How and where to complain about the "Post of Russia"

Only the lazy in our country did not speak out negatively about such an organization as Russian Post. Such reviews often come to real complaints: almost 40% of all claims filed with Roskomnadzor are related to this organization. Of course, in justification, we can say that this is the largest postal network that we inherited from the Soviet past, but this statement can be countered - many simply don’t know where to complain about Russian Post. We will talk about this in more detail in the article.

Method One - Online Complaint

For those who don’t know where to complain about Russian Post but actively use the Internet, we will advise you to contact us by email.

where to complain about the mail of Russia
In the "public reception" on the official website of the organization it is possible to send a complaint, as they say, without leaving your computer. To do this, you will have to fill out a short form on the site, in which you will have to reflect the following information:

  • Surname, name, patronymic.

  • Return email address.

  • The topic of treatment.
  • The text itself, which contains the claim.

Before writing, we recommend that you first weigh everything well, think it over, and then proceed to write the complaint. In no case should you write on emotions. When compiling a complaint, it is necessary to be guided by the general rules for processing documents. It limits the service by the number of characters - no more than 2000, therefore it is better to concisely, but reasonably state the essence of the problem without insults and threats. Otherwise, you can run into unpleasant litigation.

And where else to complain about the "Post of Russia"?

Hotline - method two

If there is no Internet at hand, but you want to solve problems peacefully, so to speak, in pre-trial order, you can call the hotline number 8-800-2005-888. Calling in Russia is free from any type of device. Whenever possible, managers try to resolve the situation and find a way out of the existing problem.

where to complain about the Russian post hotline

In addition, you can ask the employees themselves where to complain about the “Russian Post” (we indicated the phone number). We are sure that after a similar question they will try to help you.

The third way - a letter to the central office of the company

Those who want to give their appeal more serious intentions can write an official complaint to the central office of the company: Moscow, Warsaw highway, 37. Postal code: 131000.

An official appeal to the main office will tell the company about serious intentions to move on if the problem is not solved.

where to complain about the Russian post office phone

All three methods are attempts to resolve the disputed situation bilaterally. Next, we will examine the question of where to complain about the Russian Post. Roskomnadzor, prosecutors, Rospotrebnadzor - these are the possible options.

Complaint to Roskomnadzor

All postal organizations in Russia are controlled by Roskomnadzor. This body can be submitted through the official portal of public services, unless, of course, you are registered there.

If not, you can send an official letter to the central office at the following address: Moscow, Kitaygorodsky proezd, 7, 2. Zip / Postal Code: 109074.

Most likely, the appeal will go from there to the local branches of the regulatory body of the region, but in any case, citizens are warned about this.

where to complain about the Russian post for rudeness

Thus, the main regulatory body where to complain about the “Russian Post” when the parcels freeze is Roskomnadzor.

Complaint to the prosecutor

A complaint to the prosecutor’s office for various problems with the “Russian Post” needs to be written when other regulatory authorities have not helped. Rather, it is necessary to complain specifically about them for inaction and ask the prosecutor’s office to sort out the situation with the “Russian Post” as a separate paragraph.

Special legal knowledge when writing an application to this regulatory authority is not required. It is sufficient to reasonably and in detail state the essence of the problem, attaching, if possible, the necessary evidence (receipts, checks, notifications, track numbers of the parcel, etc.).

where to complain about the Russian post Roskomnadzor

It is important to know that references to codes and regulations are not required when contacting the prosecutor.

Where to complain about "Russian Post" for rudeness

Unfortunately, there are often cases when the employees of Russian Post are rude to their client. Of course, the management says that it is struggling with this problem, but dissatisfied citizens from the actions of employees are not reduced.

Of course, you can understand the people working there: very heavy workloads, grandmothers constantly ask around, forms are damaged due to the fault of customers, low wages - but all this does not give the right to be rude to customers.

where to complain about the Russian post for rudeness

To the question of where to complain about the “Russian Post”, or rather, to the specific employee who was rude to you, we’ll answer:

  1. In Rospotrebnadzor. In this case, this is the competence of this supervisory authority, since the person who arrives at the post office is a consumer, a customer, and his relations with employees are regulated by the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights.
  2. To the prosecutor’s office. But in cases of rudeness, we do not recommend contacting this state agency. As a rule, in this case, you can receive an unsubscription with the wording “according to your application, an audit has been carried out, no prosecutor’s response measures are required”. This means that they read your statement, but that was all.
  3. To court. You can file a lawsuit in order to compensate for non-pecuniary damage from the incompetent actions of the employee who was rude to the client.

Types of Compensation

Few people know, but there is a special law on postal services, as well as rules according to which, compensation for harm can be obtained in the form of compensation. They are of a different nature:

  • Property - for violation of the terms of sending mail and money orders. For this, compensation is provided in the amount of 3 percent of the tariff for the service for each day of delay.
  • Moral - for violation of the rules of service and rudeness on the part of employees of the organization called “Russian Post”. The amount of compensation for non-pecuniary damage is determined by the court, therefore, a qualified claim cannot be dispensed with.

Terms of response to written complaints from citizens

We hope where to complain about the "Post of Russia", it became clear.

where to complain about the mail of Russia when the parcel freezes
Now we will analyze such an important topic as the timing of the response to written appeals (complaints) of citizens. As for the official claim to the Russian Post organization itself, upon receiving it, the company has 15 days during which they must conduct an internal audit and / or punish the guilty or refuse to consider, citing a specific reason. In exceptional cases, they can extend this period by another 15 days, however, they must necessarily warn the applicant about such a decision, as well as about its reasons. This is the first stage of pre-trial proceedings.

As for written appeals to state bodies: the prosecutor’s office, Rospotrebnadzor, Roskomnadzor, all of them fall under the Federal Law “On Written Appeals of Citizens”.

According to the law, the regulatory body must review, verify and decide on an official application within 30 days.

During the first 10 days, an official clarification should be received from the state agency about whether an audit of the complaint will be carried out or whether it will be left without movement. During this time, regulatory authorities request the basic necessary documents, get in touch with the other side of the conflict.

After 30 days from the date of registration of the citizen’s application, government agencies must finally understand the situation and send a response. In exceptional cases, this period may be extended by another 30 days. In this case, the applicant shall be notified of such a decision and its reasons.


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