School bow-kanzashi on September 1 - master class

In our country, the kanzashi technique is very popular today. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of options for making bows by September 1. In this article we will show and tell in detail how these jewelry are made.

What are they doing in the kanzashi technique?

This technique came to us from Japan. Kanzashi is a traditional hair ornament worn by geisha along with a kimono. This technique came from antiquity. Historically, traditional Japanese outfits could not be worn with bracelets and necklaces. Thus, fabric flowers became the only decoration of Japanese women.

By the kind of jewelry a woman wears on her head, one could understand what kind of position and status she was, it was a kind of way of self-expression.

Today, this technique is known all over the world. Now, with the help of products made in the kanzashi technique, not only hair is adorned, but also jewelry, accessories and even clothing.

Kansashi School Bow

How to choose a material?

As it might seem at first glance, the ribbons from which do -it-yourself kanzash bows are made are easiest to choose. However, it is not. It is more convenient to work with dense tapes, so special attention should be paid to the density of the material.

If it is not possible to purchase a dense tape, then buy a thin, but be sure to finish the finished product with a hair spray. This must be done so that the decoration keeps its shape. Choose a quality ribbon, if it is uneven and twisted, then your decoration will lose its appearance.


It is also worth paying special attention to. Initially, you need to decide which decoration and for what purposes you want to make. Waves and floral prints are suitable for decorations for solemnly romantic settings. Funny inscriptions, cartoon characters will appeal to the children, a beautiful, magnificent kanzashi bow will come out of them. But peas or a strict strip are designed for classic hairpins.

Kanzashi Satin Ribbon Bow

Materials and Tools

If you decide to make your own bow from a kanzashi satin ribbon , then for a start you need to stock up with the necessary tools and materials.

Work in the kanzashi technique, like any other kind of needlework, presupposes the availability of the necessary set of tools. Experienced craftswomen who have fully mastered this technique acquire specialized kits for working in the kanzashi technique, however, if you are still a beginner and still do not plan to do this craft closely, you can purchase the necessary tools separately. In any case, you can not do without:

  • Tweezers, for starters, you can use the one with which you correct the eyebrows, it can also be an anatomical, sewing or surgical tool.
  • Scissors - this tool is in every home, it is important that they are sharp and not too small, as this can complicate the work.
  • Glue, the most important thing is that it be transparent, since in the process of work it will be necessary to glue not only tapes, but also plastic and metal parts. For starters, you can buy glue "Moment". However, if you plan to do this craft in the future, it is better to get a glue gun. Working with it is much more economical and more convenient.
  • Thread, you must choose strong, but at the same time not thick. The color must be selected to match the manufactured product.
  • Needles. Sometimes, parts are fastened with a needle to assemble the product; it should not be very long and thin.
  • Pins They are rarely used, but just in case it is better to have with you.
  • Candles This is a required attribute when working in the kanzashi technique. With its help, the edges of the tape are processed and fastened. A candle can be replaced by gas burners, vizhigateli or lighters.
  • The tape. This is the main material in the work. They can be of various widths, thicknesses and materials.
  • Fittings. It is used to decorate the finished product. Interesting buttons, balls, beads, beads and much more can come in handy.

This is all that is necessary in order to independently create school kanzashi bows.

DIY kanzashi bows

Master Class

For this work, you need to prepare all the tools that are used for traditional work in the kanzashi technique. This lesson will help you make kanzashi bows for September 1st. If you cope with this task, then in this technique it will be possible to make any hair jewelry, relying on your own imagination.

So, getting started, in addition to tools, you will need to stock up on the materials from which your jewelry will be made. In order to make this school bow-kanzashi, you will need: satin ribbon, organza, beads and wire.

A satin ribbon should be taken 2.5 cm wide, and 22 centimeters will be needed for one bow. Organza is taken smaller width - 1.5 cm, and 7 centimeters long enough. For stamens, you will need a wire with a cross section of 0.25 mm and two types of beads: 6 beads 8 mm and 15 beads 6 mm.

Parts preparation

These are all the necessary tools and materials, now we can proceed directly to the process itself - to craft school kanzashi bows.

We start the workshop with making simple organza petals. Fold the ribbon in half and fix the bottom edge with a candle and tweezers. It is necessary to make such petals 24 pieces.

Kansashi bows on September 1

Now we make tulips flowers from a satin ribbon . To do this, we retreat 3-4 cm from the edge of the tape and fold it so that the end of the tape bends perpendicularly upward and immediately bends downward. The place of the last bend is fixed with a needle. To form a flower, you must repeat this procedure three more times. It is necessary to ensure that the ribbons lie flat, without overlap, so that the school bow-kanzashi turns out to be smooth and neat.

Last, fourth time, we bend the tape perpendicular up and leave it in this position. We take out the remaining free edge of the tape and lay it on top, securing with a needle. The excess tape must be cut and secured with fire. Now, with the help of a needle and thread, we flash our resulting square on the outside and at the end we tighten the thread and fix it in this position.

lush bow kanzashi

In order to form a school bow-kanzashi of this sample, it is necessary to make six such tulips. For flowers, it is necessary to make stamens, we string a bead on a fishing line and twist it. For one flower, you need to twist three beads together.

Five stamens need to be made of 6 mm diameter beads, one of 8 mm beads. To hide the wire, you need to wrap it with a small piece of satin ribbon. We place the finished stamen in the bud and fix it on the back with glue.

Bow formation

So, when all the individual components are ready, we can collect our school bow-kanzashi.

On a felt base with a diameter of 5 cm, we begin to glue organza petals with a pistol. You should get three rows of eight petals. Next, glue five flowers in a circle and one, with large beads, in the center of the bow.

Kansashi school bows master class

We decorate the lush bow of kanzashi with a chain of beads. Insert large beads between the connected colors. The bow itself is ready, now it remains to make the basis for the hairpin. We add a felt circle of the same diameter and make slots for the hair clip. Glue the felt from all sides to the hairpin and fasten it to the bow.

You can independently create unique kanzashi bows for September 1 and, using our master class, make them yourself.


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