Spruce Nidiformis - elegant landscape design. Description, landing, care

Greening your own land is a task to which its owners are very kind. Long ago abandoning the planting of exclusively fruit trees, gardeners turned their close attention to evergreens. They have a huge advantage over others, as they decorate the garden and "out of season". A very interesting representative of conifers is the spruce Nidiformis, which has become popular in recent years.

spruce nidiformis

Funny christmas tree

First of all, the plant is interesting in that it is a shrub, not a tree, and it has a bizarre, unusual shape: in young years, the shoots bend upward, rounding off the outline. For this, Nidiformis spruce is often called a Christmas tree-nest.

Over the years, this trend has been lost, and the bush acquires a tiered symmetry, while maintaining a pillow-shaped form.

The color of the needles is catchy, bright green; curiously, the needles are needle-shaped, but not prickly. The height is most often half the diameter of the crown, the average height is about 70 cm, although individual specimens can reach a meter. Spruce Nidiformis grows slowly, but the average lifespan is about 250 years.

The main characteristics are shade tolerance and frost resistance. However, the latter quality should not be abused: at prolonged low temperatures, the bush is still freezing, so it is recommended for areas where in winter the temperature rarely drops below -20. And shade tolerance is a relative question: if there is little light, the spruce Nidiformis loses its bright color, gradually turning yellow and “blurry” in shape.

spruce nidiformis care

We plant correctly

If you have chosen Nidiformis spruce, it is planted according to the general rules for all varieties of spruce. They are as follows:

  1. The most successful landing time is the end of April. An alternative could be the end of August.
  2. Landing hole delves in advance. Its upper diameter should be between 40 and 60 cm, the bottom - from 30 to 40, the depth - about half a meter.
  3. The bottom is lined with drainage (broken brick or gravel) to a height of 15-20 cm.
  4. The excavated soil is mixed with peat, sand and humus, and nitroammophoska is also desirable.
  5. When landing, someone should strive to maintain integrity. It is necessary to compact the earth around a seedling without undue zeal.

Planted spruce Nidiformis spills well: this will ensure uniform subsidence of land in the near-stem circle. With autumn planting, watering ceases until spring; in April - become weekly.

spruce nidiformis landing

Spruce Nidiformis: care and attention

Like most conifers, the tree-nest is quite undemanding. She does not need winter cover: even a serious snow blockage does not break a branch, she tolerates frosts well. But from the spring burns the first two years it will have to be protected, creating a shading.

In dry periods, Nidiformis spruce needs to be watered, but it is reasonable: stagnation of water will destroy the plant. Survival and growth very stimulates the mulching of the peri-trunk space with mowed grass or bark. In addition to retaining moisture without excessive moisture, mulch prevents soil compaction, which spruce does not perceive well.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22455/

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