Spider Brachypelma emilia (Brachipelma emilia): issues that concern future owners

Cats, dogs, parrots are our usual pets. However, they all cause a lot of trouble, require attention, often violate the calm atmosphere in the house with emitted sounds. But there are calm pets. Only here, for many people, they cause fear and horror. These pets are tarantulas with the Latin name Brachypelma emilia.

What are these spiders?

Brachypelma emilia is a species of spider from the genus Brachypelma. Under natural conditions, they live in semi-desert areas of Mexico. Spiders prefer to hide under the roots of trees, stones, sometimes dig burrows. The tarantulas attracted the attention of man with their large sizes. For example, an adult female has the following parameters:

  • body size - about 6.5 cm;
  • paw span - up to 12.5 cm;
  • weight - from 15 to 16 g.

But not only the size of the tarantula interested people. The main advantage of the spider is its original color. The body of the individual is inherent in a dark color. On the legs there are areas of red or orange. A black triangle is visible on the back. It is he who distinguishes this spider from other representatives of the genus Brachypelma.

Spider Terrarium Shelter

Are they dangerous?

Emilia scares Brachipelma with its rather large size and unusual name โ€œtarantulaโ€. This ends the list of awesome features. Such a spider can be safely purchased as an exotic pet. For a person, he poses no danger. Of course, he can bite. The spider does not get used to its master. However, attacks are most often provoked by the owner himself. When mistreated, a person scares a spider. The pet bites in response, as it feels danger and is trying to protect itself.

โ€œI nearly died from a bite of a spider Brachipelma emilia!โ€ Similar inventions are found on the Internet. They are published for the entertainment of readers, but not for enlightenment. In fact, Brachypelma emilia basically does a โ€œdry biteโ€. He introduces poison very rarely, but even if this happens, nothing threatens the person. A spider bite is similar to a wasp sting.

This exotic pet should beware of only people with high sensitivity to insect bites. From contacts with a spider, it is worth protecting children and other pets. Some party guides talk about the death of cats after bites. Another important nuance is that you cannot place several tarantulas in one terrarium. The strongest individual will kill and eat others.

Mexican Spider Brachypelma Emilia

Where to keep an exotic pet?

For the tarantula spider Brachipelma emilia, favorable living conditions are required. In the terrarium as a litter, you can put a coconut substrate. Ordinary land will not work, as it contains a huge number of various microorganisms that can harm a spider. It is still important to purchase:

  • tweezers (for those who are afraid to take cockroaches in their hands, remove dead food from the terrarium, spider skins after molting);
  • a drinker;
  • decorative elements (some broken coconuts, jugs that could serve as an upside-down shelter for a tarantula).

Humidity in the terrarium is recommended to be maintained at 60-70%. This indicator is achieved due to the presence of a drinking bowl in the terrarium and spraying 1/3 of the substrate. The favorable temperature for the spider is 25โ€“28 ยฐ C. It is very important not to expose your exotic pet to sudden changes in temperature. Under such conditions, the spider may die.

What does a tarantula eat?

Brachipelma emilia can eat different insects, and small animals. When choosing victims, owners first look at the size of their pet. They take food that is not larger than the body of a tarantula. Small marble spiders are best suited for small marble cockroaches. About 5 insects last for a week. Adults are fed 1 time in 2 weeks. They continue to offer cockroaches. Also, the diet of spiders can consist of flies, grasshoppers, locusts, newborn mice.

Food for a tarantula can be found in pet stores. Do not be afraid to take cockroaches. If they run away from a can or box, they will not live in the apartment anyway. They (namely marble cockroaches) need completely different living conditions.

Brachypelma emilia spider food

How fast does a spider grow?

Brachypelma emilia tarantulas have very slow growth. Females become sexually mature by 3-4 years, and males by 2.5 years. Periodically, spiders molt. This process means the growth of individuals. Inexperienced owners molt scares. In front of her, a spider refuses food, weaves a web in a terrarium underneath.

At one of the stages of molting, you can see that the tarantula lies on its back with its paws up. Do not be scared and think that the spider is dead. In this position, the individual is several hours. After molting in the terrarium, you can already see the spider in its normal form and its discarded skin. The tarantula seems more beautiful. The colors after molting acquire brightness.

Shedding tarantula Brachypelma emilia

How do spiders breed?

Very interesting in Mexican spiders Brachypelma emilia is the reproduction process. After moulting, a male is prepared for it. At night, in his terrarium, he weaves a special web, crawls under it and gives off a drop of sperm. After that, the spider crawls out from under the web and is located on top and captures this drop by the copulative apparatus (bulbs with hooks). Further, the behavior of the tarantula noticeably changes. He becomes more active, constantly striving to get out of the terrarium. This is a sign that the pet is ready for fertilization.

Before mating, the owner is recommended to feed the female. She must be well fed. This is necessary so that the female does not eat the male after fertilization. After mating, the male is sent to the terrarium where he used to live. Brachipelma emilia, after some time after successful fertilization, begins to weave a nest. She lays eggs in it. At the very end, the spider braids the masonry, forms a cocoon in the form of a ball. The incubation period begins, lasting about 92 days. After a specified period of time, small spiders are selected from the cocoon.

Brachypelma emilia larvae

It is worth noting that individuals differing in sex have different life spans. The males have been observed for about 3 years. In females, this indicator is much larger. They live about 20 years with proper care.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22647/

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