Gerdela and apricot - what's the difference? Let's figure it out together!

The summer months are not only warm and sunny, but also very β€œtasty”. A large number of fruits appear on various trees and bushes in summer cottages, and then on store shelves. The whole family rejoices in such delicacies, and thrifty housewives prepare delicious jams, jams and compotes to pamper relatives even in winter. Apricot is a popular and well-known fruit in our area. He liked gardeners unpretentious care and productivity. Its subspecies is the perch. It is not inferior in its characteristics and is increasingly used by gardeners. What is the difference between apricot and toot, this article will help to find out.

Wonderful tree

The homeland of apricot is the Eurasian continent. The botanical name of the species is Armenian plum. It is not so easy to meet a wild tree in nature. Even in Armenia itself, which became the starting point from where the fruits quickly spread to other countries, there are practically no progenitor trees.

zerdela and apricot what's the difference

Wonderful apricot was nicknamed for the fact that it does not require complex specialized care. It is enough only to periodically water it, as well as cut it to rejuvenate and give the crown a beautiful shape. Particularly caring gardeners prefer to pick apricots from branches so that they do not crack when falling. Some gardeners pull the fabric, allowing the fruit to separate from the tree.

The main need for apricot (whether it is wild or not) is a large amount of sun. For them, you should choose the most lit place. Then the tree yield will be plentiful.


Less experienced gardeners are wondering: what is the difference between a toad and an apricot? She really is, it is not the same fruit. Gerdela grows in the south of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Such a tree can often be found both in summer cottages and along country roads. In spring, blooming flowers delight with their beauty.

This wild apricot is maintenance free. It grows actively, turning into a tall tree with a spreading crown. The life span can last an average of 30-60 years. There were specimens that were able to celebrate their 100th anniversary.

wild apricot

During fruiting, small yellow-red apricots literally fall in the rain from a tree. In places where they grow a lot, residents do not always carefully harvest. Such negligence surprises apartment owners who are unable to eat fruit in unlimited quantities.

Gerdela and apricot. What is the difference?

So, let's figure out the details. What is the difference between the toad and apricot? The first often grows from the seed, sowing itself. It is not a species form of apricot. This is a wild game, which confirms a number of signs:

β€’ A tree can grow both very tall and miniature.

β€’ The fruiting time is also unstable - from July to September.

β€’ A tree can survive severe cold, but another instance will suffer even from light frosts.

Gardeners who want to pick fruit at their yard do otherwise. They dig up the undergrowth under a tree that they like and plant it in the garden. Before doing this, it is worth trying the fruit.


Further. Another feature of the fruit that will help determine what the difference between the toot and apricot is its benefits. Larger fruits are consumed fresh, and compote or jam is cooked from small fruits.

Which is preferable for you - only the trial and error method will decide . Some housewives argue that the jam from the jugel is worse than from the apricot, but for the preparation of alcoholic beverages, such as liquor or mash, they are the best suited. A delicious and healthy treat will be the dried pulp of this fruit. It is enough to lay out the pieces on a baking sheet or other similar surface and place in the sun.

fruit jerk

Like many wild plants, the carrot, the description of which is described in the article, contains more vitamins and other substances useful for our body in its fruits than a variety with large fruits. However, it is important to remember that the seeds of this fruit can not be eaten. They accumulate hydrocyanic acid, which is very dangerous and equates to poison.

What is the difference between toppers and apricots, it is not difficult to find out. But it is better to understand first hand which fruit will become your favorite treat.

necklace description
Despite its small size, this fruit is in no way inferior to the well-known large-fruited varieties. A plate of toad can fill the room with a pleasant aroma of summer!


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