2k16: what is this code and why do children know it?

Youth slang is a unique phenomenon within which regular changes occur. In this article we will have the opportunity to learn about the popular abbreviation "2k16". What is this cipher, what is its meaning and how should it be used in speech? The time has come to deal with the accumulated questions.


Why 2k16? What is this incomprehensible confusion of a figure with one single letter? In fact, everything is very simple. The letter “k” in the cipher may, according to the Global Network, mean one of two things:

  • The prefix, identical to "kilo-", equal to a thousand.
  • The slang word is "mowing" or "piece", which is equal to the same number.

2k16 what is it

As a result, it turns out to be easy to understand why young people use the “2k16” bundle, what this encryption means and how to use it themselves. It turns out that behind it is only the number 2016, which served as the designation of last year. Now 2017 is in the yard, which means that on the World Wide Web, in any case, on Russian-speaking resources, somewhere, it will be possible to stumble upon a new reduction - 2k17.


If it is clear what 2k16 means, then it is not possible to establish who first invented and used the specified cipher. The reduction quickly became viral, gained widest popularity among users (especially among teenagers) and began to be used by a large number of commentators in groups and on public pages of the VKontakte social network, on anonymous forums, in chat rooms, etc.

Examples of using

So, about the reduction "2k16", what it is and what it is "eaten" with, it seems, everything is clear. It remains to figure out in what context it is possible to use such slang so that it does not look silly, but is "in the subject."

2k16 what does it mean

So, the user network audience at one time especially actively used this design: “Oh, right now (now) in 2k16 ...”. What does it mean? Such a proposal was usually defamatory in nature and was aimed either at bullying or humiliating the one to whom it was addressed. Its meaning was to show another user: “It’s already 2016, and you are still continuing ... (write, speak, do something the way no one has been doing for a long time)”.

More illustrative examples are the following suggestions:

  • Oh, right now in 2k16 go to clubs.
  • Oh, right now, I would buy in 2k16, and not download computer games.
  • Oh, right now, in 2k16 I would write: "Oh, right now."

And many other options. In addition, the 2k16 reduction was often used in new type of pictures, which brought to the youth sphere in 2016. On the Internet, in teenage slang, they began to be called "top pictures" or "trendy pictures." Usually they depicted young guys and girls dressed in the latest fashion, or separately filmed parts of the body, beautiful landscapes often with depressive overtones, etc. A large font and usually white text was placed on top of the picture itself. It was in it that the cipher "2k16", which was analyzed in this article, was often used. Today, the fashion for such Internet art is gradually declining.

why 2k16

What to do if you come across not with 2k16, but with 2076?

2076 is another cult number for the Internet, which can lead an inexperienced user into confusion and misunderstanding. Surprisingly, in this case, even those who know the meaning of the 2k16 reduction are not always familiar with the number 2076, and even more so with the history of its appearance.

In fact, 2076 also marks 2017. A perfectly reasonable question - what is the analogy between them? After all, there is practically no connection ... And this is true. The history of the appearance of the number 2076 is associated with the field of "gaming" or, more clearly, computer games.

Today, an online resource called Twitch is gaining popularity on the Web. This is an American platform that allows fans of virtual spaces to conduct live broadcasts of their games. People who realize this are called "streamers", and their ethers are called "streams" (from the English stream - stream).

which means 2k16

Despite the fact that the project is American, a person from any country can register and conduct their broadcasts there. So, today on “Twitch” there is a large number of Russian-speaking “streamers”. Among them are famous, beloved audiences, and those who are just starting their journey. One of the most popular “streamers” of the whole CIS is a “gamer” under the nickname Arthas. On one of the direct inclusions, he dropped the ill-fated “2076”, which quickly spread through social networks and began to be actively used by young people.

2k16 and teenage love of numbers

Probably, modern youth is very fond of mathematics. This conclusion can be drawn if we pay attention to how actively teenagers generally resort to various numerical reductions and ligaments. Today, slang, in addition to the already disassembled 2k16, 2k17 and 2076, is replete with such numbers as:

  • 1488 - means the nationalist code slogan. In modern Internet culture is used not for its intended purpose, but in a comic context.
  • 322 - means the organization of a fake match (especially typical for the field of computer games), in which the player, the whole team or any organizing and interested person puts on the loss of the team. He, in turn, specifically succumbs to the opponent and as a result loses in order to gain money from bets.
  • 1312 - comes from the first letters of the English alphabet ACAB. This abbreviation stands for all cops are bastards and is the defiant response of football fans (including minors) to the police and the famous expression “there are no innocents,” according to which only a person is needed, and there is wine.
  • 146% (out of 100% possible) - means a significant, absurd superiority in anything. This number was the source of many Internet memes (funny pictures), especially in 2011, after one of the TV channels showed preliminary voting results on the Duma elections, according to which the voter turnout in the Rostov Region was 146.7%.

From all this it follows that 2k16, contrary to possible expectations, is completely not alone in its existence.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22646/

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