What is a cordless garden sprayer and what are its benefits?

Colorado beetles are those harmful insects that “occupy” our gardens and lands every summer. Perhaps they are already tired of everyone who is engaged in gardening and growing vegetables. In addition to the fact that potatoes suffer from their invasion, recently they have also switched to tomatoes and “little blue ones”. The only way out and salvation in this situation is to spray the plants. Now there are many devices used in this area: mechanical, gasoline, and even battery. However, it is the latter type of sprayer that is most in demand among Russian summer residents. What did he like so much and what are its advantages? Let's find out.

cordless garden sprayer

Technical features

To begin with, we note its technical features. First of all, I want to pay attention to the weight of this device, which is about 5-6 kg. This is almost three times less than similar gasoline sprayers. In addition, this unit can be equipped with a special telescopic fishing rod for processing plants in hard to reach places. Moreover, the length of this tool can be about 100-250 cm. The capacity of the liquid tank is not more than 15 liters. Due to this, the maximum weight that a cordless garden sprayer can have does not exceed more than 20 kg. The engine power is such that this tool can easily process trees with a height of 5-6 m.

electric sprayer garden


With regards to the design itself, a battery-powered garden sprayer consists of the following devices:

  • engine;
  • plastic tank;
  • fishing rod for spraying the necessary fluid;
  • a battery that gives energy to the engine.

Using this device is very easy. To process the site, you only need to turn on the sediment, first pouring pest control into the tank.

black decker cordless garden sprayer


Almost every cordless garden sprayer (including BLACK & DECKER GSC 500 including) has a very low weight. However, this is not all. Despite the fact that both sprayers (battery and gasoline) produce almost the same power and are able to cope with an equal area of ​​land in the shortest possible time, the cost of the first type of device is much less. In addition, this tool differs in noise level, which is several times less than that of gasoline counterparts. Since the energy here is not produced from petroleum products, but from electricity, during processing you will not suffocate in exhaust fumes. Also, the electric sprayer garden sprayer is different in that it does not have a “capricious character” in terms of servicing the motor and other units. Gasoline devices are much more likely to fail than battery devices. Although they cost significantly more.

Thus, a cordless garden sprayer is the best way to protect and cultivate your land. The device can be operated without harm to one’s own health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22460/

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