"The Witcher 2: Royal Blood": walkthrough, secrets

The task in the game The Witcher 2, Royal Blood, includes several development scenarios with moral choices. Before completing the mission, the player should familiarize himself with all possible options for completing and solving the task. In the article you can find all the necessary information on this topic with important comments and a full description of the quest.

The beginning of the story

The quest “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2” is available only if the player takes the side of Yorvet, the leader of the revolt of non-humans, at the beginning of the journey. It all starts on a military council in the state of Aedirn, which was collected by Queen Saskia. All important personalities gathered to discuss further plans for the defense of the state from the invaders from Kaedven. After talking about the magic fog and how to get rid of it, Saskia raises her glass and says a toast. She greets her guests, takes a sip and falls to the ground. The mistress was poisoned with powerful poison, to which the sorceress Philip Eilhart quickly reacted. The woman managed to stabilize the state of Saskia. She will ask to speak with her, and then Geralt learns about the possibility of an antidote. One of the components in this case will be real royal blood. "The Witcher 2" is famous for interesting stories, but because the quest of the same name will bring great pleasure. It is impossible to pass it, as this is the main plot line.

the witcher 2 royal blood

The beginning of the first path

The mission in the magnificent game masterpiece "The Witcher 2" "Royal Blood" requires truly human blood of noble origin. There are only two candidates for this, and the first is Prince Stennis. The blood of the former King Aedirn Demavend flows in his veins, and therefore he can help. If you approach the prince immediately after the council with a request to give his blood for an antidote, he will indignantly refuse, referring to his origin. This will be followed by a conversation with Philip, who will talk about the need to complete the task "Where is Triss?" At that moment, a nobleman will appear and communicate the important news of Stennis.

After arriving at the barricades near the Prince’s chambers, Geralt will observe an interesting picture. The peasants will gather near the building and begin to demand that they be given Stennis. According to them, it was he who was to blame for the poisoning of Saskia. The Queen was loved wholeheartedly by the peasants of Vergen for her kindness, as well as fair rule. When the people learned about the incident, the suspicion fell immediately on the one who would be profitable to get rid of Saskia in the first place. The peasants wanted to impose lynching now, but Yorvet managed to dispel the tension. He came to the castle and pacified the crowd. Only now the people did not forget about the insult, but because people are firmly convinced of the need for the execution of Stennis. There are several ways to solve this.

the witcher 2 royal blood

One of the further scenarios

Many people wonder when completing the Royal Blood quest in The Witcher 2: is Prince Stennis guilty? The player is offered to decide the fate of this character with a single decision. The first scenario will be to give it to the peasants. Embittered by the poisoning of the queen, people will sentence him to instant death through an execution with a head cut off. Only Geralt can issue it, and therefore the player will have to execute the sentence. This is the easiest way to get the right ingredient, but it is not recommended to do it right away. If the user pays attention to morality, then you should understand whether the prince is guilty.

In The Witcher 2, Royal Blood (quest) offers many ways to investigate, but there are problems. When Geralt begins to talk with all the nobles and peasants in the hall on the other side of the barricades, a cut-scene will start. In it, the player will see how the protagonist gives Stennis to tear to pieces the crowd. If this happened, then the necessary resource for the antidote can be collected with your own sword through the passage of the "Royal Blood". The Witcher 2 is a game that often poses a moral choice for the user. Here it is better to always know all the facts of the assignment, conduct investigations and only then pronounce the sentence. That is why the player should know with whom exactly to speak during the mission.

the witcher 2 royal blood walkthrough

Detective role

If the player wants to make it as clear as possible whether to give Stennis to the people, then you should talk with some people on the assignment “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2”. The passage involves the above difficulties with the launch of the cutscene and the execution of the character, but this can be avoided. To do this, you need to talk only with certain personalities. Zoltan and Buttercup will be neutral, as they are new to the prince. You can talk to them, but they will only confirm the fact that the situation requires proceedings.

Further, you can talk with Stennis himself, who once again refuses to give a small fraction of his "blue" blood. To go to the chambers, you should use the magic sign Aksy to convince the guards. He will declare that he is not to blame for anything, and the peasants simply decided to throw out their anger at him. Of all the nobles, it is best to have a dialogue with Haldorson. The nobleman will begin to defend the prince and will assure that the peasants just want to quickly avenge the poisoning of Saskia. In the same conversation, you can find out that Stennis always listened to the advice of a certain priest. Next, you should turn to the peasant, whom the nobles accuse of bribery and poisoning. He will tell that he overheard the conversation of the priest Olshan and Stennis. The first asked the second to withdraw the servant from the kitchen. This gives a hint that it was the priest who had poisoned the wine. After all the conversations, quests will appear that are part of the Royal Blood mission in The Witcher 2 - Walls Have Ears and Suspect: Thorak.

the witcher 2 royal blood is the prince guilty

Additional tasks

A hike along the two mentioned tasks will allow you to work out all the options on the assignment “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2”. The mission "Suspect: Thorak" begins with a trip to the rune master, who refuses to make a special antidote cup. This task stops until the passage of Baltimore’s Nightmare. It is associated with the loss of the second rune master. To begin with, the player will have to take notifications from the board in Vergen that the man may be alive. After some time, the player will see Baltimore's dream, after which he should head to his workshop. There he will again see Thorak and several other blacksmiths. He will give permission to search. With a thorough inspection, you can find a box with a key and instructions describing the path to one place. There will be Thorak at the entrance, but he should not be given records. According to the instructions, the user will come to the place indicated by Baltimore. The text must be read carefully, otherwise you can get confused. After going to the chest, you should return to the workshop, but first prepare for the attack of Thorak with friends. After winning, the player must search the body to pick up the key. The signs of Axius and Yrden will help to cope in the battle. In the chest of Thorak you can find the recipe of the priest Olshan with a fake bowl. This is the first proof of guilt, and the second will be found on the assignment “The Walls Have Ears.”


After a conversation with peasant Willy Oblat, whom the nobles suspect of poisoning, the above-mentioned task will begin. In the story mission “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2” (the path of Yorvet), it is recommended to go through it to get a second proof of the priest’s guilt. It is also worth knowing that Willy will refuse to speak first, but in this case you can use Aksy or just scare him. He will talk about an overheard conversation between Olshan and Stennis with the phrase already mentioned about the distraction of a servant in the kitchen. After that, the player’s path lies with the local elder Cecil Bourdon. He will agree to show Olshan’s house in conversation.

At the entrance there you can find a big mess, but the main value is the paper on the table. Of these, the player learns the motives of the priest and here you have to make a decision. The moral choice will only be whether Stennis should be executed for a little help to trusted Olshan. If the player considers such a punishment fair, then it can be given to people, to execute and receive royal blood in the form of the necessary material in "The Witcher 2". Evidence of his complicity will already be on hand, but there is another solution to this incident. You can simply tell about the elder that will lead to the arrest of the prince, but he will remain intact. It should be understood that in this case, Stennis again refuses to give his blood.

the witcher 2 royal blood how to justify stennis

Possible consequences

The first scenario of the actions of Geralt on the assignment “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2” is completely described above. How to justify Stennis, it became known, and whether he deserves it, the player decides. The prince maintains a position of peace with Kaedwen, but he does not want to receive help from Yorvet. Only the military council makes decisions, and therefore Saskia’s poisoning was beneficial to him. If you give it to the peasants to be torn to pieces, Aedirn will be without a throne and the state will plunge for many years into the abyss of hopeless war.

In the second case, the player will justify Stennis, and he will be sent to prison. He will be released in the future, after which he will become the first king of his name in Aedirn. The confrontation with Kaedwen will not end there, but civil wars will not tear the state apart. In any case, after completing the quest “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2”, there will certainly be consequences. The only question here is whether the player is ready to sacrifice Stennis in order to go along the simplest path of execution. If not, then prepare for the second scenario. In any case, royal blood can be obtained to continue the story.

Beginning of the second option

On assignment in the game The Witcher 2, Royal Blood, all options should be considered by each player. If the user decided to justify Stennis, then he will have to look for another way to obtain the necessary resource. The only remaining candidate is King Henselt, who is on the other side of the magic fog. He wants to conquer Aedirn and by nature is not the most pleasant person. The first obstacle on the way will be the enchanted battlefield with fog. In order for Philippe Eilhart to point out the right path, you must first go to the old quarry and save the troll there. This is necessary for the quest “Where is Triss?”, Because the creature will give the sorceress a handkerchief in gratitude. The player needs to take him to Philippe, and then she in the form of an owl will become a guide for Geralt to King Caedwen Henselt's camp. Initially, the path will lie to the burnt village, and from there already into the magic fog. The reference point will be the Skoya'tael camp (rebels of the elves and dwarves), which should be on the right side. It should be noted that a similar scenario will occur even when Stennis dies, but this will not concern the Royal Blood quest anymore. On the other side, Geralt will meet an old acquaintance of Vernon Rocher, who agrees to help penetrate Henselt's camp.

the witcher 2 royal blood suspected thorak and the walls have ears

Penetration Options

The next challenge will be to get into the camp on the Royal Blood mission. There are several ways to do this. The first will open after an agreement with Madame Carol, who will sell the key to the secret passage in the tent for five hundred coins. The player will have to go through the caves and fight with some monsters. You can also get here through the east side of the coast, from where the path goes to the dining room and the same dungeons. This is the easiest way available. In any case, the user will arrive at the tent of Ambassador Nilfgaard Schillard Fitz-Estherlen. He will run away, but he will have to fight with the guards. The opponents are strong, you should prepare for the battle, drink potions from the arsenal. Vernon Rocher will also help here, but it is better to be independently prepared.

The next ally will be distracted by the new guard post, and the player will have to wait for the development of events on the assignment “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2”. Then, hiding behind the tents, move deep into the camp. A third large tent along the way will be a necessary goal. There is security at the main passage. To distract the soldiers, you need to sign Aard to break the boxes that stand behind the royal tent. This will distract them, and Geralt will be able to penetrate inside. A dialogue with Henselt will follow, in which the protagonist asks for a phial with his blood. He agrees to give it to the witcher, after which he orders the guards to conduct Geralt to exit the camp. However, no one will touch him, and one of the most important ingredients for saving Saskia will be obtained without loss of the central characters of the story.

the witcher 2 royal blood where the butler

Conclusion and Tips

When completing tasks, the player is advised to pay attention to whether conditions with other missions are being suppressed. In the game The Witcher 2, often the beginning of one quest automatically makes another fail, because of which players may not receive important rewards. To start the mission “Walls Have Ears”, you need to find Willy Oblat, and this is connected with the task “Royal Blood” in “The Witcher 2”. Where is the butler (the profession of a suspicious peasant), many players do not know. To do this, it is enough to follow to the southern part of Vergen and find a detachment of Scoia'tael. They guard Willy from the wrath of the nobles.

To summarize the Royal Blood quest, the player opens up the classic moral choice that the entire Witcher series is famous for. The player is invited to go the simple way and choose a greater evil, condemning Stennis, who has no direct fault. In this case, the user will be interested in testing himself and see which one he will make the choice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22501/

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