns out, is very popular. It can be used in absolutely any product. Crochet a baby bag does not stand aside.
After all, what could be easier than connecting two squares? You just need to choose a denser yarn and a pattern without holes. Then the canvases need to be connected on three sides, and on top sew a zipper, fastener or button with a buttonhole. It remains to complement the handbag with a suitable handle in length. The little fashionista will be satisfied. The capacity of such a handbag for girls will be quite sufficient. And you can decorate it in different ways - a flower or a bow, applique or ribbons.

children's crochet handbag

Rectangular variant with animal face

For example, a children's handbag (crochet) can look like an owl if you place a beak between your eyes. When the beak is replaced by a patch, the muzzle becomes piggy. Change the nose and the pupils in the eyes - and in front of us is a cat.

But the base of the bag is one: two rectangles of cotton yarn. If the thread is thick enough, then a width of only 16 loops will be required. In height it will be necessary to tie rows 6-7. The item must again be selected based on the thickness of the yarn. Somewhere only a single crochet will be sufficient, and in another case, you can safely connect a half-column or even a crochet.

A handbag looks prettier if it is made of two colors. The border will be the conditional midpoint of the muzzle. Then you need to connect two circles - they will be eyes. We knit large ones for an owl , and oval ones for a cat. Then you need to sew them, adding pupils (buttons or embroidery). It remains to tie the nose with a triangle or round, depending on the type of animal.

Children’s handbag (crochet) will receive special charm and coquetry if it is decorated with a flower or a bow. It remains to tie the strap in the same style.

handbags for girls

Strawberry Handbag

She will complete the New Year's costume. With her it will be fun to go to the store with her mother, because she is so unusual.

It will require yarn in two colors: red and green. White and yellow are needed to create flowers to make the most elegant children's handbag (crochet).

The description of the process begins with knitting the bottom with red yarn. It can be round or oval - it all depends on the desire of the needlewoman. But you still need to make it somewhat elongated. There will be one knitting element in the whole bag: a single crochet. Such a pattern is quite suitable for a strawberry and a leaf that frames it.

Then from the oval you need to knit up, slightly expanding from the middle, so that it begins to resemble a cut strawberry in shape. And at the top again reduce the number of loops. At this point, it is recommended to replace the thread with green and knit several rows. Then fix the thread and attach it to the border of two colors. Now knitting will go down. Run small triangles - they will imitate the petals. It remains to tie them with a crawl. Then tie two small strips for pens. The handbag is ready.

For decoration, you can knit two or four flowers, so that they easily fit on the green part of the berry. And the red half can be embroidered with yellow beads. So she will become even more like a real strawberry.

crochet baby bag

Narrow handle clutch bag

It must be knitted from a chain on both sides at once. It is recommended to use cotton and pick a suitable hook for it. Stacking chain will consist of 51 air loops. It should be crocheted in each loop, starting with the second from the hook.

Further work goes in circles. The first starts with three lifting loops. Then, in the same base, you should knit a crochet column, then skip two loops and make two more columns in the next. The action must be repeated until the end of the circle, and then connect everything to the third lift loop.

The second circle repeats the first. Only the columns need to be knitted in between. It will turn out a chess order. The third to eighth work is repeated.

The ninth and tenth circles consist of one lifting loop and single crochet in each previous row. Total columns should be about 50.

In the eleventh circle on both sides you need to leave space of 15 loops for pens. Above them you need to dial the desired length of the chain.

The last three circles are formed by single crochets. And they need to be knitted on the dialed chains. And now the handbag (crochet) is ready for children, it remains only to decorate it with additional accessories.

crochet baby bag description

Round elegant handbag

Such a bag will certainly come in handy for a festive costume. Its beginning is in a circular base. Its diameter will dictate the size of the finished product. A small handbag is usually enough for an evening dress. Therefore, the circle can be made in 10-15 cm.

To knit the base does not need a special pattern. It is enough to perform a single crochet. Then knitting continues vertically. To get an elegant children's handbag (crochet), the scheme must be openwork.

A stripe with holes is recommended at the top for tying. Then they’ll thread the lace. You can tighten it and put a handbag on your hand.

handbags for girls

Simple jacquard bag

All the beauty of the product in the picture. It can be chosen by anyone. Even a cross stitch pattern is suitable. The main thing is that it is convenient to knit in one color. The figure will have to be adjusted so that it fits on a square of fifty loops and 45 rows.

You will need to take yarn from 100% cotton in balls of 50 g and a thread length of 180 m. In this case, the handbag will be 22 by 28 cm in size, provided that the knitting density is 24 loops in 28 rows in a square of 10x10 centimeters.

The knitting of the handbag begins on the reverse side. To do this, take the main thread and dial the chain. When coinciding with the specified parameters of the yarn, it will have a length of 50 air loops.

Then 45 rows will consist of the same elements - single crochet. The front side of the bag is also formed by single crochet, but here you need to knit a jacquard pattern. This is another 45 rows.

To assemble the handbag, it is supposed to fold it in half and sew the sides with the main color. The same thread should first be tied up with double crochet, and then another row consisting of double crochet.

Handles for such a baby bag are best purchased at the store. Plastic or wood blanks should be tied with the same yarn and sewn to the finished product.


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