The meaning of phraseology "cornucopia", or the Eternal hope for happiness

There are many phraseological units in the language that we use more intuitively than consciously. Not everyone knows the history of this or that saying, the meaning hidden behind it. Today we will talk about the meaning of phraseology "cornucopia." It has an ancient history dating back to ancient times.

The meaning of phraseology cornucopia

The legend of the goat and grateful Zeus

The origin of the phraseology "cornucopia" is associated with the myths of ancient Greece. In time immemorial, the supreme god was Kronos. He was predicted that the grown son would overthrow him from the throne. Therefore, Kronos ate all his children immediately after birth. When the next child appeared, little Zeus, his mother Ray wanted to protect the child. She hid the baby in a cave on the island of Crete. The goat of Zeus became the goat of Amalfeus, the educators - nymphs and priests.

The grown Zeus fulfilled the prophecy and himself became the supreme god. He did not forget his saviors. The thunderbolt took Kozu Amalfey to heaven with him. She became the star Capella ("goat") in the constellation of the Ascendant. However, during the ascension, the nurse lost her horn. Zeus gave it to the nymphs and priests who cared for him in childhood. He endowed the horn with magical powers. Everything that the owner wishes, immediately appeared from him. Hence the meaning of phraseology "cornucopia." It symbolizes an inexhaustible stream of treasures, wealth, happiness, extraordinary generosity.

Cornucopia origin of phraseology

Other versions and myths

The further fate of the cornucopia is confusing. He appears in several more ancient myths. According to one of them, a battle took place between Acheloy, the god of rivers, and Heracles. The deity turned into a bull. During the battle, Hercules tore his horn, and then returned it back to the defeated enemy. The river God turned out to be generous. He presented Hercules as a substitute for the cornucopia once created by his father Zeus. According to another version, the hero did not return the horn to Acheloy, but gave it to the nymphs, who filled it with delicious fruits, berries and flowers.

In ancient images, this magical artifact is found in the hands of Themis (the goddess of justice), Plutos (the owner of countless underground treasures of the kingdom of the dead), Fortune (the goddess who gives happiness to randomly selected people). From myths, he gradually migrated to folklore, eventually becoming a steady expression. The meaning of phraseology "cornucopia" has not changed for many centuries. He turned into a symbol of wealth and good luck.

What does the expression of cornucopia mean?

What does the expression "cornucopia" mean?

He is depicted on coins and emblems of the state as a sign of prosperity. It is filled with fruits, flowers, coins and precious stones. When unexpected happiness, wealth and gifts are pouring on someone, we say: "as from a cornucopia." After all, the owner of this magical item gets everything he wants.

These are not only material values, but also spiritual benefits: health, love, long-awaited motherhood or fatherhood, wisdom, kindness, good luck, etc. Given by the gods, the cornucopia promises their protection and protection. This symbol contains the dream of humanity about a happy life without pain and misfortune. And also the hope that in difficult times, when there is nothing to hope for, help will always come from above in the form of a magical object or divine intervention.

The meaning of phraseology "cornucopia" was formed in ancient times. Times and realities are changing, but people's aspirations remain unchanged. Like our ancestors, we want to be happy, rich and successful. Therefore, phraseologism continues to sound in our speech, inspiring hope for the best.


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