The image of the house in the novel "The White Guard" by M. A. Bulgakov. Summary, main characters

The image of the house in the novel The White Guard is central. He unites the heroes of the work, protects them from danger. Tipping events in the country instill anxiety and fear into the souls of people. And only home comfort and warmth can create the illusion of peace and security.

the image of the house in the white guard novel

1918 year

Great is the year nineteen eighteen. But he is also scary. Kiev, on the one hand, was occupied by German troops, on the other, the hetman’s army. And the rumors about Petliura's arrival are giving rise to increasing concern in the townspeople, who are already scared. Visitors and all kinds of dubious personalities scurry about on the street. Anxiety is in the air. Such Bulgakov depicted the situation in Kiev in the last year of the war. And he used the image of the house in the novel The White Guard so that his heroes could hide, at least temporarily, from impending danger. The characters of the main characters are revealed precisely in the walls of Turbin's apartment. Everything outside of it is like a different world, terrible, wild and incomprehensible.

White Guard Home Theme

Sincere conversations

The theme of the house in the novel The White Guard plays an important role. The Turbins' apartment is cozy and warm. But here, too, the heroes of the novel argue and conduct political discussions. Alexey Turbin, the oldest of the tenants of this apartment, scolds the Ukrainian hetman, whose most harmless offense is that he forced the Russian population to speak a “vile language”. Then he spews curses at the representatives of the hetman's army. However, the obscene language of his words does not detract from the truth that lies in them.

Myshlaevsky, Stepanov and Shervinsky, the younger brother of Nikolk - all excitedly discuss what is happening in the city. And there is also Elena - the sister of Alexei and Nikolka.

But the image of the house in the novel "The White Guard" is not the embodiment of a family hearth and not a refuge for dissenters. This is a symbol of the fact that there is still light and present in a dilapidated country. Political change always gives rise to unrest and robbery. And people, in peacetime, seemingly quite decent and honest, in difficult situations show their true face. Turbines and their friends are the few that have not been made worse by changes in the country.

Bulgakov White Guard

Talberg's betrayal

At the beginning of the novel, Elena’s husband leaves the house. He escapes into the unknown with a "rat run". Listening to her husband’s assurances of a speedy return with Denikin’s army, Elena, “aged and dodging,” realizes that he will not return. And so it happened. Talberg had connections, he took advantage of them and was able to escape. And already at the end of the work, Elena finds out about his upcoming marriage.

The image of the house in the novel "The White Guard" is a kind of fortress. But for cowardly and selfish people, she is like a sinking ship for rats. Talberg runs, and there are only those who can trust each other. Those who are not capable of betrayal.

Autobiographical work

Based on his own life experience, Bulgakov created this novel. "The White Guard" is a work in which the characters express the thoughts of the author himself. The book is not nationwide, since it is dedicated only to a certain social layer, a close writer.

Bulgakov’s heroes turn to God more than once in the most difficult moments. The family reigns in complete harmony and mutual understanding. This is exactly what the ideal Bulgakov house imagined. But perhaps the theme of the house in the novel “The White Guard” is inspired by the author’s youthful memories.

the parental home in the white guard novel

Universal hatred

In 1918, bitterness prevailed in the cities. It had an impressive scale, as it was generated by the centuries-old hatred of peasants towards nobles and officers. And to this is also worth adding the anger of the local population towards the invaders and Petliurites, whose appearance is awaited with horror. The author depicted all this using the example of Kiev events. And only the parental house in the novel "The White Guard" is a bright, kind way, inspiring hope. And here, not only Alexey, Elena and Nikolka can take refuge from the external storms of life.

The House of Turbins in the novel "The White Guard" is becoming a haven for people close in spirit to their inhabitants. Myshlaevsky, Karas and Shervinsky became family members of Elena and her brothers. They know about everything that happens in this family - about all sorrows and hopes. And they are always welcome here.

Mother testament

The eldest turbine, which died shortly before the events described in the work, bequeathed to its children to live together. Elena, Alexei and Nikolka keep their promise, and only this saves them. Love, understanding and support - the components of the true House, do not let them perish. And even when Alexei is near death, and doctors call him “hopeless,” Elena continues to believe and finds support in prayers. And, surprisingly to the doctors, Alexei is recovering.

The author paid much attention to the interior elements in the Turbins' house. Thanks to the small details, a bright contrast is created between this apartment and the one located on the floor below. In Lisovich's house, the atmosphere is cold and uncomfortable. And after the robbery, Vasilisa goes to the Turbins for spiritual support. Even this seemingly unpleasant character feels safe in the house of Elena and Alexei.

The world outside this house is mired in confusion. But here they still sing songs, sincerely smile at each other and boldly look at the danger in the eyes. This atmosphere attracts another character - Lariosika. A relative of Talberg almost immediately became his own here, which Elena's husband did not succeed. The thing is that a guest from Zhytomyr has such qualities as kindness, decency and sincerity. And they are mandatory for a long stay in the house, the image of which Bulgakov depicted so lively and colorful.

turbine house in the white guard novel

The White Guard is a novel that was published over 90 years ago. When a play was staged on this piece in one of the Moscow theaters, the audience, whose fates were so similar to the lives of heroes, cried, fainted. This work has become extremely close to those who survived the events of 1917-1918. But the novel did not lose relevance later. And some fragments in it in an unusual way resemble the present. And this once again confirms that the present literary work is always, at all times relevant.


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