Plains of Russia

Plains are called land plots that have a height fluctuation of not more than 200 meters, and a terrain slope of not more than 50. If we estimate the surface of our planet, then 64% of the land is represented by this type of terrain. In addition, plains can be not only on land, but also on the bottom of the seas or oceans. The largest of all in the world is the Amazonian lowland, comprising more than 5,000,000 square kilometers.

The plains of Russia occupy about ยพ of the total area. The largest in Europe and the second largest after the Amazon lowland, is considered to be the East European. Another, no less well-known name is the Russian Plain. Its characteristic can be expressed by the following parameters: the length from north to south is 2750 kilometers, and from west to east - 3000 km. In the south it goes to the Black, Azov and Caspian seas, and in the north it comes close to the Barents and White seas. The Scandinavian mountains border it in the northwest, and in the southwest - the Carpathians, the Sudetenland and the Harz. The southeast is limited by the Caucasus and Crimean mountains, and the east by the Urals and Mugodzhars. The following countries are located on its territory: Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Belarus, Germany, Ukraine and Moldova. It should be noted that some of these countries are partially only located on it.

Russian plain, climate characteristic

In this territory, a temperate climate prevails, which becomes continental in the west and east. The following rivers flow through the territory of this zone : the Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen and Pechora (flow into the Arctic Ocean). Wisla, Neman, Odra and the Western Dvina flow into the Baltic Sea; The Dnieper, Southern Bug and Dniester flow into the Black Sea. The Volga and Ural rivers flow into the Caspian, and the Don flows into the Sea of โ€‹โ€‹Azov. The plains of Russia consist, as a rule, of many others. So, for example, the East European includes the Valdai, Central Russian, Volga, Smolensk-Moscow, Pre-Caspian, Black Sea, Priazov, Volga, Pridneprovskaya, Donetsk ridge, Volyn-Podolskaya, Verkhnekamsk, Northern Uval, Timan ridge, Salpausselkya, Sumenselkya, Mansel.

The writer A.P. Chekhov noted that the plains of Russia are endless. Having traveled to Sakhalin, he only noticed rather high hills on Lake Baikal. Plateau, lowlands, steppes, hills, tundra - this is not a complete list of reliefs. Just beyond the Ural Mountains lies the West Siberian Plain. Its area is about 3,000,000 km 2. It is the lowest in the world. On its territory there are many swamps and swamps. Rivers such as the Irtysh and Ob flow here, and there are also many small rivers and lakes. The plains of Russia beyond the Ural Range are rather poorly populated by people, in contrast to the East European. The largest city on its territory is Moscow. Each plain is significantly different from the other. The differences are all the more pronounced, the more they are located in more different climatic zones.

The plains and mountains of Russia are very interesting to study. They have a lot of minerals, various animals, birds, reptiles and insects. Especially a lot of minerals in the Central Siberian plateau and plains of Yakutia. It produces gas, oil, coal, wood, gold, diamonds. Bears, wild boars, moose are found in the forests, and deer are found in the tundra. The riches of this region are great, but far from unlimited.

The plains and mountains of Russia are a huge storehouse not only for Russians, but also for all mankind, so the task of all people is to take care of the natural gifts of their homeland, preserve its ecology, and increase the population of rare species of flora and fauna. These vast expanses must be sought to preserve and increase in order for our descendants to live in a harmonious world and enjoy life.


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