Hairless dog with a crest: description of the breed, content features, photo

On the street did you meet a hairless dog with a crest? Not surprisingly, in recent years they have become increasingly popular. The unusual appearance, ease of care and small dimensions make them a good choice for people living in cramped city apartments. But for starters it will be useful to learn more about them, to finally decide whether to start it or to give preference to another, more suitable option.

What is the name of the breed

First of all, you need to find out what is the breed of a hairless dog with a crest, a photo of which can be seen on many sites. It sounds strange, but it's called a Chinese crested dog. Yes, she has no sonorous name. Therefore, you definitely won’t have to get confused - her appearance speaks for itself.

Breed history

The breed of a hairless dog with a crest is quite complicated - it has a huge number of white spots. In general, standards were deduced relatively recently - in the middle of the twentieth century. Then it was officially entered in many registries. But do not think that the breed is only half a century old. In fact, everything is much more interesting and complicated here.

Graceful dog

To begin with, the first time Europeans saw such an unusual dog in China. The British, avid for such unusual wonders, managed to take out several dogs to their homeland. And very on time - due to the numerous coups and unrest that swept China in the twentieth century, the breed was completely destroyed. Yes, no bald dogs remained in the whole Celestial Empire. But in England they were not only preserved, but also aroused considerable interest from dog breeders. Several exported individuals gave rise to a new branch, which allowed to revive an unusual breed. In 1966, standards were approved under which Chinese crested was entered into all existing registries - not only British, but also worldwide.

Subsequently, during excavations, the remains of dogs were found, which experts identified as the ancestors of the Chinese crest. And it was possible to establish that they lived around the fifth or sixth century AD!

Distant relatives

It is not surprising that for a long time it was believed that China was the natural birthplace of dogs. However, later findings forced a complete revision of this version. The fact is that in Mexico were discovered skulls of dogs that lived back in the 15th century BC! That is, two thousand years before the Chinese crested. They were given the sonorous name of Sholoitskuintli. To this day, they have not died out, being the favorites of many ordinary Mexicans. But the fact is that they are so similar to modern Chinese crested that experts have determined that the relationship between the two breeds is undeniable. True, it is still not possible to establish how dogs could get from Mexico to China about one and a half to two thousand years ago.


Of course, the first thing that catches your eye when looking at a Chinese hairless crested dog is the almost complete absence of hair. It grows densely only on the ears, crown, legs and tail. However, the rest of the body is not completely bare. If you look closely, you can notice the wool. But she is very thin - more like fluff - and not numerous. Therefore, it is not surprising that from a few meters the dog really seems bald.

It is small in size - at the withers they reach 28-30 centimeters, not more. And the weight is very small, only 4-5 kilograms. Males are usually larger than bitches - the latter are even smaller. It is not surprising that many people have these dogs to please their children. With these you can safely walk, play, and just carry on your hands.

Companion dogs

The average life expectancy is quite large - about 10-12 years. After all, miniature dogs often live less, rarely surviving to 8-10 years.

The shape of the head is quite elegant - a little rounded, elongated, tapering to the nose. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is very smooth, even exquisite. Crest is quite large - starting from the neck, it reaches the forehead. Long hair with proper care forms a kind of mane. Ever wanted a miniature barking lion? This is exactly what you need!

Paws are long, thin, but with strong muscles, which allows dogs to run and jump for a long time rather quickly. The body, although small, but strong, sinewy. The tail is long, set high, tapering towards the end.

Some individuals have slightly deformed fangs - they are directed forward, due to which they are knocked out from under the lips, look like tusks. However, this is not considered a vice, and even more so it cannot become a reason for disqualification during competitions.


If you are a busy person, and your children spend a lot of time at school and at clubs, then definitely not worth getting a Chinese hairless crested dog, the photo of which is attached to the article. They constantly need the support of the owners, their proximity. According to the breeders, doggies just love to cuddle, sit on the lap of the owners. But loneliness oppresses them more than most other breeds. Only if you are sure that you can spend at least half a day with your pet (it’s not necessary to play with the dog all this time - just stay in the same room), is it worth having it.

Love to run

Chinese Crested is very dedicated to the family. Moreover, not one of its members, which the pack leader chooses (this is quite common in some other breeds), but to everyone without exception. Children, adults, elderly, men, women - they adore all comprehensively, as if this is the meaning of their existence.

It is not surprising that in China, the maintenance of these dogs has long been the exclusive domain of emperors. Who else deserves such adoration, practically bordering on religious fanaticism?

Alas, this can be a problem when changing the owner. Adults tolerate a host change very poorly. Because of this, they often lose their appetite, begin to seriously hurt. Keep this in mind when starting a pet. He will be truly happy only after living his whole life in your family.

Friendly and perfectly socialized among other dogs, cats and just animals. True, this requires that in childhood, the puppy at least sometimes meet and play with peers. Otherwise, the process of socialization will be difficult - an adult dog will dislike, and even fear, relatives.

Watchdog qualities, of course, leave much to be desired. Such a pet will raise a real tararam, but he will not be able to protect the owner or his property simply because of the insufficient size.

Who is she suitable for?

It is best to start a Chinese crested one for large families in which three generations live at once - adults, their children and parents. In this case, someone will always be at home, so the dog will not be bored.

Funny "puff"

In general, she is quite sociable. Although most of all such dogs like to run and play, they will curl up on the lap of an old woman with pleasure or at least sleep on the sofa next to her, rejoicing at the proximity of one of the favorite representatives of the human race.

But for lonely people who spend a lot of time outside the house, these dogs are clearly not suitable, as mentioned above.

Suitable care

Some people start these dogs, hoping that an almost complete absence of hair will reduce the amount of time spent on grooming. Yes, there are no fears for warlocks and a layer of wool covering all furniture and floors. But you still have to take care.

To begin with, skin that is not protected by hair often wears and may even crack - this will cause a sharp pain in the pet. Therefore, the skin should be inspected regularly and dry areas treated with cream. Suitable for children or any other hypoallergenic, without a pungent odor.

Cute puppies

At least once a week, you need to arrange a wash. To wash exposed skin, use emollient gel and a gentle washcloth. It is better to wash the mane with special shampoos that increase the volume. After washing, the dog needs to be wiped with a soft towel, preferably terry, and protected from drafts and hypothermia until it dries.

Excessively grown wool from the muzzle, ears and tail can be cut with scissors, but it is better to purchase a machine - this will allow you to cope with the task faster. Still, some individuals do not differ in patience.

We make a diet

In general, Chinese crested is not too picky about food. Making a diet is quite simple.

You can keep it on dry food, but in this case, be sure to always keep clean, fresh water in the bowl. And in general, dry food can not be called a truly healthy diet. It is better to try to make a diet yourself.

Make sure your food contains enough vitamins A, D and E, as well as calcium and phosphorus. Various cereals with the addition of boiled or stewed vegetables and carefully ground offal will do.

Also, be sure to give the dog fruit - she simply adores them. But, of course, it should be a delicacy, and not the basis of the diet.

Once a couple of weeks, arrange a fasting day - feed the dog only stewed or fresh cabbage to empty the stomach.

Smart students

Many owners speak of Chinese Crested as a very smart dog. And indeed, it is easy to train. The main thing here is to show softness and hardness. No screams and especially beatings in the absence of obvious progress. Dogs are weak and therefore cowardly. Any pressure from the owner will lead to stress - the dog will not learn better, but fear of the adored owner will arise.

Weasel works much better here. Do not forget to praise for any success, even insignificant, and the four-legged friend will be ready to turn mountains for you.

A few words about puffs

Not everyone knows that Chinese crested is not always bald. Yes, there are individuals with thick, soft hair covering the whole body. They are usually called puffs.

Classic and puff

Moreover, this is not a marriage or a deviation at all. Surprisingly, even in two purebred dogs with a naked body, furry cubs may well be born. Moreover, part of the litter will be fluffy, and part will go to parents, and can become stars in their class. Even the best dog breeders will not be able to determine in advance whether puffs will appear in the litter or whether all will meet the usual standards.

Most common diseases

Many dog ​​breeds have certain weaknesses - they are especially susceptible to specific diseases. It is very important to know about them so that you do not subsequently encounter unexpected troubles.

For the Chinese crested, this is primarily a problem with the teeth. Some young dogs simply don’t have all their teeth. Others lose their teeth at an early age and subsequently cannot fully eat. This must be taken into account and the diet should be adjusted accordingly, allowing the pet to eat tasty and varied.

Perthes disease and keratoconjunctivitis can also be included in the list of pedigree diseases.

It is very important to protect these dogs not only from the cold, but also from the heat. Uncoated, the skin is easily covered with burns during prolonged exposure to the sun. To avoid this, try not to go outside for a long time on hot days. If you still decide to take a walk, do not forget to protect your pet from sunburn burns.


On this our article comes to an end. Now you know what a bald dog with a crest is called. A photo with the name will allow you to learn more about this unusual breed and decide whether it suits you and your family or it makes sense to give preference to another favorite.


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