Pedagogical theories: concept and principles

Pedagogical theory is a system of knowledge that illuminates a certain area of ​​phenomena in the science of education and training. The purpose of the discipline is not only training according to existing standards, but also an individual approach to each student in accordance with his makings. The science of a new generation calls for paying attention to new pedagogical theories that can help solve problems that arise in schoolchildren in childhood.

Key Concept Components

Pedagogical theory is a system of knowledge that illuminates and studies a strictly defined area of ​​the phenomena of teaching. Its main components are: laws and laws of training and education, explanations, fundamentals, rules of behavior. There is a generally accepted classification of pedagogical theories, which can be easily found in the literature. Different systems in the discipline can be divided into educational and training. In our country there are a lot of wonderful teachers who have written many significant works on pedagogy.

Theories of Education

Three theories

Theories of psychology and pedagogy study mainly the relationship of upbringing, development and training of children of different ages. At the end of the thirties of the last century, three types of pedagogical activity were formed that related to science.

  • The first type studies the process of raising children as a phenomenon that has nothing to do with teaching. This type involves the freedom of action of the child, the lack of focus on the adult and his role.
  • The second type of pedagogical activity is focused on the totality of the development and upbringing of the child.
  • The third type is designed to ensure that the development of children does not go side by side with the system of education and training.

Theory of Developmental Learning

This type of pedagogical theory of education as developing learning is the highest in complexity in science:

  • high speed of the learning process;
  • the ongoing process of memorization throughout the educational activity;
  • positive motivation for learning and learning;
  • networking between student and teacher.

The purpose of raising a child is not only teaching him according to existing standards, but also using his full potential. All the talents and skills of the child are not perceived as an end in itself, but as a way of transforming the child into a full-fledged personality. The interaction between student and teacher is a partnership. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the successful socialization of the child and the development of his makings.

Children training

The latest teaching theories that promote a humane attitude towards children and adolescents want to pay attention to the theory of pedagogy, which will reveal the problems of raising children of different ages. The learning process, based on the anthropology of teaching, is considered on the basis of creating suitable conditions for the education of children. In the first place is the development of the child as a person who needs the support of an adult.

Personality Development Judgments

The basic theories of pedagogy consider the following judgments about the development of a child’s personality:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • attachment;
  • behaviorism;
  • humanism;
  • activity approach;
  • cognitivism.

In their content, modern pedagogical theories use the principle of implementation of integration. This side of the research is now in the experimental stage. Modern research scientists are observing a positive trend of combining various types of activity, the use of forms and means that are interesting to children and schoolchildren. The study of the various components of pedagogical theory can take place interconnectedly, which can significantly save time in order to organize the game and learning activities of the child and reduce the time to achieve the desired result.

Learning at school

Theory and practice in Russia

Often, modern Russian pedagogical theories consist of narrowly targeted ways of developing children, take into account the psychological characteristics of the child, and may include the results of the authors' work over several years on various problems. For example, in the last few years, Russian science and practice have been very deeply studying the role of economics in the formation of a preschooler and his psyche. The issue of economic education was not too long ago considered in the aspect of the education of industriousness and morality. In the studies of Russian teachers, the problem of legal education is investigated from the side of the adoption of the freedom of the student as an individual. Moral education means raising the child’s self-esteem, his self-confidence, instilling norms of behavior and the ability to build harmonious relationships with the world. Modern pedagogy provides answers to questions that are related to the creation of a sincere interest in a preschool child and respect for the country of which he is a citizen.

Child socialization

The main stages of educational activity

The theory of legal education of children takes into account the importance, content, periods, conditions of teaching. Its creators distinguish three integral parts in the educational process:

  • The basic stage is familiarization with the norms and principles of morality. This can be ethical discussions, the creation of moral situations, video lessons on the correct behavior of children, etc.
  • The main stage is familiarization with the human and citizen's rights: to rest, to get an education, in one's own name, in love. You can familiarize your child with the help of reading fiction, ethical conversations, stories, exercises that develop practical behavioral skills in various activities.
  • The final stage is to talk about the world convention, the universally recognized rights of the child that apply to all the children of the Earth, reading fiction, creating a creative collage about the rights of the child, talking about morality, etc.
The interaction between teacher and student

The concept of patriotic education

The current concept of patriotic education of youth can be considered in the context of a versatile personality formation. The term "patriotism" is most often understood as love for one’s land and homeland. Means of patriotic education include the mesomedium, literature and art, folklore, social practice, customs, etc.

The stages of patriotic development include all the methods and aspects of raising children: excursions, educational trips, the creation of their own museums, exhibitions of children's art, etc.

Learning techniques

Modern theories in pedagogy. The connection of Russian science with foreign theories

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that modern pedagogical theories study the issues of education and personal development of a preschool child, the concepts of which are inextricably linked. A variety of foreign theories of training and education will help enrich the domestic education system of preschool children. The science of teaching at preschool age as a system of theories of pedagogy is regularly updated and improved. It is impossible in theory not to take into account the practice of preschool and school institutions.

The impact of education on personality

In the variety of theories of education in pedagogy, it is necessary to determine what ideal personality model of a preschooler they were originally oriented to. Most often, this ideal is based on the socio-economic needs of a society in which the learning process takes place directly.

At present, our country is moving to a market economy, where there is not a single sphere of life activity or production that does not need reforms and a way out of the crisis. Therefore, now our society and basic pedagogical theories are focused on the education of creative, active, proactive individuals who are able to make decisions and be responsible for them.

Happy childhood

In science and practice over the past few years, the culturological approach has been gaining strength more and more , the essence of which lies in the cultural diversity of educational activity, which plays a unifying role both for the development of the theory of pedagogy and for practical activities.

The basic principle of cultural-cultural education is based on a certain pattern: the more education and training are related to culture, the more socially and culturally educated a person will grow. In general, pedagogical and educational activities based on the principles of cultural identity are the upbringing of creative, proactive and intelligent people in the future.


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