Abandoned estates of the Leningrad region: description and photo

The power of time is what you can feel when you find yourself in an old abandoned estate. On the territory of Russia and other countries there are many castles and palaces that forever retained in their memory the happiness and grief of the families who lived there. Recently, most of the abandoned old buildings have been actively restored, as if restoring the memory of our ancestors. But the good part of the estates remains mysteriously gloomy, without protection and a chance of preservation. They attract the attention of young people and become objects of scary stories. Various legends form about them and claim to have seen ghosts.

Most of all, the abandoned estates of the Leningrad region and the Moscow region are attracted. Probably because, as a rule, noble families lived here. Moreover, now you can even book a tour of abandoned estates to breathe in your lungs “the smell of antiquity” and experience the thrill. Feel how families lived, what they loved and what they did in those distant, irrevocably bygone years ...

Abandoned estates of the Leningrad region

Dacha Novikova

Ivan Novikov is a former provincial secretary. His summer house was built in the pre-revolutionary years, and in 1917 the owner was gone. Until now, his fate is unknown, but the cottage migrated into the possession of Ivan Lassman in the same year. Then in the building were various government agencies. For example, in the year 39 of the last century, just at the time of hostilities, the house belonged to Finland, and the government created laws here. Now this is a very destroyed building, which is dangerous to be in - the day is not far off when its walls will collapse.

Manor in Redkino

This house is perhaps the most mysterious of all that is on the list of "Abandoned estates of the Leningrad region." A combination of time-dependent architecture, gloomy and frightening, and picturesque nature, which is represented by a wild forest and a river bank located in close proximity ... There is a boyar house, according to some reports, built in the 40s of the last century. It is not known for certain who designed this architectural ensemble, but it is assumed that it was Nikolai Benoit. In Soviet times, there was a school (right in the house), also on the territory there are outbuildings, the Trinity Church and the family cemetery. There are rumors among locals that there was a convent, but it is not possible to verify this information.

Abandoned estates of the Leningrad region: description

Manor Demidov

Remembering the abandoned estates of the Leningrad region, you can not miss the mysterious house in the village of Thaytsy. If you compare it with other similar buildings, you can safely assign 1 place in terms of safety. One has only to look at the photo posted above and imagine that the building was built in 1778. This beautiful architectural ensemble, consisting of the main building and the park area, is a once striking example of classicism. Today it stands abandoned, nobody needs it, and there is practically nothing left of the “Gothic Gate”, bridges and arbors. Design was carried out by Ivan Starov.

Kruzel Manor

Many abandoned estates of the Leningrad Region remained ownerless due to the disappearance of their masters. Among them is the Kruzel estate, built in the early 1900s. Then it was a rich house, which was noticeable not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Kruzel, like Novikov, disappeared in 1917, after which the building passed into the possession of the state. At one time, a boarding house was located here, a few years later - a tuberculosis sanatorium, and during the war years (1941-1945) fighters were placed in the building. Today the manor is abandoned and badly destroyed.

Abandoned estates of the Leningrad region: photos

Musera's dacha

The abandoned estates of the Leningrad Region, photos of which are presented in this article, are already surviving the time allotted to them, since they are badly destroyed. But Muser’s cottage, which the owner called Belle Vue, which translates as “beautiful view,” is considered to be well preserved. The mansion was built in Art Nouveau style in 1900. But this is not just a residential building, but a hotel, now considered the oldest in the town. She was surrounded by a beautiful garden, hiding in the shade of vacationers. Theatrical evenings were held here, and sometimes real artists performed. By the 50s, the City Council and the registry office were organized at this place, then an art workshop and a school. Some time ago, the estate passed into the ownership of a private company, which has little interest in the fate of the historic building.

Kummolovo Manor

This building was preserved only outside, like other heavily destroyed, abandoned estates of the Leningrad region. The description is short: they were built in 1820 for the names of von Gersdorff and Blumentrost, and to this day only the skeleton has remained from the estate, but the barn, bathhouse and residential outbuilding have partially survived. The pond is swampy, the park is neglected, and architecture, powerless before time, fell into decay.

Abandoned estates of the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg

Faberge Manor

People who had the opportunity to contemplate the abandoned estates of the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg could not lose sight of the estate at the beginning of the 20th century belonging to the son of the legendary jeweler Karl Faberge, Agafon. Initially, it was a simple cottage, which he inherited. Then one of the workers of Faberge Sr. suggested re-planning the building. So there was a manor in the Art Nouveau style. No wonder that the house had a large number of collections: paintings, jewelry, stones and stamps. Therefore, then the estate was called the "Small Hermitage". Now this once beautiful architectural creation, hiding a lot of jewels in its walls, has suffered from time, and only glazed stove and marble staircase remained from former greatness.

Abandoned estates of the Leningrad region: tour

The best opportunity to see the abandoned estates of the Leningrad region is an excursion. You can find many companies in St. Petersburg that offer a journey through the forgotten man parks and the ruins of the once majestic mansions. Some even suggest seeing the ghost of the former owner - if possible. The average cost of such a trip is 500 rubles per person. A walking tour will cost about 2,500 rubles per group, and if you go by minibus - 7,000. But impressions are guaranteed for life (the main thing is that the nervous system does not fail)!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22444/

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