German Titov - astronaut and Hero of the Soviet Union

German Titov ... Perhaps even now, in a world saturated with various kinds of events and incidents, it is difficult to meet someone who would never have heard of him. What is the secret of such popularity? In principle, if you look at the details, there is nothing surprising, because during his life this, without exaggeration, national hero managed to do a lot in the development of Russian space.

And what is cosmonautics day for you?

The past century has given the planet a lot. There were wars, and victories, and failures, and discoveries. But something happened that is impossible not to know. On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft made the first flight in the history of mankind with an astronaut on board.

German Titov

Today this day is officially considered Cosmonautics Day. The dream of mankind came true - gravity was overcome, and names such as Yuri Gagarin, German Titov, Alexei Leonov and many others will forever remain in the memory of grateful descendants.

There are many remarkable achievements in the history of Russian cosmonautics. In general, space exploration in the Soviet Union was carried out in stages. The first manned flights were perceived as amazing events, and each successful launch of space rockets turned into an event that united people, made them feel how dear they were to planet Earth and how immensely vast the Universe was.

At first, the power of civilization seemed boundless. The youth was seized with the desire to work hard for the prosperity of the space industry. It was at this time that those who subsequently happened to become pioneers in the development of the World Space were born.

Who is Titov German Stepanovich?

As you know, Yuri Gagarin became the first astronaut in the world. After his successful flight, the space program was continued.

titov german stepanovich

The second person who made an orbital flight around the planet was German Titov. He was in space for more than a day. Of course, the achievements of the first astronauts were observed in all countries. The success of the cosmonautics of the Soviet Union was overwhelming.

Childhood of an outstanding person

The biography of German Titov is interesting literally from the first years of his life. As a child, a little boy used to achieve his goals. He was even considered somewhat obsessed. The guy has always been attracted to the stars. He loved to look at the night sky, dreaming of rising very high, to be closer to the beautiful stars, to his dream. How to get to them, then it was not clear to him, but the amazing beauty of the night sky with bright stars invariably attracted his attention.

german titov the astronaut who first

Herman's father was a teacher. His balanced attitude to life allowed the boy to fully experience the atmosphere of friendly communication. Patience in completing difficult tasks, perseverance in achieving the goal, calm judiciousness even in difficult situations - these qualities of his father German Titov always appreciated. Teachers, friends, fellow soldiers, close friends and relatives - the young man was very lucky to meet wonderful people.

The main hobbies of childhood

One of his main hobbies during his school years was technology. With interest and incredible perseverance, he tried to learn all the secrets of the school projection apparatus. Spinning rollers, wheels of different sizes, belt drives - the operation of this device was fascinating. German followed the mechanic until he found out all the secrets of the movie camera. After some time, he already “turned films” on his own in a village club.

astronaut german titov biography

Automobile, tractor, radio engineering - all technical devices attracted the attention of an inquisitive high school student. He independently managed to assemble a radio and even worked on the creation of a small power station.

Youth of the future astronaut

After graduation, he did not hesitate to inform the Barnaul military enlistment office of his desire to become a pilot. German Titov walked towards the realization of his dream with confidence. Discipline, the desire to win - all this was very important for him. He understood early that without everyday work it is impossible to get closer to achieving a goal.

He made many sorties on airplanes, parachuted. Thanks to his flying achievements, the astronaut German Titov, whose biography is very interesting, but at the same time resembles the biography of the most ordinary person of that time, was included in the detachment of Soviet conquerors of the universe.

Why Y. Gagarin was the first

German Titov in the cosmonaut squad was an understudy of Yuri Gagarin in preparation for space flight. Why didn’t he get the right to become a discoverer? It is very difficult to unequivocally answer this question, there are too many various versions. There is even an assumption that Herman was not the first to fly into space because of his name. However, in spite of everything, in 1961 he officially became an astronaut of the Air Force.

flight of german titov

From that moment, reinforced training became not only mandatory, without them it was simply impossible to imagine your day. This was a particularly stressful phase of life. The desire for the stars ceased to be a childhood dream - the implementation of space flight became possible.

German Titov's flight into space

He flew into space on August 6, 1961. It should be noted that the childhood dream came true with interest: 17 times the astronaut flew around Earth orbit.

The distance covered was 703 thousand kilometers. I can’t believe that G. Titov was only 25 years old at that time! By the way, to this day he is considered the youngest astronaut in the world.

Titov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. He was awarded the Order of V.I. Lenin and the Golden Star medal.

Media about a legendary person, or what is left behind the scenes

German Titov has repeatedly stated to journalists that in early childhood he did not dream at all of becoming a pilot. He recalled with humor that the first time he saw a pilot who had come to school, he was very impressed with his luxurious trousers and polished boots.

biography of german titov

He was sure that Yuri Gagarin deservedly became the first astronaut of the Earth. We often read about this in his interview with the press. G. Titov considered him a wonderful representative of the young generation of the country of the Soviets, which in childhood experienced the horrors of the war with Nazi Germany. Gagarin studied at a vocational school, was a worker, student, cadet of the flying club, pilot. This was the path that many peers of Gagarin and Titov have traveled.

Of course, German Titov really wanted to be the first to fly into space. After the successful flight of Gagarin, the feelings experienced were very difficult: the joy that the flight was successful, and the regret that he was not the first cosmonaut.

Not everyone knows that German Titov is an astronaut who spent the first day in zero gravity. His journey was more complicated than the flight of Yuri Gagarin.

Medical specialists initially doubted that such a flight would not cause physical suffering to the astronaut. However, despite the difficult state of health, German Titov maintained his composure and reported to Earth that he was feeling well.

By the way, when he landed, he almost ended up on the railroad tracks when a train was approaching him at full speed. Luck accompanied him - it’s wonderful that we managed to land 5 km (!) From the railway track.

And only after, at a meeting of the State Commission, he told the truth about his health in flight. To continue the work on improving the conditions of space flights, it was impossible to hide the truth.


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