Corn. Cultivation in country and rural conditions

Corn - a plant that is very demanding on heat, grows well only on fertile soils. In order to plant corn, you need to find a warm, unshaded place that is not blown by strong winds. In this place, before the corn, squash, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers could grow - in general, standard plants for vegetable gardens. A lot of moisture does not need to be artificially introduced - corn has very deep-penetrating roots.
A very useful product is corn, the cultivation and use of which in food allows you to get a lot of vitamins and minerals. In terms of nutrition and taste, it occupies one of the first places in the whole world. By its solids content and caloric content, corn surpasses many plants.
Growing corn in the country is quite feasible. It is only important that your cottage is located in a sufficiently southern area so that the corn has enough time to ripen. Under it, you need to fertilize the soil well and find a place that will correspond to the one described above. Also, to get a good harvest, it is better to warm the seeds of the plant before planting. Many people think that in order to grow corn, you need a lot of investment. This is not true. It can be grown only by observing the storage, planting and growing conditions.
After planting corn, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil between individual plants, and you can also use pinching after the first leaves appear, pieces 6-8. But if you grow corn in the country, it is better to plant it not in rows, but in rectangles. This ensures a good pollination of female flowers. It should be removed when the grains are still juicy, bright. Then the collected grains will retain their taste for a long time, and even in winter you can enjoy their taste. In this case, it is necessary to freeze or preserve it within a few hours after cleaning.
Corn also has good healing properties. Growing it and eating it helps to avoid a disease such as atherosclerosis. It has long been noticed that in places where it is grown, they suffer much less from this disease.
So that you have the most complete idea of ​​how to grow corn, here are some numbers: the vegetative period is 14 weeks; seedlings after sowing seeds appear in 10-11 days; from each bush an average of 2 to 4 ears is obtained; corn seeds retain their germination for 2-3 years. It is necessary to sow when the earth warms up to 11 - 12 degrees of heat. Immerse the seeds in the soil to a depth of about 6 - 7 centimeters, and make the distance between the holes about 30 - 35 centimeters. But you can sow immediately in open ground only in the southern regions. To the north you can grow corn only if you plant its seedlings in the ground. Seeds are sown in 2 pieces per compost. And before transplanting seedlings into the open ground in the garden, it is tempered. Weak seedlings are removed, thereby increasing the quality and quantity of the future crop.
The period of milk milk or wax ripeness is determined as follows: after the hairs on the cob turn brown, the wrapper is unbent and several grains are pulled out. Squeeze them with your fingers. If an aqueous liquid flows from the grains, it means that it is too early to harvest. If, on the contrary, a thick mass flows from the grains like dough, it means that the corn is overripe, cultivation was all in vain.
It will also be very useful during the growth of corn to feed it with some fertilizer. To do this, you can use a weak solution of ammonium nitrate, a solution of cow manure or chicken droppings. Such top dressing should be done in the phase of 4-6 leaves.

Since about 3 ears of corn come out of each bush, which is quite profitable, corn, growing it for grain for subsequent sale can be a profitable additional source of income. But it only makes sense to grow sugar for corn, only it has such a high palatability.


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