How much is registration at the MFC and passport office? How to make a registration through "State services"

Migration registration of the population in Russia plays an important role. Starting from a certain time, every resident of the country should attend to the registration process. It is different, it does not matter which one the citizen chooses. The main thing is the fact of having it. How much is registration? And how to arrange it in a particular case? To understand these issues and not only, it is necessary in advance. As practice shows, sometimes registering citizens in housing is a lot of trouble. This is especially true of cases of registration of strangers on its territory.

What it is

How much is registration? Unfortunately, giving a definite answer to a similar question will not work. This is due to the fact that everything depends on the specific life situation. Next, existing options for the development of events will be considered. But first, you have to learn the basics of population registration.

Registration - how much it takes

A residence permit is a place of residence assigned to a person for a specified period or indefinitely. During registration, a citizen will be assigned the chosen housing. After that, he will be able to receive service at the place of residence or stay.

Where can i do

How much is a permanent registration? As much as temporary. The type of registration does not affect the speed of the corresponding service. This is a normal occurrence.

Many people think about where exactly you can get a registration. Registration is possible both in one’s own home and in someone else’s. In the first case, you can act only on the basis of your own desire, in the second - with the permission of the owners of the residential territory.

It should be noted that underage children are registered without fail with one of the parents. The permission of the homeowner is not necessary.

Temporary registration is possible in boarding houses, hotels, hostels, resorts, as well as in residential areas, which are not suitable for year-round use. Permanent registration is usually issued in private houses, rooms, apartments, studios. Where you can live all year.

Important: without the permission of the co-owners, you can register in your apartment only a close relative - a parent, grandparents, spouse, child.

Where to go for help

How much time is registration required? Many citizens are interested in this issue - both the indigenous people of the Russian Federation and visiting foreigners. Violation of the order of migration registration in Russia entails many problems.

Registration Rules

Registration is possible through:

  • Multifunctional Center;
  • single window services;
  • passport office or the corresponding department at the Criminal Code;
  • Department of the FMS;
  • migration service;
  • portal "Public services".

The request must be made by the landlord or his official representative. In the case of minors, the parent of the child. You will have to apply for registration at the prospective place of registration of the citizen.

What you need to work with "State services"

This site is particularly popular in Russia. With its help, people can order various state and municipal services without leaving home, without interruption from everyday activities. For example, work. This makes life much easier.

To work with the service "State services", you must first prepare. Not everyone can get a registration via the Internet.

For successful work with "State services" you will have to:

  • go through the registration procedure on the electronic services site of the Russian Federation;
  • fill out the user profile using civil documents;
  • Verify your account in any way possible.

In fact, everything is not so scary and difficult. True, registering and confirming your account takes a lot of time. You will have to wait about two weeks until the activation of the profile is complete.

About how to activate the questionnaire on ESIA

Thinking about how much registration is done, citizens come to the conclusion that it is best to draw up such a service via the Internet. This technique saves a lot of time and effort.

As already mentioned, at Gosuslugi it will be possible to cope with a similar task only after going through the profile activation procedure. It can be carried out:

  • by digital signature;
  • by ordering a confirmation code by mail;
  • by contacting the Population Service Center.

In the first case, you will have to select the "Activation" - "Through digital signature" section in the "My Account" on the e-government website, then connect the corresponding device to the PC and follow the instructions on the screen. In the second, indicate the address of delivery of the account verification code. In the third - take a passport, TIN and SNILS, come to the Population Service Center (for example, at the MFC) and apply for profile activation.

How long to live without registration

Further, we assume that when using remote access to authorized bodies for registration in a particular territory, the ESIA profile is fully prepared. This is extremely important to understand.

registration on the website & quot; Public services & quot;

How much is registration in the passport office or in another body? First you’ll have to figure out how long you can stay in Russia without registration in principle.

According to the law, registration must be completed within 90 days of stay in the country. If the citizen discharged from the previous housing, you will have to hurry with the search for a new refuge. It must be found, and then registered in it for a week.

Newborn registration is called primary registration. It can be carried out at any time, but it is recommended to keep within with this operation in the first month of a child’s life. This technique will greatly simplify the life of the family.

Duration of service in migration services

How much is a temporary registration in the passport office or the migration service? As much as permanent registration. But how long?

As a rule, if a person applies to the authorized body with an application for registration directly, the corresponding service will be provided within a few days. Usually the process takes 1-2 days, less often - 5-7 days.

Contacting the MFC and waiting times

A residence permit through the MFC in Russia can be issued without any special difficulties. Just in this case, you usually have to wait longer than with a direct application to the authorized body.

How much is the registration at the MFC? At the moment, on average, registration of registration in housing is carried out in 7-10 days. Occasionally, you can get registration documents after 4-5 days.

Initial registration - the duration of the application

And how much is the registration of a newborn? Practice shows that documents for kids are issued very quickly. This is important for requesting state assistance at birth. Registration in this matter plays an important role.

The registration period for a newborn varies from a few minutes to 1-2 days. Usually, a birth certificate is taken from the parents when applying for registration. Give it along with a certificate of residence or temporary stay.

Online applications and service times

It was previously emphasized that, if desired, citizens can apply for registration via the Internet. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. How long does an electronic application take in such circumstances?

Registration application deadlines

When applying for registration in housing, the applicant is invited to choose the date of the upcoming visit to the authorized body. On average, the term for consideration of the application submitted through the ESIA is 2-4 days.

Important: if there is any kind of malfunction at the State Service, the procedure for providing services for registering citizens can significantly increase.


How much is the registration at the MFC? The answer to a similar question will no longer put a person in an awkward position. Nevertheless, citizens still face some difficulties in the registration process. For example, with unjustified expectations about the speed of providing the studied service.

Thinking about how much registration is done through "State services" or another authorized body, a person should understand that no one will accurately communicate this information. It will have to be clarified individually in the selected service. Only there they will be able to tell how long they are considering applications for registration in housing.

Readiness Alerts

It is not necessary to reflect on how much time a registration is made. In general, you can focus on the previously proposed dates, but they are not 100% reliable. Despite this ambiguity, there is no need to guess how long applications for registration are considered.

The thing is that as soon as one or another decision is made, the citizen will immediately be notified of the corresponding event. He will be called from the authorized body, and then invited for registration documents.

In the case of "State services" things are even simpler - the user will receive an electronic invitation-notification to the "Personal Account", and it will also be duplicated by e-mail. All this helps to understand when it makes sense to contact the selected service for registration documents.

Independent appeal to the authorities - guidelines for registration

How much registration is done in a particular case, sorted out. As practice shows, in general, it does not take too long to wait. True, a lot depends on the workload of the authorized body. Some departments of migration services and multifunctional centers have a lot of work, they can not cope with the load. Under such circumstances, you will have to be patient and wait for the invitation a little longer than the specified time.

How to register? Let's start with an independent appeal to the MFC or the FMS of the Russian Federation. In order to cope with the task, a citizen must:

  1. Prepare certificates for registration actions. The list of documents for registration in the apartment will be presented below.
  2. Find a place where you want to register. Further, the citizen will have to agree on a residence permit with the owners of residential property.
  3. Fill out an application for registration. This makes the homeowner.
  4. Submit a request to the selected authorized service.
  5. Come by invitation and pick up residence certificates.

Quick and easy, but not always convenient. Independent application to the MFC or the passport office in the Russian Federation for registration is usually used in the absence of a profile at the State Services.

Instructions for contacting online services

How much is registration through the MFC and not only? You don’t have to look for the answer to the asked question for a long time. Only it’s not entirely clear how to register a residence permit. With some preparation, achieving registration is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if the citizen personally decided to submit an application to the authorized body.

Registration through & quot; Public services & quot;

Suppose a person wants to contact the migration service remotely. To register with the State Services service, you will need to proceed as follows:

  1. Go to your profile on ESIA.
  2. Open the catalog of available electronic options.
  3. Find a block called "Registration of citizens".
  4. Choose the service you want to get in the end. At this stage, it is necessary to indicate the type of registration issued.
  5. Click on "Receive", after which proceed to complete the electronic application.
  6. Decide on the place of issue of certificates of registration in housing. At this stage, it is often proposed to choose the date and time of the upcoming visit to the authorized body.
  7. Agree to the working conditions at the State Service, and then send a request for processing.

You don’t have to do anything else. The citizen will have to wait for an invitation for a certificate of residence. You will have to have a certain package of documents with you at this moment. We will talk about them further.

Documents for registration

Registration of citizens in the Russian Federation plays an important role. If a person does not register on time, he will face a fine. A foreigner can be expelled from the country for up to ten years.

Everyone should carefully study the list of documents for registration in the apartment. In the case of adult citizens, it includes:

  • passports of owners and registered persons;
  • statement of the established form;
  • arrival leaflet;
  • departure sheet;
  • permission of the homeowner to register;
  • certificates of relationship with a new potential tenant (if any).

This will be enough. In the case of children will have to carry out training:

  • passports of parents;
  • certificate of birth or adoption of a child (after 14 years - a passport);
  • consent of the second parent for registration not with him (with separate registration);
  • extracts from the place of residence of each legal representative;
  • statement of the established form.

If a child is prescribed separately from their parents (this is possible from the age of 14), you will have to enlist their support. In addition, in this case, there is a need to obtain permission from the homeowner for the relevant operation.

Help for foreigners

Most of all questions on registration in the Russian Federation arise from foreigners. How many days is a temporary residence permit or permanent? This is not the only problem that bothers visitors to the country. It is important to know what documents they will need for registration activities.

Registration of a newborn for how long

For registration, foreigners need all the previously indicated certificates (depending on the situation), but they will have to be supplemented with a migration card, as well as the translation of existing civil documents into Russian. The latter must be certified by a notary.

Service cost

How many registration is issued through the MFC or other authorized body, we figured out. Do I have to pay for such a service?

By law, registration for housing does not provide for the payment of a fee. So, the studied operation should be free. No authorized body can claim money for registration actions in housing.

If you decide to register in a foreign territory, its owner may require payment of registration actions. The cost of this service usually depends on the place of registration and its duration.

Migration registration card

Important: you can register a foreigner for a maximum of 5 years.

Now it’s clear how much registration is done at the passport office and other registration services. And how to draw it up is also clear from now on. The easiest way is to register at your home or with close relatives.


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