Art Gallery named after Deineka (Kursk): history, description, collections

The Deineka Picture Gallery in Kursk is an art museum with over 8 thousand works of art from the 16th and 20th centuries in its collection. The art gallery of the city of Kursk, its collection and museum work will be discussed in the article.

Deineka Kursk Art Gallery

Picture Gallery Description

The Kursk Picture Gallery is an eminent art museum whose collection is unique. Many works here are world famous.

The Deineka Kursk Art Gallery has repeatedly participated in Russian and foreign exhibitions in St. Petersburg, Moscow, the USA, Japan, Germany, Finland, Italy, Spain.

A special place in the collection of the gallery is occupied by the exhibits of the famous domestic artist Deineka Alexander, who was born in Kursk: graphics, painting, sculpture. In total, the museum has about 140 of his works.

There are also collections of works by European painters: Tiepolo D., Barochchi F., Klengel I. The museum’s collection contains works by Russian artists: Tropinin V., Kramskoy I., Levitan I., Rokotov F., Borovikovsky V., Kuindzhi A. , Polenova V. The gallery presents the works of Kursk artists Schwartz V., Trutovsky K., Cheptsova E., Istomina K., contemporary artists of the city, as well as works of folk art: embroidery, national costumes, Kozhlansky toy, weaving.

The working hours of the Deineka Kursk Picture Gallery are daily from 10 am to 5 pm, Monday is an official day off.

Gallery History

Gallery opened in 1935. In the city there was an art department and an art museum in the museum of local lore, which worked from 1919 to 1925. The basis of the collection was 200 paintings, which were donated to the gallery by the Kursk Museum of Local Lore. The further formation of the gallery's collections is associated with the activities of the artist and its first leader P. Likhin.

Before the war, the museum was located in the building of St. Sergius-Kazan Cathedral. In 1946, she was moved to a merchant's mansion, in 1980 she receives an exhibition hall for use, in which the first exhibition was opened in 1981.

Deineka Kursk Picture Gallery Poster


The museum has 8848 storage units, these are:

  • paintings - 1464 units;
  • graphics - 4174;
  • objects of arts and crafts - 2443 units;
  • sculpture - 237;
  • objects of theatrical decorative art - 19.

The Deineka Kursk Art Gallery features several departments.

A collection of Western European painters was formed in the early years of the gallery. It includes works by painters from Holland, England, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and other European countries: Barocci F., Tiepolo D., Becky L., Franken F., Breidel K., Viktora Ya., Fosier L., Ranka J., Lebren S., Sübleira P., Lacroix S., Klengel I., Bemmel P.

Department of graphics, which presents engravings of the 16-19th centuries.

Department of Ancient Russia, a collection of icons of the 16-19th century is collected.

The department of domestic art of the 18-19 centuries, collected works of Rokotov F., Terebenev M., Borovikovsky V., Ivanov A., Tropinina V., Fedotova P. In addition to portrait painting, household painting is also presented.

The department of domestic art of the second half of the 19th century is a collection of paintings by Lagorio L., Petrov N., Savrasov A., Shishkin I., Kramskoy I., Surikov V., Dzhogin P., Tvorozhnikova I., Klodt M., Kuindzhi A. , Polenova V., Repin I., Vasilyev F., Makovsky V., Lemokh K.

Painting department of the 19-20 centuries, the collection of works presents paintings by Korovin K., Levitan I., Nesterov M., Arkhipov A., Pasternak L., Kustodieva B., Benoit A., Serebryakova Z., Mashkova I., Konstantinova F .

Department of Soviet Art, works by Petrov-Vodkin K., Kuprin A., Grabar I., Gerasimov S., Rusakova A., Samokhvalov A., Tomsky N., Shurpin F., Nikonov P. The department presents a collection of works by Deineka A. , a separate room is dedicated to her.

Department of arts and crafts and folk art, exhibited works of craftsmen, porcelain, lace, toys, folk costume of the Kursk province, embroidery, weaving and much more.

Kursk art gallery named after Deineka working hours


The Deineka Kursk Art Gallery has two branches.

Klykov Museum is located in the village named after Lenin, Kursk Region. It was here that the sculptor and artist Vyacheslav Klykov lived and spent his last years of his life for a long time. The museum was founded in 2006. The exposition consists of models of his sculptures and household items.

Cheptsov Museum is located in the village of Medvenka, Kursk Region. It was in this house that the Soviet artist Cheptsov Yefim was born and worked. The museum’s exposition consists of paintings and sketches of the painter, and works of contemporary Kursk artists are also exhibited.

Excursions and museum educational work

The museum organizes excursions: “Gallery Collection”, “Heavenly Fatherland”, “Deineka Creativity”. For students, a lesson is held "Hello, Museum." Lectures are organized on the ABC of Arts, Art through the Ages.

The poster of the Deineka gallery in Kursk is constantly being updated, the largest exhibition projects are: “Deineka Alexander: the master of Soviet modernism”, “Western European painting”, “Tired heroes”.


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