Early sweet pepper varieties: description, characteristics, features of growing

Fragrant and healthy sweet peppers are grown today by gardeners and gardeners in almost all regions of our country. Among vegetable crops, it stands out with a high content of vitamin C. It is eight times more in pepper than in tomatoes and onions, twice as much as blackcurrant. In addition, it contains carotene (vitamin A), vitamin PP.

Bulgarian pepper is loved by both adults and children. It adds an exquisite aroma to salads, is perfect for preparing hot dishes, indispensable for preserving vegetables.

earliest sweet pepper

Today, domestic and foreign breeders have bred numerous varieties of sweet pepper. The early ones are of particular interest to gardeners. They allow you to get an excellent harvest, not only in the favorable southern regions, but also in the difficult climatic conditions of Siberia and the Urals. Seeds of sweet early thick-walled pepper (Siberian selection) increasingly began to appear on the shelves of specialized stores in our country.

What to choose - a hybrid or a grade?

This indicator is important for those who use their own seeds more often. If the seeds of sweet early thick-walled pepper you selected are marked F1 on the package, this means that you should not harvest seeds from this plant. This sign denotes hybrids in the first generation. During seed propagation, they do not inherit varietal characters. In other words, even if you collect the seeds of a favorite hybrid, the plants grown from them may be completely different from the ones you liked last season.

seeds of sweet early thick-walled Siberian selection pepper

However, hybrids have certain advantages. Among them:

  • large fruits and high yields;
  • higher resistance to disease than varietal plants.

Atlantic F1

Large-fruited hybrid, early ripening. The bushes of this plant are tall - up to 105 cm in height. Peppers are very large and fleshy. Their mass reaches 450 grams. They have an elongated, barrel-shaped shape. Such a hybrid develops well in open ground. It is resistant to various diseases.

Ripening time

Experienced vegetable growers know that it is best to plant plants with different ripening periods. In this case, you will be able to receive fresh fruits throughout the season. However, in the northern regions it is unlikely to grow late varieties without the use of greenhouses. Therefore, it is more advisable to use early varieties of sweet pepper for open ground, capable of producing good yields in short and cool summers.

early varieties of sweet pepper

Below are the estimated dates:

  • early varieties ripen within 80-100 days;
  • hybrids and mid-season will please you with a crop after 115 days;
  • later varieties will require up to 150 days to mature.

The seeds of sweet early thick-walled pepper (Siberian breeding) should be sown in early February, and for the southern regions in the first half of January. In this case, peppers, which require 150 days to ripen, will have time to harvest in July. If you are going to buy sweet pepper seeds, we recommend that you pay attention to the Beven variety from the Siberian Garden company.

This is a large-fruited early variety - the result of the work of breeders of Siberia. It is suitable for greenhouses and for soil. A bush about fifty centimeters high, with very heavy and large fruits (up to 300 g), up to 25 cm long. Their walls are eight millimeters thick. High-yielding variety - twelve fruits ripen on one plant. Coloring is bright red. The fruits are very juicy, have a pleasant sweet taste with a delicate apple flavor.

Early varieties of sweet pepper sweet for the open ground - pepper Eroshka

Very popular variety. This is sweet pepper, early, thick-walled. The bush is considered medium-tall - about fifty centimeters in height. During ripening, the fruits are painted in light green color, when fully ripe, they are orange-red, weighing about 180 g, cuboid in shape.

It is characterized by friendly and early bearing. Up to sixteen fruits ripen on the bush. The variety is ideally suited for planting by tape method (distance 12-15 cm). It is completely resistant to tobacco mosaic, vertex rot, verticillosis.


Early ripe, rather tall bush. During ripening, peppers are saturated green, after ripening - red, cone-shaped, large - weight 180 grams, walls seven millimeters thick.

early varieties of sweet pepper for open ground

It features active ripening and excellent taste. Up to eighteen peppers are removed from the bush. Resistant to tobacco mosaic and verticillosis.

cabin boy

The variety is early ripe. Height 60 cm. Red fruits, weighing up to 180 grams.
One bush gives up to fifteen fruits, characterized by high taste. Great for tight fit.


We can say that this is the earliest sweet pepper. The height of the bushes is 70 cm. The fruits are orange-red, heavy (up to 220 g), cone-shaped, walls 6 mm thick.
Chardash is characterized by active and friendly fruiting, the fruits are very beautiful, suitable for use both fresh and after processing. Seventeen fruits ripen on the bush.

early high yielding sweet pepper varieties


Many early varieties of sweet pepper (for open ground) are thin-walled. Pinocchio is also among those. Its walls are five millimeters thick. The height of the bush is seventy centimeters. During ripening, the fruits are painted in dark green color, when fully ripened, they acquire a bright red color.

They have a conical shape, long, weighing up to 120 grams.
It keeps up amicably, the fruits are perfectly stored, suitable for heat treatment. Resistant to most diseases.

Early high-yielding varieties of sweet pepper - Lumina

Many vegetable growers will probably agree with us - this is one of the most popular early varieties of pepper in the middle lane. It differs in low bushes (standard). Fruits are medium in size or small (not more than 115 g), pale green or golden white, sometimes with a pinkish tinge. The fruits have a pleasant sweet taste and a weak aroma.

Some varieties of sweet pepper (early) are familiar not only to vegetable growers, but also to ordinary customers. An example of this is Lumina. This variety is often chosen by farmers, so it is constantly present on the shelves of vegetable shops. This variety is unpretentious, does not require special care and gives a large crop even in the driest summer, with insufficient watering. But in this case, the pepper may have a bitter, slightly pungent taste. Fruits are stored up to 3.5 months, without losing their commercial appearance, perfectly tolerate transportation.


The early varieties of Bulgarian pepper (sweet) are becoming more and more popular every year. One of them is Ivanhoe. It was launched not so long ago, but it was already appreciated by many summer residents.

The so-called ripeness of the technical fruit reaches already 103 days. At this time, they still do not have the full taste and aroma that the fully ripe peppers are endowed with, however, at this time they are already suitable for consumption. At this stage, the color of the fruit is cream or white. After final ripening, they get a rich red color. The weight of the fetus does not exceed 130 grams. The shape is elongated, conical, narrow. This is a thick-walled grade - a wall thickness of 9 mm.

early sweet pepper varieties

Inside, the fruits are divided by partitions into three to four chambers, have a large number of seeds. The bushes are half-stemmed, compact, of medium height. They do not need to be specially formed. The plant is convenient to process and collect fruits.

Aivengo is resistant to major diseases, but in a protracted spring or dry summer, yields can drop significantly. The variety is ideal for greenhouses. With proper care, it yields a yield of 7-8 kg per square meter.

Marinkin tongue

Not all sweet pepper varieties (early) can produce large yields in difficult weather conditions. This variety, bred by Dnepropetrovsk breeders, endures all natural whims, and is guaranteed to be happy with a high yield.
Abundant fruiting (more than 15 fruits) makes you tie the plant to the support.

Bushes are medium-tall, sixty centimeters high. Fruits weighing up to 195 grams. The shape is conical, narrow, slightly curved. Ripe peppers have a dark red or cherry color, a pleasant sweet taste and aroma. The pulp is crispy and very juicy. The wall thickness in the upper part is 13 mm; the stalk has 8 mm.


The super early variety is as good as the previous one, tolerating adverse weather. Easily tolerates low temperatures and rains. The variety is high-yielding.
Fruits are medium or small in size, the mass does not exceed 140 grams. In this case, up to forty-five fruits are tied on one bush. Their shape is slightly rounded, conical. Ripe peppers of orange, yellow or red colors, with a pronounced aroma and pleasant taste.

early varieties of sweet pepper for open ground

Siberian prince

Varieties of sweet pepper (early) Siberian breeding are intended for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals. This high-yielding variety is designed for outdoor cultivation. The fruits are glossy, conical in shape. Weight from 90 to 150 grams. In technical ripeness, the fruits have a yellowish flesh and skin. Ripe red fruits. The pulp is tasty, juicy, aromatic, fleshy. Productivity - up to 4.2 kilograms per meter.

bell pepper early thick-walled

Gingerbread man

Compact early ripening grade. It is grown in soil, but can grow in film shelter. The bush is stunted, 4-chamber fruits with very delicate pulp ripen on it, the wall thickness of which is 9 mm. The weight of one pepper is 90 grams.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22548/

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