Phrases Gopnik. How to understand them?

In modern society, each person is a member of different groups. It can be both a labor collective, a knitting club, a company of friends and a meeting of neighbors. Joining such groups implies the acquisition of social status, and with it a social role. But there are such representatives of society whose position is not always pleasant and understandable to people. For example, gopnik. Their behavior makes us wonder if they are ready to be part of society at all. Often they are rude, ill-mannered and do not cause the slightest approval or sympathy. The phrases of the gopniks are stupid, because not everyone understands their meaning. To find out what they are talking about, you need to parse their slang.

Who are the gopniks?

Gopniks are a certain group of people who do not always evoke positive emotions. They are poorly educated, devoid of concepts about the culture of people (most often a teenager) who behave rudely, honor their "laws" and are engaged in the fact that they "run into" others. Gopnik and the criminal are not identical concepts, although the first is close to the criminal world.

Gopnik phrases

Their lack of funds, combined with their descent from low-income families, is the reason that the purpose of “hitting” passers-by is to “confiscate” small money, watches, and phones. At the same time, they introduce their victim into a trance, under pressure, she, as it were, gives values ​​to him. A special role here is played by the phrases of the Gopniks.

What are the Gopniks talking about?

There is no point in guessing what they are talking about among themselves, since all attention should be focused on what the phrases of the gopniks are, the “assaults” of which scare and enter into a stupor. Their main goal is to “allow” the victim, to show that it is they who “decide everything” and “are responsible for their bazaar” and, if possible, take material values. Gopniks use different occasions to appeal to people. Gopnik slang, phrases that they use to engage the victim in a dialogue, can be reduced to: “Hey, man, is there a jig? Pss, where are you going? Girl, does your mom need a son-in-law? ” etc.

What do the gopniks say?

In the manner in which a person speaks, one can conclude how he is brought up, what is his level of intelligence and how he can keep himself in society. This can be determined by the dialect of uneducated and rude groups of people, because the way Gopnik speaks, phrases and slang words immediately demonstrate their level of development. For the purpose of "hitting" everything they said will be in a tough, brutal form, because they must show themselves as real men.

phrases gopnik arrivals

“The boy said - the boy did”, “Brother for brother is taken as a basis”, “A clear boy for life in the subject” - these are the kind of gopota mottos that are often used by them to show that they have their own principles that should be respected from other people. But in practice this does not occur.

Gopnik phrases

Gopniks are different, each such “gang” may have its own catchphrases, but we can distinguish those to which each of this class resorts. They often call their homies "Vasya", which on their slang is equated, to put it mildly, with a fool; they ask each other deep philosophical questions like “Who are you in life?”; they care about the health of passers-by and test their hearing with the phrase “Hear you.” Without jokes, the phrases of the gopniks are a phenomenon that is both ridiculous and terrible. Their most popular sayings:

  1. “What are you doing? / What are you, fraer? ” - outrage.
  2. "What are you so impudent?" - reaction to an attempt to protest the gopnik.
  3. “Come here, boy! Hey, don’t you understand? Come here, he said! ” - engaging in conversation.
  4. “There are 50 kopecks (cents)? There is not enough travel, ”- a request for help.
  5. “Arrow at five?” I will come in any way, ”- a promise to be at the meeting, which is scheduled for five hours.
  6. "Why are you driving a demon?" - the interlocutor says obvious stupidity.
  7. "Well, I'm a deer, I forgot the lave at home." “I'm a fool, for I forgot cash at home.”
  8. "Bro, what color are you?" - "Tell me about yourself".
  9. "Boggle what adiki I fooled." “See what Adidas sneakers / sneakers I purchased.”
  10. “From whitefish, I'm generally thought out. Stuck hard, ”- the strong effect of tobacco products.
  11. “Maybe we'll talk on the courts?” “Maybe we'll sit down?”

slang gopnik phrases

All this is accompanied by obscene vocabulary, which is used, as they say, "for a bunch of words." This, first of all, makes people feel sharply negative feelings at the sight of such citizens. Gopnik’s phrases are a separate language that can only be understood by those who “squeeze the cache” and who have “nothing.”

How to behave with gopnik?

When such a group of people puts them at a disadvantage with their “collision”, one should not use their own weapons, namely the phrases of the gopniks. Any dispute can be resolved diplomatically, even if in this case it will be difficult. When they say to you: “And what, is there what?” - it’s hard to understand what is at stake. It is no less difficult to behave with restraint when they shout behind your back: “Why the hell are you so hairy?”

how do the gopniks say phrases

But even in such situations, it’s worth choosing those words that will give a chance to avoid such contact, but at the same time they will not touch the main opponent, which can lead to sad consequences.


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