Where to put the dog if it is not needed: humane ways to get rid of the dog, the opportunity to find new owners

A person becomes a person only when he knows how to empathize and show mercy to weaker and helpless beings. And even if these are not people, but animals, a real person will not only not offend them, but will also try to help them in difficult life situations. Unfortunately, far from all people take our smaller brothers seriously, apart from the shameful thing to get an animal, and then just leave it to their own devices, without even wondering how the pet will survive in an uncomfortable and very aggressive environment.

Dog is responsibility

where to put an adult dog

Now it is very fashionable and prestigious to have expensive dogs of fighting or exotic breeds. But even their considerable cost does not save many of them from homelessness, if the owners are tired of messing with them.

When buying a dog, they did not think what responsibility it was and how much trouble it was. After all, this is not a plush toy that can be squeezed, and even left somewhere in the corner until the next attack of love. Dogs need to be walked at least twice, early in the morning and in the evening, just when it is desirable for the owners to rest or sleep. The dog needs to be trained so that she behaves calmly in the house, so that there are no problems in behavior, especially for special breeds that require daily training of their basic skills. And then the irresponsible owner, who bought the dog from pampering, from an empty whim, realizes the seriousness of the situation, requiring time and energy, and he disappears with the desire to remain the owner of the animal and the question arises: “Where to put the dog if it is not needed ? "

When is it worth giving the dog away?

There are, of course, objective reasons for the loss of the owner by the dog, the most respectful of which is the death of the owner. If the owner passed away and there is no one to take care of his four-legged friend, the dog becomes homeless and tries to survive in natural conditions, to which it is not adapted. If, nevertheless, the relatives are concerned about the fate of the animal, then they need to find out where to put the dog on completely, so that it is comfortable with the new owners.

where to put a stray dog

It is possible to understand with a certain stretch those who cannot keep a dog at home due to illness of one or one of their family members, or if due to physical indicators they cannot provide proper care to their pet. True, in this case, good owners will think well where to put the dog. They will try to find her a new reliable owner, who in time will not throw the animal out into the street. After all, this faithful and devoted being has long been your friend and interlocutor, brightened up his gray days with his presence, entertained you and helped you escape from problems. The main thing is that the dog believed and loved you just because you are a network. If you have a question: "Where to put the dog?" Do not rush to make a decision to send her to a dog shelter, look for other less radical options. Your furry friend deserves attention to his future fate.

It is very sad that in most cases negligent owners do not even think about what will happen to their dog after they cease to consider themselves their owners. When they bought a four-legged pet, they did not think that a puppy of a shepherd or other large breed would become big and strong over time, would take up a lot of space and require a lot of food, would have to spend time walking and combing hair, bathing and playing, treating, when they are ill, bear responsibility for them, when they cheat. And when this suddenly becomes apparent, many panic and try to quickly find an option where to put an unnecessary dog ​​in order to take off all these chores. About it further.

We will not begin to evaluate the actions of these people and what they were guided by when they took a funny hairy lump into the house and lived with it for a considerable time. After all, whatever their motives, it is still necessary to decide where to put the dog if it is not needed. And in this regard, it is necessary to consider possible options for placing dogs, the responsibility for the choice of which all the same remains on the conscience of the owner or the person replacing him.

Animal shelter

where to put the old dog

If you do not know where to put an adult dog, the first thing that comes to mind is a shelter for homeless animals. It would seem that I handed over a pet there and you can calm your conscience by the fact that the animal is attached. He will be fed and kept in an aviary. But before making such a decision, ask first what conditions the dog is waiting for there. The overwhelming majority of dog shelters are very poor budget organizations, the conditions in which even for a stray dog ​​are very difficult, not like for pampered pets. If it’s temporary, and it seems that you have found a good solution, zoopsychologists predict serious stress and emotional shake-up for your animals.

Municipal shelters are usually overcrowded, only voluntary helpers - volunteers are involved in caring for the animals, and if they cannot come one day, the animals will not be walking and fed. And what kind of psychological stress do cute pets get when they get into the cruel world of a shelter, where they have to fight for survival and where they have no choice!

where to put the dog if you are leaving

Which dog owners know that when they enter a shelter, the dog has only 72 hours to start a new family. If no one has expressed a desire to pick up a dog, during this time she gets used to new housing and begins to show aggression, protecting her territory. If recognized as aggressive, she will be euthanized. What fate have you prepared for your pet? Better consider other options.


And where to put the dog if you are going on vacation? What are the options? One of the ways to temporarily overexpose animals is to place it in a hotel for animals. Here, of course, the animal will be provided with good care and kind treatment, but zoopsychologists do not consider this option to be preferable, since for a dog a stressful situation is any change of residence, even if it is temporary and very short, as well as the departure of its owner or a change in diet. Contact the breeder.

If you are faced with the question of where to put the dog on vacation, the best option would be to use a breeder from whom the puppy was purchased. Many serious dog breeders provide services for the temporary overexposure of their puppies. Breeders understand the psychology of dogs and know how to handle them, they know what and how to feed them, how much to walk with them and your pet will not be a burden to them.

Ask friends for help

Where to put the dog on departure? Of course, you can’t throw a pet and you should not give it to a shelter either. It is best to ask the dog to look after a person whom she knows well and who can live with the dog in your apartment - her habitual environment, in order to minimize the stress of parting with the owners, or at least come for walking and feeding. These may be relatives, neighbors, friends whom you trust. You can, of course, take a person by advertisement, but you don’t know how he will treat your pet, so if there is another opportunity, you should not risk the health of the pet.

Sleeping is not an option!

where to put the dog at all

With a temporary overexposure, the problem is still solved easier than when you need to figure out where to put the dog if it is not needed. If you become weighed down by the presence of a dog in your house or become its temporary owner, do not rush to identify him in a dog shelter or apply euthanasia. Imagine what torment you are sending a living being, loving and faithful. If you had a chance to see how painful their miserable existence in a shelter is and how trustingly they look into the eyes of each volunteer caring for them, hoping to find a new friend and a warm home, you would never send an animal there. Moreover, no one will allow them to live there until old age, but God forbid to see how a dog behaves, feeling that it is being slaughtered. But imagine this for a second and maybe you change your mind to solve the problem in this way.

Even when you are looking for where to put an old dog, think that it has no chance to survive in the shelter, as old and sick animals are euthanized, and this procedure is very difficult for the animal itself and for those who have to do it . She will not just fall asleep, but will try to live, breathe, resist, as people do when they fight for their lives. Let me live a short canine life next to my beloved creatures that became her family, or at least give some old woman to the village - they will be happier together, and your conscience will not be overshadowed by the heavy pictures of the death of a pet who has honestly served his age.

What to do if you find a dog? Brand and chip check

There are situations when you find a well-groomed thoroughbred dog. Then you will think about what to do with it and where to put the found dog. In this case, try to look for its owners, who sometimes do not even guess where their pupils can take, and do not know where to look for them. Have a good look at the dog - if it is an expensive club breed, it should have a club mark, which is easiest to identify its owner and contact him. Typically, such marks are placed in the ear or groin of the animal. You just need to find out on the Internet the phones of all dog kennels and give them the brand number.

In the absence of a mark, you can contact the veterinary service to check the animal for the presence of a chip - perhaps it was taken with you on trips and an identification chip was implanted. Check with the veterinarian immediately about the breed and age of the dog, as well as its state of health. Perhaps he will even be able to advise you something useful about where to put a stray dog ​​if you are not going to leave it to yourself.

Social networks will help find a house for the animal

If these actions are not successful, you will have to act in the good old way of submitting ads. Take several photos of the found dog from several angles and post them online on special sites of lost animals, on various forums, as well as on social networks, asking friends to repost your ad for their friends and acquaintances.

where to put the dog if she is not needed

This is a very effective way. It can be used not only if you are looking for the owner of the found dog, but also when you are considering options for where to put the dog if it is not needed. Due to the availability of the Internet, you have a great opportunity to find the dog its old owners, who will gladly return their pet home. You can find new ones who want to take the loss or the exile to themselves. Just for security reasons, do not divulge your address or phone number - give us only email for communication. Also periodically look through the sections where information about lost dogs is displayed - maybe they are already looking for it?

Web Announcement and Placement

Do not neglect and posting offline ads. The wider the reach of the audience, the greater the chances of gaining hosts. There are also special sites where you can create a profile and display photographs of a dog with a description of its history and facts known to you about its breed, age and health.

On the site you need to register and fill out a form, the form of which is given on this resource. Only one pet should be advertised in one profile. Carefully read the explanations when filling out the pages of the questionnaire and answer them as accurately as possible, then the search can be more effective and successful - you will get rid of problems with the device of the dog, and she will find caring owners.


where to put an unnecessary dog

And in conclusion, I want to give some tips:

  • If the owner of the dog is found, but refuses to take the pet, take a written refusal from the animal from him, and also take all the documents for the dog - it is much easier to attach an animal with documents than a purebred homeless dog.
  • Passing the dog into the hands of new owners, specify the conditions of their residence and attitude to animals.
  • It is very important to properly transfer the dog to new owners so as not to stress it. During your participation in her fate, she managed to get used to both you and the house, and the loss of this can plunge the animal into depression. Take a few joint walks with the new owners, let them actively play with the dog, arrange it for themselves. After a week, you can take a walk to the new dog’s house, but don’t leave him there - let the new owners play with him, feed him, and let him run freely around the territory. Do the same for about a week. Only when the dog gets used to it and feels comfortable in the new house can you relocate it completely.


Now you know where to put the dog. We examined possible humane options for getting rid of a dog. Be more responsive and kinder, help the animals find a new home, and if you want to get a pet in your apartment, carefully weigh the pros and cons so that you do not have to worry about finding a new owner for your friend and not see a rebuke in his gaze.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22490/

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