They say there are countries where you can live for a penny

It’s good where we are not — that’s what we say, but deep down we know that there are places in the world where life is much easier, more measured and, importantly, cheaper than ours. Unpatriotic, of course, but what a realization that sometimes your whole life is a struggle! And for what the struggle, with whom or with what - you will not recognize until the end of your days. And therefore, no, no, yes, a seditious thought worries a tired soul : but there are somewhere countries where you can live for a penny, where there are sweet banks and milk rivers, and the sun above your head all year round ...

where in Russia you can live

So that the article doesn’t come out very sad, let’s try to count on your fingers how many of these wonderful lands there are in the world, and are there any at all? It’s embarrassing for a modern person to ask such children's questions: the “Iron Curtain” has long collapsed, and “Homo Sovetikus” has long known that there is another life, and capitalism may decay, but it smells delicious. No, this is again about sad things - the author of the article today is clearly not in that mood. After all, we agreed - a conversation about countries where you can live for a penny. There are some, and you can live there, but whether you want to - everyone decides for himself. So…

After examining several cheapness ratings, Thailand comes first. Yes, the country is fabulous, the climate is wonderful. A penny is not a penny, but for a few dollars you can eat all day. If you cook yourself, in general beauty, products in local markets are very cheap. To rent a room near the sea will cost thirty dollars a month. If you want to stay here forever, you can buy a house on the coast for a ridiculous price and spend the rest of your life in the resort ...

Living in the Philippines will cost a little more. This country, where you can live for a penny, has a steady glory of the most hospitable. Visitors here are treated extremely respectfully and even with a certain servility. No wonder the expression was born: "Helpfulness of the Filipinos is in the blood, as in the Russian revolutionism."

where you can live for free
In the popular resort of Cebu with sandy beaches and large shopping centers, you can rent a house for $ 150 per month. In less prestigious and more noisy places - generally for $ 40. An apartment or a house in a big city will cost more - about 360 dollars.

On a par with the Philippines is Cambodia, known for its exotic islands, chosen by Russian billionaires. The best accommodation can be found here for $ 200. If we talk about nutrition, then this is a place where you can live for free practically: lunch in a coastal cafe will cost $ 1, and in a restaurant - $ 2.

Costa Rica is a retirement paradise. This is the name of this island country for its unique mild climate - all year round +25 ... + 26 degrees. And also for the cheapness of accommodation and recreation. With $ 500-600 in hand, you can live here for a month in an excellent house on the ocean, eat in the restaurant with the whole family for $ 5, and if you want to tinker in the kitchen, the products on the market will cost no more than 50 cents. This is really an example of a country where you can live for a penny.

countries where you can live for a penny

Continue? You can live in Europe for less money and with better conditions than ours. Here you can note Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia. But the trouble is: we don’t know how to live somewhere. Ride, relax - please. And immediately back. And there’s no need to look anymore where you can live better in Russia . Good only at home. It’s not for nothing that the classic printed: “Two feelings are marvelously close to us: love for our own ashes, love for fatherly tombs.” And indeed, on these fabulous shores, it’s hurricanes, then typhoons, then revolution. And even the dream country of the author of these lines - Costa Rica - in some year was covered by such a hurricane that I had to sigh sadly: “There is no happiness anywhere. Only at home".


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