Tselovnik is ... Meaning of the word

The Tselovnik is the strangest and most mysterious profession that has ever existed in Russia. This name is capable of misleading anyone. And not only people inexperienced in knowledge of the language are confused, but also various writers, critics, and some public figures. In fact, this is a profession that was on the territory of Russia in the 15-18 centuries. Throughout the history of its existence, it has undergone changes, so its definition has changed. This is even more misleading.

general information

Tselovnik is a kind of administrative term that most often characterizes a particular profession. This concept existed in Russia from the 15th to the 18th century.

the kisser is
Such workers or public figures (akin to modern tax authorities or officials) who kissed the cross became kissers. Immediately during this process, they took up duties, as they took an oath before the Lord. It was a kind of oath, and to violate this word means to betray God. Therefore, people were afraid to act against the rules.

This position was selective. There was no specific profession that would characterize it. Kissers could perform the following procedures:

  • Collect taxes. They took money from the peasants, and then transferred them to the authorities. A part was kept as an intermediary percentage.
  • Search and execute the killers. In the West, in Texas, there was a similar position when a specific price was set for the head of the criminal. In Russia, this also happened, although it did not gain popularity.
  • Work at customs. They took payment for goods that were transported through a specific place.

Thus, there was no specificity regarding this post.

First value

Who is the kisser? The meaning of the word is ambiguous. There are two explanations that differ radically from each other. The profession first appeared in the 15th century. Then it did not exist independently. The person who held this position bore great responsibility to the authorities and the people. At the moment there are “descendants” of the profession - the bailiff, tax officials.

kissers in Russia is
Tselovnik is a person who was responsible for collecting taxes, and also took a direct part in the judicial system. He sought and executed criminals. Each employee was assigned to a specific territory. And when he went beyond it, he became an ordinary person without a post.

It should be noted that the profession is chosen. The people were appointed by the people through ordinary voting. Therefore, we can say that already in the 15th century the rudiments of democracy appeared in Russia.

Until the time Ivan the Terrible became the executive power of Russia, the kissers were ordinary workers. They were elected to the post by popular vote. At first they were ordinary employees who acted on their own. There was no guidance above them.

Second value

At the end of the Time of Troubles, such a profession as a kisser changed. Value was now oriented toward bureaucratic activity. Functions and responsibilities have changed. Now the employee needed only to collect taxes or deprive people of property if they did not timely repay their debts to the state.

elders and kissers
Speaking about what the healer did, one cannot fail to note one unique feature. Each month, the employee had to collect a specific amount. Moreover, if he raises the bar, then the next time it could not be less. If such a situation was observed, then he had to pay the missing funds from his pocket. Or the kisser was transferred to slavery, where he worked until he repaid his debt.

For obvious reasons, the position in question was not popular. People took risks, since it was possible to collect more taxes than required, ensuring a comfortable life. But, on the other hand, there is a high probability of falling into slavery.

Toward the beginning of the 19th century, the profession is gradually dying away. It is being replaced by the relevant departments - tax, customs authorities.

Why did such a profession appear?

The healer is a profession that would necessarily appear. The fact is that it was necessary to create a system that will handle the collection of taxes. But it was necessary to minimize red tape. Then it was decided to choose tax collectors among public figures. They entered into their rights without specific pay.

healer value
Another advantage of the kissers was that an illiterate person could not have gone to the collection of taxes. All people already knew how to read, count and write. Therefore, the state authorities did not have to do anything in order for tax collections to come to their hands on their own. Thus, a kind of cooperation was formed between public posts and leaders of the country.

"Lip kisser"

In Russia, there was such a position as a “laborer”. Despite the resemblance to something romantic, it meant a completely different thing. The elders and kissers themselves performed various duties. These included tax collection and crime interactions.

healer meaning of the word
When a person did something bad, they had to find him and make a trial. According to the results of the criminal, they were either sent to hard labor or executed. And the word "labial" here has a common root with "destroy".

Where does such a name come from - “the healer”?

Kissers in Russia are people who performed certain work. For their obligations, they took responsibility on a voluntary basis. Then there was no labor contract or any other document having legal force. Therefore, the performer could not be forced to strictly fulfill his obligations to the people and state structures.

what did the kisser do
However, fear of the law was not enough then. People were more afraid and afraid of God. Therefore, before taking up a certain position, they kissed the crucifix. That is, a man swore before God that he would responsibly approach the fulfillment of his duties to the people.

However, it was not possible to indicate the presence of a specific position. People just did their job. Only then, after some time, did they receive official employment. At first they needed to show themselves and prove themselves.


Thus, kissers in Russia are people who performed certain duties that are part of the concept of the profession that they chose. The position is selective, there has never been a specificity. After the 18th century, it lost its significance, but left many modern historians at a loss. After all, the name of an administrative term is often compared with something lyrical, love. But in fact, he has nothing to do with it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22447/

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