Planting corn with seeds and seedlings

Corn is a healthy and beloved cereal for many. The birthplace of this representative of the flora is South America. Planting corn is a responsible and demanding business.

Planting corn
Optimal soil

The following soils are most suitable for the plant: loamy, sandy loamy, floodplain or peat bogs. Successful cultivation of this crop requires proper agricultural technology: tillage and its preliminary cleaning from weeds. Prepare the soil must begin in the fall. The earth needs to be dug up and to apply phosphoric and organic fertilizers. On podzolic soils, fertilized limestone or lime (300 g / m2) should be added.

Planting corn in the country
Preparation for landing

Corn is a thermophilic crop. For her comfortable state, it is better to choose for landing the southern slopes or zones that are well protected from the cold wind. For high yields, seed quality is of great importance. First they are sized to ensure that the corn grows evenly. Then, in order to increase their germination and plant resistance to various aggressive factors, the seeds are warmed well. Then they are pickled with a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate to protect against pests. The soil at the place where the corn will be planted must be well loosened. All seeds must be of the same shape and color. Various fertilizers are also applied (organic, nitrogen, potash). Manure has a beneficial effect on the growth of shoots, but do not get too carried away.

Planting corn

Seeds should be planted in well-heated soil. Corn planting begins in late April. The scheme is 60x30. Three or four grains are placed in the nests. Depth is about 6 cm. After emergence, they need to be thinned out. Leave no more than two plants in one nest.

Planting Corn Dates
In northern areas, where the climate is more severe, pre-growing seedlings are practiced. To do this, the seeds are first planted in peat cups that are filled with nutritious soil. It consists of one part of sand, two - compost, and one - peat. About half a bucket of such land is added a glass of ash. One glass is sown in each glass. Depth - 3 cm. From above everything is sprinkled with sand. Planting corn in the country should be carried out in the warm season, when the ground is well warmed up. One decade before the seedlings are transferred to the soil, it must be fed, otherwise the plants may not tolerate the transplant. The pick is made in the phase of three sheets, then the corn will be planted most successfully. Dates in different climatic zones differ. However, the temperature of the soil should be higher than +10 . During the whole time of plant growth it is necessary to protect it from pests and weeds (especially at an early stage).


Harvest in many ways. However, the simplest and most affordable is cutting the stems and separating the cobs from them. The main thing is that the corn reaches milk ripeness. Its main feature is the presence of a drying edge on the leaf wrappers of the ears. The grains should be in even, closed rows.


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