How to make a teleport in Minecraft and what are they?

In many ways, Minecraft repeats real life - there you can find a wide variety of objects that you use every day. Your character, if he is not fed, is starving, he needs to sleep, he cannot jump very high and move quickly and so on. Therefore, at first glance it seems that Minecraft is a realistic game. But if you spend a little more time there, you will realize that this is not entirely true. Despite many coincidences with reality, this game has a lot of fantastic elements. Take for example the mobs that you have to fight with - youโ€™re unlikely to meet a giant spider in your life , and creepers are generally fictional creatures. Moreover, there is a teleportation system, and you can move between locations in one world, as well as in other worlds that are presented in the game. It is worth considering how to make a teleport in Minecraft for each individual case.

Ordinary Teleport

how to teleport to minecraft

Convenience, which for now we can only dream of, is a teleport. In real life, it does not exist yet, but in Minecraft is already functioning. Of course, he did not appear immediately, but he was nevertheless added in one of the latest versions. It is important to know how to make a teleport in Minecraft, as many complicated recipes have appeared with this add-on. To create this teleport you will need materials that you have not seen before this version. The only familiar item is a diamond, but besides it you will have to get microcircuits, a special mechanism, a frequency manipulator, as well as some fiberglass. Combining everything together, you will receive a teleport block, but you need to have at least two of them to create a specific route. Install these two blocks at the points where you will need to move - and use the technologies of the future. Now you know how to make a teleport in Minecraft that can transfer you between two locations of the same world. But there are also portals with the help of which you will get the opportunity to visit other worlds.

Portal to the Underworld

minecraft how to make teleport

Many players are wondering how to teleport in Minecraft to the Underworld, also called Hell. This is a fairly popular world, which almost everyone knows about, but few people know how to open the gates there. To many this seems a very difficult task, but in reality the problem will only be with the extraction of a rather rare material - obsidian. From it you will need to make a portal frame, and then light the space inside with a lighter or any other fiery object. This space will be covered with a purple veil, and you can go to Hell at any time. So you got access to the Underworld in the Minecraft game. How to make a teleport to Paradise is another question entirely.

How to teleport to Paradise?

teleport to minecraft

If you learned to teleport to Hell, then getting to Paradise is only a matter of time. The fact is that the teleport in Minecraft in these two worlds looks the same and works on a similar principle. The only difference is the material from which the frame is created, as well as what the shroud of the portal itself is made of. If in the case of the Underworld you used obsidian for the basis of the portal, now you will need even more rare material - the glostone. But at the same time, the activation process was still simple - instead of fire you will need water, so do not forget to bring a bucket with you. As soon as you pour water into the frame from the glostone, it will fill with a blue veil, and you will get direct access to the new world in the Minecraft game. Teleport to Paradise, like the previous one, is very easy to do. There remains one main portal with which you may have problems.

Portal to the End

Minecraft Teleport to Paradise

In one of the latest versions, developers added another world called End. Russian-speaking users also call it Krai, so these names are equivalent. And it is with teleportation into this world that you may have certain problems. The fact is that a teleport cannot be built there - it is a natural structure that you have to look for yourself. You can find this portal in the fortresses, and to activate it you will need an item called the Eye of the Edge, and not one, but the whole 12. They can also be used to find the frame itself.


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