How to transplant azalea: recommendations of specialists

Azalea is an evergreen shrub reaching a height of 50 cm. There are a huge number of varieties of this houseplant that share one interesting feature - partial or complete dropping of foliage. Indoor azalea plants , the care of which requires certain knowledge, are quite common and popular flowers.

how to transplant azalea

The ancestor of cultivars of room azalea is Indian Rhododendron, which grows in the mountainous forested areas of China.

The most common indoor flower of the genus Azalea is Indian Azalea. Those that grow in indoor conditions, the flowers can be of various shapes and colors: scarlet, white, dark purple with terry or smooth petals. There are also pyramidal and ampelous forms of this beautiful flower.

indoor plants azalea care

In order for the plant to develop correctly and bloom abundantly, it is necessary to remove or pinch the apical points of young shoots. Pinching is usually repeated up to three times, while performing the last pinching no later than mid-June. This moment is very important, otherwise the formation of flower buds will not have time to take place. Also, gardeners who decide to plant this flower, you need to know how to transplant the azalea.

indoor flowers azalea care

Those who have acquired azalea in a flower shop, you need to keep in mind that the plant must be cut and transplanted. This is necessary in order to give him the opportunity to rest until the coming of next spring. However, not everyone knows how to transplant azalea.

It is recommended to transplant the plant every 2 years after the flowering period ends. First, the earth must be carefully prepared for planting, namely, to loosen. In a plant that needs a transplant, it is necessary to trim the old root system. In general, indoor azalea flowers, the care of which requires some attention, tolerate the transplant procedure quite well.

Transplanted azaleas are put in a warm place and always shaded. About a month after transplanting, the plant is finally rooted, and you can pinch the shoots and pruning.

Those who are interested in how to transplant azalea need to know that the root system of this houseplant is superficial, so it’s best to choose low flower pots for transplanting.

Many experts believe that azalea is best handled, not transplanted. In the event of transshipment, it is not necessary to loosen and break the earth. The soil for transshipment must be prepared as follows: take coniferous land, peat, sand (preferably river) and mix everything. Coniferous land should be two parts, and the remaining components - one at a time. The result should be an acidic substrate, ideal for transshipment of azaleas.

Many of those who have read how to transplant azaleas and completed all stages of transplantation are concerned that the plant is dropping leaves and flowers. This phenomenon may occur due to drying out of the soil in the pot. Azalea loves abundant watering and spraying leaves. If you do not forget about it and pay due attention to the plant, it will delight with lush flowering.


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