Shasta, California Mountain: Features and Photos

The mountains have long attracted people's attention, let alone such massifs leaving in the skies, around which a large number of myths, legends and legends have developed. This article will talk about one of these natural elevations. Shasta is a mountain considered to be a truly anomalous zone. Why this is so, this article will tell.

What is Mount Shasta in California?

This peak (in English Mount Shasta) is an extinct, but potentially dangerous stratovolcano, part of the Cascade Mountains in California, USA. One of the peaks of this mountain is the second highest (3758 m) in the Cascade mountain range and the fifth in the entire state. Is Mount Shasta far from the central cities? The distance from Los Angeles, the largest city in the state, is covered in about 10 hours.

mount shasta distance from los angeles

High ground can pose a real threat to the population. Mount Shasta, whose mainland is North America, is today shackled in a thick layer of snow and ice. Nevertheless, a lava explosion can occur at any moment, and sooner or later it will inevitably happen. Therefore, Shasta is a mountain that is regularly observed and checked for stability by scientists and geological researchers, but not only them. The spiritual teachers of our time see at the top a center of concentration of occult and esoteric forces, and some believe that even people, representatives of the unexplored and extremely progressive people, Lemurians, live in its depths!

An excursion into the history of origin

Shastina, the main peak, is surrounded by 4 intersecting satellite cones of volcanic origin. It formed about 9 thousand years ago after the ice age, since geologists did not find any traces of ice and erosion on it. Shasta itself is a mountain, which, according to rough estimates, appeared 600 thousand years ago due to the oldest lava eruption; 300 thousand years later, the volcano that created the hill exploded from the inside, resulting in the formation of the Shasta river valley. The highest and oldest youngest peak, Hotlem, formed and finally took shape 8 thousand years ago, and during its existence it erupted about 8-9 times. The last eruption, which took place in 1786, was described by Jean-Francois de Laperouz. However, scientists urge to remember: despite the ancient origin of Mount Shasta, the volcano belongs to the category of active, just temporarily โ€œsleepingโ€. This means that over time, he will certainly show his troubled temper. So Shasta is a mountain that has not only a long history and has seen a lot in its lifetime, but also requires close attention even today.

Shasta Mountain in California

Geological data

If we talk about the modern situation, now the peaks and slopes of the mountain are covered with seven eternal glaciers that do not melt even in good sunny weather. The ridges of the hill are composed of Pleistocene, Pliocene and Miocene rocks and have a zonal structure. At the base and on the slopes of the volcano are basaltic lavas, igneous volcanic rocks of the andesite and basalt family, which look like dark gray stones with small bright inclusions, as well as numerous Devonian rocks, which consisted of limestone, petrified deposits of living organisms, sandstones and clay. Granite is also found.

Climate, flora and fauna

Although there is a lawn at the foot of the volcano of a tourist and climber, with a spring constantly breaking from the ground, a noticeable cold is already felt at an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters. However, a short summer does not impede the development of vegetation adapted to harsh conditions - here, like the flora of the mountains of Western Europe, laurel, heather and blueberries have taken root perfectly. The beginning of flowering is observed in early spring, and its continuation occurs in the summer and still warm autumn. In the lake Klamath located near Shasta, you can find blue-green algae, which have long been known for their healing properties.

origin of mount shasta

Together, the unique ecosystem structure allows Shaste for many years to remain a place where tourists from all countries flock, because everyone understands the benefits of this area cleared by plants and filled with oxygen. The atmosphere is reinforced by representatives of the animal world: freedom-loving falcons, bald eagles, horned deer have long been chosen by this quiet place.

What species open up?

From a height you can see all the textured and mesmerizing beauty of this ancient territory: for example, there are special viewing platforms, the visibility of which covers the region of the river of the same name. The dam on the river. Chaste is the second largest in the United States, so tourists can watch the impressive water discharge procedure.

name shasta mountains hypothesis
Now the mountain valley is undergoing drought - precipitation for the restoration of natural reservoirs is not enough, and therefore the rivers are rapidly drying up. One can only hope that the rains will come to these lands. Nevertheless, the sandy slopes, abruptly turning into forest thickets, look spectacular. The cave, formed about 200 million years ago, complements the picture and the general impression of visiting this place of the cave! These are the mysterious Shasta Caverns, where regular excursions are held among stalactites, stalagmites and helictites.
shasta mountain

What can you do not underground, but at altitude?

If the atmosphere of the caves seems oppressive, do not forget that Shasta is a mountain where there are many more other ways of spending time actively. You can go hiking or horseback riding, chat with the locals living right at the foot of the volcano, go in for the tracking that takes place in the vicinity, and finally try yourself out as a climber. Climbings are carried out from April to October, however, people experienced in this business sometimes practice climbing to heights even in winter.

The most popular sports route is along the Evanalch Gorge: climbers climb to a height of just over 2000 m, overcome the most difficult stretch of the way to Red Banks and end with the last relatively light 300 meters.

mount shasta name

Fans of extreme sports come here in the winter in order to ride on the long slopes with which the mountain Shasta is so rich in snowboarding and skiing. In California, in this way, everyone can find something for themselves to their liking. And now back to the history, legends and traditions.

Mount Shasta: name hypothesis

With the way in which the hill was formed, everything is clear. And where did the name of Mount Shasta come from? The hypothesis says that it can come from the Russian word "happiness", borrowed and transformed in its own way by the indigenous people of these lands, the Indians. But how could these two peoples come into contact? The fact is that Russian settlers really met on the territory of modern America and, as a result, they, in one way or another, came into contact with the indigenous population. So, perhaps, Shasta Mountain, familiar to the world today, takes its roots from here. The hypothesis regarding the name of the mountain was never officially confirmed, but it was not refuted either, and therefore scientists continue to puzzle.

Legends and traditions hovering around the slopes

It is believed that Mount Shasta, whose name remains unexplained, still has a number of strange features attributed to it. So, this place has long been considered a kind of Mecca, a temple of natural origin - representatives of various religions flocked here (and continue to do so). Here they prayed, meditated, held rampant dances, saluting their gods. There is a legend that in the XIX century. a lone European traveler, paving the way near the mountain, suddenly, upon seeing it, regained a reserve of strength and vigor, which a minute before was running out.

mount shasta photo

Representatives of a number of esoteric denominations believe that Shasta is a sacred place that contains a large energy reserve. Residents of local towns allegedly noticed lights and sounds in the peaks. Today, many believers and seekers of harmony live here, claiming that in this place they finally found the desired peace.

Lemurian race: is it worth believing in the underground inhabitants?

This may sound funny, but many people believe that the Lemurians - mystical people with their own ancient and well-developed culture - are really hiding inside the mountain. According to the legends, they are the descendants of the continent of Lemuria, which disappeared, like Atlantis, by which today they are not particularly sad; inside the hill, they have settled life, plenty of food and various wealth.

mount shasta hypothesis

The legend of the Lemurians is connected with the name of Dr. M. Doreal, who once declared that he had visited the underground inhabitants. He described the representatives of this society as outwardly very stately and graceful creatures, who also mastered the achievements of science and technology known to mankind as early as 18 thousand years ago! They allegedly control the created devices and devices by the power of thought, use crystalline energy, have a sixth sense, and also the ability to teleport and become invisible.

Whether this is true or fiction is unknown, but one remains indisputable. Mount Shasta, the photo of which is attached in this article (all of a sudden it will be possible to notice at least one Lemurian?) Is a place shrouded in mystical uncharted secrets that will attract the attention of mankind for a long time to come.


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