What is logic: definition and laws

Logic is a diverse concept that has tightly entered our life and culture of speech. In this article, we will consider from a scientific point of view what logic is. The definition, types, laws of logic and historical background will help us with this.

general characteristics

So what is logic? The definition of logic is very multifaceted. Translated from Greek, it means “thought”, “mind”, “word” and “regularity”. In the modern interpretation, this concept is used in three cases:

  1. The designation of the relationships and patterns that unite the actions of people or events in the objective world. In this sense, concepts such as “logical chain”, “logic of facts”, “logic of things” and so on are often used.
  2. Designation of a strict sequence and patterns of the thinking process. In this case, expressions like “logic of reasoning”, “logic of thinking”, “logic of speech” and so on are used.
  3. Designation of a special science that studies logical forms and operations, as well as the laws of thought associated with them.

What is logic: definition

Logic tasks

As you can see, in each particular situation there can be at least one of several answers to the question: “What is logic?” The definition of logic problems is less voluminous. The main task is to come to a conclusion on the basis of the premises and gain knowledge about the subject of reasoning in order to penetrate more deeply into its relationships with other aspects of the phenomenon under consideration. In any science, one of the main tools is logic. It is not only an important subsection of philosophy, but also affects some mathematical teachings. "Algebra of logic" - a definition known in mathematical circles. Sometimes it is confused with Boolean algebra, which is the basis of computer science, but this is not entirely true.

Informal logic

Mainly logic is classified into:

  1. Informal.
  2. Formal.
  3. Symbolic.
  4. Dialectical.

Informal logic is the study of argument in the original language. This term is most common in English literature. Thus, the main task of informal logic is the study of logical errors in speech. The conclusion, which is made in natural language, can have a purely formal content, if it can be illustrated that it is only a particular application of the universal rule.

Definition of concepts in logic

Formal and symbolic logic

An analysis of the conclusion, revealing the very formal content, is called formal logic. As for symbolic logic, it explores symbolic abstractions that capture the formal composition of logical inference.

Dialectical logic

Dialectical logic is the science of thinking, which gives knowledge about the way of reasoning, which expands the possibilities of formal conclusion. In this case, the concept of logic can be used both in the proper logical sense and in the form of a certain metaphor.

Dialectical reasoning is partially based on the formal laws of logic. At the same time, analyzing the dynamics of the transition of concepts into their opposite, it allows the coincidence of opposites, and therefore, focuses on dialectical laws.

Logic object

The definition of logic as a science implies that its object is human thinking. Thinking is a complex, multilateral process, involving a generalized reflection by a person of things and relations of the world around him. This process is studied by different sciences: philosophy, psychology, genetics, linguistics, and cybernetics. Philosophy considers the origin and essence of thinking, as well as its identification with the material world and knowledge. Psychology controls the conditions of normal functioning of thinking and its development, as well as the influence of the environment on it. Genetics seeks to study the mechanism of inheritance of thinking abilities. Linguistics is looking for a connection between the thinking of speech. Well, cybernetics are trying to build technical models of the human brain and thinking. Logic itself looks at the process of thinking from the point of view of the structure of thoughts, as well as the validity or incorrectness of reasoning, while being distracted from the content and development of thoughts.

Algebra of logic: definition

The subject of logic

The subject of this field of knowledge is the logical form, related operations and laws of thinking. It is best to consider the subject of the study of logic, through the process of cognition of the world around a person. Cognition is a process during which an individual gains knowledge of the world. There are two ways to gain knowledge:

  1. Sensory knowledge. It is carried out using sensory organs or devices.
  2. Rational knowledge. It is carried out with the help of abstract thinking.

The materialistic theory of knowledge is based on the theory of reflection. According to this theory, judgments, things and phenomena of the objective world can affect the human senses and activate the system of transmitting information to the brain, as well as activate the brain itself, as a result of which the image of these very things and phenomena is created in human thinking.

Sensory knowledge

The sensory way is knowledge of the external properties of certain things and phenomena. Sensory cognition can take three forms:

  1. Sensation . Reflects the individual properties of the subject.
  2. Perception . Reflects the subject as a whole, represents its holistic image.
  3. Submission . This is an image of an object preserved in memory.

At the stage of sensory knowledge, the essence of things and processes, their internal properties, are not always accessible to a person. The little prince from Exupery’s story of the same name said: “You won’t see the most important thing with your eyes.” Reason or abstract thinking comes to the aid of the senses in such cases.

Definition of logic as a science

Rational knowledge

Abstract thinking reflects reality in terms of basic properties and relationships. Cognition of the world through abstract thinking occurs indirectly, and not explicitly. It does not involve resorting to observations and practice, but is built on the basis of deeper discussions about the properties and relationships of objects and phenomena. For example, following the trail of a criminal, you can recreate the picture of the incident, using a thermometer you can find out what the weather is like on the street, and so on.

An important feature of abstract thinking is its close connection with language. Each thought is made out with the help of words and phrases, speaking out through internal or external speech. Thinking not only helps a person to describe the world around him, but also allows us to formulate new ideas, abstractions, forecasts and predictions, that is, it solves numerous logical problems. The definitions of “logic” and “thinking” in this regard are closely related to each other. Thinking, whether it is abstract or rational, can take place in three main forms: concept, judgment, and inference. Let's consider them separately.

The concept

It is a form of thinking with which a person creates mental images of objects, their characteristics and relationships. The concept is impossible without a definition. But the rules of definitions in logic will be discussed below. In the process of formation of concepts, the individual is engaged in the analysis of an object of interest to him, comparing it with other objects, highlighting its main distinguishing features, abstracting from non-essential features and generalizing different objects based on these signs. As a result, mental images of objects, their properties and relationships are created.

Concepts play an important role in human cognitive activity. Thanks to them, it is possible to generalize what actually exists separately. In the objective world there are no such concepts as a student, student, clerk, athlete, etc., all of them are generalized images that can exist only in an ideal world, that is, in a person’s head.

Logic Definition Tasks

The formation of concepts opens up the possibility of obtaining knowledge about objects and phenomena on the basis of the basic properties of a class of similar objects or phenomena. Jonathan Swift tells about how the world would be if people did not operate with concepts in communication with each other in his story about Gulliver's travels. According to the story, once a sage advised people in a conversation to use not concepts about objects, but directly objects. Many followed his recommendations, but in order to talk normally with the interlocutor, they had to carry bags with different things on their shoulders. Of course, such a conversation with a demonstration of items even among the owners of the largest bags was very scarce.

A concept cannot exist without a definition. In different sciences, the definition may be interpreted with some differences. The definition of concepts in logic is the process of fixing a specific meaning to a certain language term. At its core, the concept is infinite, since it is developed by the universal mind. The definition is of course, since it is the result of rational (logical) activity. According to Hegel, the definition does not correspond to the Absolute and correlates with the representation. The task of philosophy is to translate concepts into representations, getting rid of finite definitions.

The concept is the meaning. And the definition of concepts in logic is an action aimed at identifying this meaning. Thus, a concept can be called a word that, through logical reasoning, has been defined. Therefore, without a definition, a word is not a concept, even if it has a distribution. To define a concept is to describe its meaning, specifying all the basic nuances. Moreover, if you do this outside the framework of a certain knowledge system, you may encounter errors in the definitions. Everyone has their own logic, just like understanding one or another word. Therefore, speaking on philosophical topics, it is important to define concepts.

Types of definitions in logic are represented very widely. The definition happens: intensional, real, axiomatic, nominal, explicit, implicit, genetic, contextual, inductive and intense.

Logic Definition Rules


On the basis of concepts about objects, a person can make judgments regarding them and make conclusions. Judgment is a form of thinking in which something is affirmed or denied against the subject of thought. From one judgment one can receive another. For example, based on the fact that all people are mortal, we can conclude that the one who died is a person. During the construction of concepts, judgments and conclusions, everyone can make mistakes, both conscious and unconscious. To avoid them, you need to know the basics of proper thinking.

Thinking is called right, in the framework of which new true knowledge is obtained from true knowledge. False knowledge can also result from wrong thinking. For example, there are two judgments: “If Ivan committed a robbery, he is a criminal” and “Ivan did not commit a robbery.” The judgment “Ivan is not a criminal”, obtained on the basis of this information, may be false, since the fact that he did not commit robbery does not indicate that he did not commit other crimes.


Speaking of the correct conclusions, scientists imply compliance with the rules of their construction and interconnection. It is on this that the definition of the laws of logic as a science of thinking is based. Formal logic abstracts from the concrete content and development of thoughts. However, she emphasizes the truth and falsity of these thoughts. Often, correct thinking is called logical, focusing on the name of science that studies a certain side of thinking.

The question of the truth or falsity of judgments and conclusions is a question of the conformity or inconsistency of what they say to the objective world. True judgment objectively reflects the state of things in objective reality. A false judgment, on the contrary, is not true. The question of what truth is and how sensory cognition is related to abstract thinking is no longer dealt with in logic, but in philosophy.

Types of Definitions in Logic


Today we learned what logic is. The definition of this concept is very capacious and multifaceted, it affects a wide area of ​​knowledge. Such a variety of manifestations of logic illustrates its relationship with other sciences, some of which are quite materialistic. The article also examined the main aspects of human thinking: conclusions, judgments, concepts and definitions (in logic). Life examples helped us learn this material more easily.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22430/

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