A chisel is a tool that allows a craftsman to work with wood.

Since ancient times, mankind has worked with wood. For complex manipulations, such as hollowing, creating a through hole, excavating, cutting wood, a chisel was used. This is a carpentry tool with which the master hollows out grooves and grooves in wood products.

this bit


A chisel is a tool consisting of a wooden handle with a metal plate that is tight at the base and sharpened at the end. The handle of the tool has a ring that keeps it from splitting during operation. The chisel is held in one hand, applying with a sharp end to the workpiece, and on the other hand, the tool is methodically chiselled with a hammer. The width of the device varies from 6 mm to 30 mm, and the length is not more than 20 cm. The thickness of the cutting part is about 11 mm. A chisel is a device that has a different shape. Its working part can be wide, flat, grooved, grooved, toothed, pike-like. The angle for all forms can be from 25 to 30 degrees.

carpentry work

Chisel Work

During drilling with a drill, through or surface holes of a cylindrical shape are obtained for the installation of spikes and fittings connecting to them. A flat chisel is used to install various quadrangular elements. This device is capable of hollowing a rectangular shape in a cylindrical hole. Working with a chisel is a difficult process in which chiselling is performed across or along a woody fiber. The master sets the point of the bit on the marking with one hand, and with the other measuredly hits the handle of the tool with a hammer. While working with large parts, the worker sits on the bar being machined and hollows the hole in the way convenient for him. Hollow nests should be in large layers to avoid curved walls that do not correspond to the dimensions. Masters do not hollow out a through hole completely. They work to the middle of the intended nest, then turn the block over and continue to hammer from the other side. This is necessary so that the bottom layer of the material does not scatter from the top and does not spoil the product.

tool chisel


During chiselling, the underside of the part must not tremble. To do this, it must be pressed firmly to the surface of the table. It is advisable to put a piece of plywood under the manufactured element so as not to spoil the table. It is reasonable to fix the long part to the tabletop with a clamp. Masters recommend that before making deep holes, make a drill in the place of the transverse strokes of the socket and then develop the resulting groove with a chisel. Before work, the locksmith applies markings on the site of the future nest on both sides, leaving allowances for future stripping. The tool bit is selected according to the width of the hole. This allows you to hollow through the nest in one go. In the opposite case, it is necessary to process the hole on one side, and then gradually proceed to expansion after cutting the excess part to the required width. After processing, the chisel must be sharpened to remove burrs during operation. With proper sharpening, the edges of the tool will be flat without dents.

chisel chisel

Differences between chisels and chisels

In the final processing of nests and holes, when performing cleaning and trimming, when chamfering, a chisel is used. The bit is used primarily to form the holes themselves. And only they can hollow out a deep nest or hole. A chisel can work at different angles both along the fibers and across. The tool is a sharpened plate steel blade with a handle. The angle of the sharpened chisel cutter is different from the bit element. Also, a significant difference in the diameter of the rod does not allow the carpenter to confuse these two devices. Work with a chisel is advanced by tapping the handle with a special mallet. With a chisel having a short cutter, work with two hands. It is convenient when processing soft wood.

chisel chisel


Wood is a unique working material that has individual qualities. Wood is easy to process. It is a light and durable element that retains smell and heat after processing. To work with wood, exposure is required. To make it work, the carpenter will need his tools: a chisel, chisel, saws, drill and other necessary devices. Raw wood is plastic and can be processed perfectly, taking the desired shape. High-quality carpentry work emphasizes the texture of the saw cut, which excludes the application of paint on wood. So that when processing with tools, the bar does not lose the drawing, it is necessary to consider it first. The main thing is the direction of the fibers. Getting a complete picture will help sawing the bar along and across the fibers, as well as at an angle of 45 degrees. The correct arrangement of the drawing on the bar will help create a real masterpiece, emphasizing the complexity of the texture and the beauty of the picture.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22668/

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