Snake - a poisonous snake

Snake - a variety of snakes belonging to the family Already. They live in southern Europe, North America, Asia, as well as in our country. The dinner family is numerous and diverse.

snake snake
One of the largest representatives of the family is the yellow-bellied snake - a snake reaching two meters in length and considered the largest in Europe. Many fables are stacked about him. For example, that he pursues people, strangles them and drags them into his lair. This is fiction, but the snake snake is really capable of unexpectedly and without cause attacking a person, although it can not cause serious harm: its bites are not strong, and a person can simply throw the snake away. Of course, it’s scary when such a whopper attacks, and yet this is not a reason to mercilessly kill snakes - active fighters of rodents, even as large as gophers.

Not all members of this family are aggressive. Olive snake - a snake who prefers not to communicate with a person, but to immediately hide from sight. It is found in Central Asia and the Caucasus, but prefers to settle near human dwellings, sometimes even in attics and in vegetable gardens.

snake snake
It is not clear to many people whether the snake is a poisonous snake or not? So, of course, he has teeth, and he can crush them, but there are no poisonous glands, that is, he does not carry mortal danger. Among representatives of the already reproductive, there is a species in which saliva is quite toxic. This is a multi-colored snake - a snake that can bite only if it is grabbed or scared. Otherwise, this reptile is peaceful, moreover, when meeting a person, it escapes from it at such a speed that it is not always possible to even trace it.

The largest representative of the family lives in the Mugrab River Valley in Southeast Asia. This is a big-eyed snake - a snake up to 3.5 meters long, very peaceful. In the most extreme case, it is able to use the force of a tail strike on the head. By the way, this is the second largest snake after a boa constrictor among non-toxic reptiles.

All snakes swim perfectly and climb trees. Some even settle in hollows and eat without going down a tree. Another interesting view is the Aesculapian snake. The snake has specific abdominal guards for climbing trees, but on the ground it spends a lot of time hunting and stalking rodents.

snake snake poisonous or not
There are still patterned, leopard, Transcaucasian snakes. They all love to feast on bird eggs and chicks, but their benefits overlap the harm done. What can not be said about the four-lane snake - this snake is very harmful, since rodents do not care about it, it eats exclusively birds, ruins bird houses and birdhouses.

Cupid snake, a two-meter snake living in the Far East deserves special attention. He is not at all afraid of people and perfectly survives in captivity. In those parts, even today, large, quiet, tamed snakes crawl in the yards, but there are no rodents there at all. We can say that he plays the role of a cat.

Mating of all the whites occurs in May. The male wraps herself around the female, holds her neck with jaws and in this position they remain for about 30 minutes. Later, the female will lay 10 or more eggs, of which offspring will appear in September.

Crawling snakes are arranged in favorite places for wintering. They come to the surface with warming, around March-April.


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