Adaptive human types: classification of types and their characteristics

Modern people are the descendants of a small population of about 1-2 thousand people. Gradually, settlement took place all over the globe, and people were divided into races and adaptively, as a result of exposure to various environmental factors. From the article you will learn about the characteristics of adaptive types of people.

Adaptive types, classification

Race types

Formed as a result of adaptability to the human environment . Also, nutrition was different in each of the regions. As a result, the distinctive features of man appeared.

An adaptive standard is a combination of defensive reactions resulting from prolonged exposure to external and internal factors (stressful). Stressful factors are the result of the influence of a combination of stimuli.

The norm of biological signs, reactions depending on the human environment and manifested in the development of individual signs, is called the adaptive type of person.

The following are the types of adaptation:

  • Biological adaptation is a distinctive feature acquired by the body in order to protect as a result of the action of the environment in which the person was.
  • Ethnic - adaptation of a group of people to climatic and social conditions.
  • Social adaptation - adaptation to people around a person in an environment, to work, etc.
  • Psychological - is formed and manifested in all types of adaptation in order to survive and form as a balanced personality.

Adaptive types of people are classified depending on the environment and as a result of acquired features:

  • Continental.
  • Tropical.
  • Arid.
  • Alpine.
  • Moderate.
  • Arctic.

Continental type of adaptability

Arid habitat

For the population of this zone, the following symptoms are characteristic: flat chest, tendency to be full, in the skeleton the content of substances of mineral origin is below normal.

The chest type of physique is widespread , which is characterized by poor muscle development, stoop, and a hollow in the abdomen. The abdominal type also gained distribution, the distinguishing features of which are: the chest of a conical shape, a convex belly, a normal (wavy) or stooped back.

In the taiga zone, the signs are similar, but a distinctive feature is the miniature physique.

Tropical type of adaptability

Tropical latitudes

In these latitudes, high solar activity, tropical storms, etc. The environment plays an important role in the formation of adaptive types of people.

This type includes people living in a warm and humid area. They differ in the following ways: elongated body shape, dolichomorphism - long arms and legs, combined with a short body. Relatively large body surface. A lot of sweat glands, which contributes to intense sweating.

The metabolic rate is average, the synthesis of endogenous fat and cholesterol from the liver is low, which affects the human health of these zones. There is a reduced content of minerals in the bones. Often the phenomenon of low protein also endemic diseases associated with high or low levels in the habitat of a particular chemical have found their place.

All these signs are acquired due to being in a hot climate with high humidity.

Arid type of adaptability

Desert zone

This type includes people living in desert areas. These latitudes are characterized by rare rainfall and a hot climate.

Body features of an arid adaptive type of person: linear physique, flat chest, muscles are poorly developed, the fat component is small, and the metabolic process in the body is slow. Less sensitive to changes in habitat temperature.

High adaptive type


This type of latitude is characterized by low average annual temperatures, lack of oxygen. People of this type are distinguished by a massive skeleton, a cylindrical chest, a high content of hemoglobin and red blood cells. The thyroid gland is less developed. Metabolism is intense compared to the types described above.

The intensity in development is small, as well as in growth, but life expectancy is much higher than in other regions.

Arctic type

Arctic climate

The adaptive type of man was formed as a result of the influence of cold on him, food mainly of animal origin. The population of this type is characterized by powerful muscles, a massive skeleton, a fat complex, the chest is large and has the shape of a cylinder.

The hemoglobin index in the Arctic adaptive type of man is high compared with other types. Bone marrow reaches large sizes, bones are rich in substances of mineral origin, cholesterol and protein in the blood of such people at a high level. At the same time, immunity is average.

Climate impact

Climate impact

An important factor is the temperature and its effect on the body. World population density varies with air temperature. Due to the thermoregulation of the body, a person adapts to seasonal changes in temperature. Therefore, the smaller the variation in seasonal temperature changes, the more favorable the living conditions and the population is characterized by an increase in population.

Solar activity affects a person’s health and health, orientation in space also depends on sunlight, increases brain activity. Due to a lack of vitamin D, diseases such as rickets develop.

Adaptive types of people in different climatic zones differ in skin color and musculature.

Atmospheric pressure also affects physiological parameters. In the north of Eurasia, Canada, Alaska is a cold belt. The growing season lasts no more than two months. Low temperatures inhibit active farming.

In the latitudes of Eurasia is a cool belt, as well as in the north and south of America, in the Andes. The warm regions of this belt are distinguished by the development of agriculture.

In Europe, there is a temperate zone, not including the southern islands, the Russian Plain, Kazakhstan, Southern Siberia and the East, Mongolia, Tibet, Northeast China, southern Canada, the northern regions of the United States.

The warm belt occupies the Euro-Asian Mediterranean, the southern part of China, most of the USA and Mexico, Chile and Argentina, southern Africa and Australia.

The hot type belt occupies the predominant area of ​​Africa, South America, South Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Central America. Also, agroclimatic zoning of the world is carried out depending on the degree of moisture.

Moderate type of adaptability

Temperate latitudes

There is a relationship between adaptive types of people and races, since the formation of different types of people determines their distribution around the world.

The type of temperate zone is the most common on the planet. According to its distinctive features and climate, it occupies an intermediate position between two types: arctic and tropical.

The moderate type is widespread, combines many different factors of all latitudes, to which the body must adapt.

Adaptive types and races

There are mainly three races on planet Earth: Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasoid. Each race has its own characteristics of the physical structure of the body, way of thinking, culture, etc.

Adaptive human types and large races

The Mongoloid race, whose representatives come mainly from Asia, is characterized by skin color, which can be both light and dark-skinned, flat face with bright cheekbones. The hairline on the body is poorly developed, eyes are narrow, eyelashes are short, mouth is small. All these features are dictated by the habitat, climatic conditions, habits.

Negroid race. Its representatives live almost throughout Africa. Representatives of this race can be distinguished by dark skin, curly hair, a wide nose, a large distance between the eyes, puffy lips, and a strong growth of facial hair. Skin color is due to the very hot climate of the habitat.

Representatives of the Caucasian race inhabit mainly the countries of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and the center of Asia. This race is characterized by an orthognathic face, which protrudes substantially in the horizontal plane forward. The hair is usually quite soft. The section of the eyes is wide, but the palpebral fissure may be small. High nose, medium or strongly protruding nose. Lips moderately full or thin. Hair growth on the body and face is medium or strong.

Adaptive types of man and large races are interconnected. However, they are not equivalent. The adaptive type manifests itself in similar conditions for the existence of people, regardless of race and ethnicity. This, in fact, is the norm of reaction that arises in similar living conditions of the human population. While the race implies the common origin of all groups included in it, living in a certain territory.

Races are systems of human populations that are similar by hereditary characteristics. Factors that influenced the occurrence of races:

  • Natural selection.
  • The drift of genes.
  • Mutations.
  • Insulation.

The era of the great geographical discoveries made by Europeans is associated with the emergence of racism - a complex of views based on the judgment of the superiority of one race over others on mental and / or physical grounds. The first form of racism was slavery. An ancient society was built on slavery, but at the end of the Middle Ages it was almost eradicated.

Adaptive ecological types of humans in the process of evolution can be modified due to changes in the environment.


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