French chic: knitted scarves with knitting needles with a description and patterns

Known fact: fashion is a capricious and windy lady, which is why it is so difficult to keep up with her. However, there are a number of things that always and under any circumstances remain stylish and truly in demand.

knitted scarves with knitting needles describing french chic

One of such items of clothing is a knitted scarf, the fashion for it has not passed for many years. The only thing is that over time the requirements for the dimensions of such a product, for the pattern of its knitting and for the way of wearing change.

What knitted female scarf is at the peak of popularity today? Of course, this is such a knitwear that is directly related to French fashion.

What is French fashion?

There are many areas of the fashion industry, and one of them is called French fashion.

knitting scarf for women

In fact, in this case we are not talking about a specific fashion house, although we should not forget about the enormous influence of the great Coco Chanel, but about the unique combination of classical elegance, charm and style that is inherent in all true Parisian fashionistas.

How do French ladies achieve this effect, and how can they wear women's scarves and berets knitted with knitting needles with a unique chic?

Secrets of French fashionistas

Such ease in the layout of various garments is achieved using three simple tricks:

Opt for ordinary things. No, this is not about things being boring, but about the fact that most fashionistas from France use the basic elements of a wardrobe to draw up their everyday look. For example, white shirts, dark dress pants and low-heeled shoes.

scarves french chic patterns

Well-groomed is our everything. Accurate manicure, nude makeup and an unobtrusive, light scent of perfume are indispensable companions of French women on weekdays.

Focus on parts and accessories. Of course, the basic elements of the wardrobe themselves do not look very interesting. However, their dilution with unusual, even catchy accessories leads to the fact that all men without exception see the trail of a true Parisian woman.

And it is just possible to achieve such total male attention with the help of French chic knitted scarves, the description of which can be found later.

Varieties of scarves "French chic"

First of all, such accessories differ in the thickness of the yarn. That is, both thin, airy products, and those connected from a thick, even a little rough thread, have the right to life.

It is worth noting that knitting patterns for scarves "French chic" will be identical.

scarves french chic patterns

Secondly, all similar accessories differ in functionality. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to wear a wide and long knitted scarf as a cape on your head. A lightweight, almost weightless product as an openwork collar.

And thirdly, most of the descriptions of knitted scarves “French chic” note that the products differ in the number of decorations.

So you can meet scarves, complemented by knitted flowers, beads or even snuds, with no beginning and end.

Tips for beginner needlewomen

It is believed that the most simple knitted product is a regular scarf. And in fact, this is an indisputable fact, if only for the reason that this accessory has the same width along its entire length.

And this means that the beginning needlewomen do not have to guess in which place it is necessary to throw loops, and in which to remove, which significantly speeds up the knitting process itself.

scarves french chic patterns

To make a knitted scarf the first time, you need to carefully prepare for the process of its creation.

  • Soft threads (acrylic, wool) should be purchased. For the first time, you should not choose yarn that is heavy for knitting, since in this case, the risk of ultimately getting an ugly scarf increases.
  • It is necessary to determine the size of the finished product (length and width). For example, often in the description for French chic scarves knitting indicates the recommended children's and adult lengths.
  • It is necessary to tie a test sample. With such a small product, you can easily understand whether you like knitting, the color of the yarn and the process itself.

Knitting patterns

After all the stages of preparation have been completed, you can proceed to the immediate creation of your own knitted masterpiece.

How to knit a “French chic” scarf with knitting needles without getting tangled? It's simple: hold these items firmly with both hands in the chest area and pull the thread for a snug fit. After all, the denser the knitting, the warmer the finished product.

In addition, a tightly knitted scarf is less susceptible to external influences. This means that he is not afraid of machine wash.

It should be noted that there are several ways of knitting. The most famous are English and Continental. Beginning needlewomen at the training stage should try both options in order to choose the most convenient for themselves.

original scarf knitting french chic

So how does a French chic knit scarf create?

  • Draw as many loops as necessary on the knitting needle (average width 40 pieces).
  • Do not knit the very first edge loop.
  • Subsequent alternate make the face and wrong side.
  • Make the last edge loop wrong.
  • Make sure that the pattern matches when turning the product to the other side.
  • After reaching the required length, close all the loops.
  • Appreciate the finished product.
  • If necessary, decorate it with, say, fringe or beads.

As it becomes clear, there is nothing complicated in the process of knitting such a scarf. However, even if the finished accessory does not look perfect, you should not be upset.

Such a product can be either dissolved and tried to be bandaged anew, or it can be used for a completely different purpose.

For example, armed with threads, from a long female scarf you can sew beautiful clothes for a short-haired little dog.

Where could I buy

If the representative of the fair sex is friends with the knitting needles, then it will definitely not be difficult for her to make such a stylish, warm and cozy accessory for herself in one or several days.

But what about those ladies who are not familiar with needlework? There are several options here:

  • They can find a private craftsman who will make an amazing product for them and create patterns in a French chic scarf.
  • They can purchase such an indispensable accessory in the store.

How to wear

After a girl or woman finally becomes the happy owner of a warm, cozy and stylish scarf, she will definitely have a question how to wear it.

In fact, there are no strict rules in this regard. The main thing is that the accessory harmoniously fits into the created image and does not discord with its owner’s inner world.

how to knit a scarf knitting needles french chic

So, for example, the romantic young ladies who themselves created using the description, knitting a French chic scarf, can create with it the effect of air waves. To do this, the product is put on the neck, after which its ends are twisted and once again wrapped around the neck. The remaining tips are hidden under the first layer of the scarf. And twisted elements are slightly weakened by hands.

Determined ladies may prefer a knot-knot, which is also created quite easily. To obtain it, you need the simplest model of a “French chic” scarf and literally 30 seconds of free time. So, at one end of the accessory you need to tie a loose knot. After the product is on the neck, the free end will need to be passed through the same knot, which is tightened and straightened in accordance with personal wishes.

Well, the most common way to wear a knitted scarf is to randomly wind it around the neck. At the same time, the ends can either hide under the first layer of the product, or just simply hang freely.

In the end

So, a slightly veiled femininity, restraint in manners and unshakable self-confidence are the hallmarks of a real Frenchwoman.

How to become that very unique, luxurious and stylish lady, described above. And the original “French chic” scarf, knitted or crocheted, will make an excellent addition to such an expensive and truly memorable style.


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