How to conduct water from a well to a house: recommendations

In some cases, it happens that a separate water supply is required for the house. This is especially common in villages. In this case, there is only hope for a nearby well. It is very good if it is located in the yard, in which case there is no need to run around all the time with buckets, and it becomes possible to organize a water supply system. And then the question arises: "How to conduct water from a well into a house?" It’s worth dealing with him.

How to draw water from a well to a house
So, if we talk about how to conduct water from a well into a house, it is worth listing what may be required for this. You will need: pump, wires, pipes and insulation. And now you can figure out what and how to do it. First you need to take care of acquiring a sufficiently long pipe so that it gets from the well to the house, that is, to the place inside, to which water is supplied. It should be bent accordingly, that is, fit the landscape, if necessary, you can use the supports.

Speaking about how to conduct water from the well to the house, it is worth mentioning the need to arrange along this pipe another one through which the electric wire for the pump will pass, otherwise you will not be able to organize the water supply. You must always reliably and efficiently insulate both pipes so that they are insured against freezing. The degree of insulation and the amount of material used depends on the area in which you live, that is, on frosts characteristic of this territory.

Water from the well to the house

Further understanding how to conduct water from the well into the house, it is time to talk about the need to place an electric pump in the well. To do this, it should be lowered down. It must be connected to a pipe through which water will be supplied to the house. Next, you must fix its position using a wire or rope. After that, you can connect the pump to electricity using the wire that you previously failed.

When deciding how to conduct water from a well, it is worthwhile to understand that the pump should be placed so that, if necessary, it can be easily turned off and pulled out. It should not work in too severe cold, as in this case the surface of the water in the well may be covered with ice, which will certainly cause damage to the pump.

How to draw water from a well

Since water is supplied from the well to the house by means of a working device, it is necessary that it be equipped with an automatic lock that protects it from overheating. In the event that the water level in the well falls, the pump will distill the air, because of which it may well overheat. It is in this case that the equipment will be saved by a blocker, which will turn off the device when a specific temperature is reached.

It is important to remember such a thing as water treatment. Here it is worth saying that there is a mass of impurities in well water that cause pipe clogging and plumbing damage. There is not a single filter that can cope with all kinds of impurities. That is why cleaning should be multi-stage, that is, you must install several filters designed to get rid of various impurities.


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