Garden sow thistle - annoying weed

Garden sow thistle
Almost everyone who has ever worked in a garden or summer cottage knows that garden sow is one of the most annoying weeds. This plant belongs to the aster family. Germination begins in April. Garden sow can reach 120 cm in height. He has large cirrus leaves. Difficulties in the fight against this weed are due to the fact that it has a powerful stem root and a rather fragile hollow stem with several branches, at the ends of which inflorescences are located. In the process of removing sow thistle, the stem often breaks off, and the roots remain in the soil. That is why this weed is preferable to remove after watering with a chopper, slightly digging its root system.

How to withdraw sow thistle?
Garden sow begins to bloom in June. Its yellow reed flowers, collected in a basket inflorescence, blossom until October. After flowering, the wind spreads brown seeds throughout the area - “helicopters” with a white cannon at the top, very reminiscent of dandelion seeds. Their ripening occurs from August to October. Many gardeners do not know how to deal with sow thistle. The most important thing in this matter is to prevent its seeds from ripening and spreading throughout the site, because one weed can produce more than 50 thousand seeds. Scientists just can not say how long the seed viability of this plant lasts, but many gardeners try not to leave the weed with flowers and seeds on the surface of the earth, because they believe that they can germinate after a few months. Also, do not leave the ripped plants where ripened seeds may crumble from them.
How to deal with sow thistle?

Garden sow thistle grows almost everywhere: in wastelands, fields, gardens and gardens. This weed prefers light, sandy soils. When wondering how to remove sow thistle, you need to remember that this annual plant can spread on the site not only from your vegetable garden or garden, but also from the street or from neighbors. Placing the seeds of this weed “from the side” can prevent a sufficiently high fence without cracks. This plant can be used to feed domestic animals (rabbits, sheep, geese). In the people it even has the name "rabbit salad". Some people use sow thistle as food, like dandelions. It is also used as a medicine. Garden sow has tonic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative and anti-febrile properties.

When tearing this plant, white milky juice is secreted, which, when dried, turns brown. You must begin the fight against garden sow thistle immediately after it has germinated in your area. If you don’t have the time and desire to fight the weed throughout the summer, you can prevent its propagation by cutting the rosettes with a plane cutter before they bloom. Black plastic film helps in the fight against sow thistle. It covers all free areas of land, sprinkle it with earth or press with stones. Under such a "shelter" almost any weeds are sprouted.


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