How to use wood ash as a fertilizer?

Wood ash as a fertilizer mainly contains calcium, although if it is obtained from the stalks of sunflower or buckwheat straw, then potassium prevails. The latter refers to the main macroelements necessary for the growth and development of cultivated and ornamental plants. They also need calcium for the normal course of physiological processes.

The concept of ash

Wood ash as a fertilizer is used due to the fact that it contains many substances useful for plants, which are concentrated in a non-combustible residue, actually called ash. Those elements that are contained in it can be easily soluble in water, and this solution is easily absorbed by plants.

The chemical composition of the ash

Wood ash as fertilizer

Depending on what raw materials are burned, the composition of wood ash as fertilizer can vary greatly. Thus, sunflower stems and buckwheat straw (up to 35% K 2 O) are richest in potassium in a form accessible to plants, spruce firewood (3-4%) and tofan (0.5-4.8%) are the least rich. Basically, the content of this element is 10-15%.

The phosphorus content is mostly low and rarely exceeds 6% (ash from wheat straw, peat).

As a rule, large reserves of calcium are concentrated in it (up to 40% in birch and pine wood, up to 26% in spruce and peat wood, up to 20% in sunflower stems and buckwheat straw). But this is also not characteristic of any ash. So, in it, obtained from wheat, rye straw, manure, the content of calcium oxide is only in the range of 7-10%.

Wood ash as fertilizer

Substances containing calcium in ash and their role

The composition of wood ash as fertilizer elements are not on their own, but in the composition of certain substances. Consider the main ones and their role in the plant body:

  • Calcium carbonate. It affects the rate of metabolic processes. As a result of its action, the movement of substances through plant cells is enhanced, which normalizes biochemical processes and metabolism. This substance is useful primarily in wood ash as a fertilizer for indoor plants, as well as for cucumbers and tomatoes. In flowers, buds develop more luxuriant, in nightshade plants, better growth and faster ripening are observed.
  • Calcium silicate. This substance is able to combine with pectin and stick together cells, allowing them to support each other. Thanks to this substance, plants absorb vitamins better. Onions react most acutely to its deficiency by delaminating and drying the onion.
  • Calcium Sulfate Compared with synthetic mineral fertilizers, it has a less pronounced effect on plants, but a longer one in time. Calcium from this substance is used for green vegetables and seedlings.
  • Calcium chloride. Small amounts of chlorine are constantly present in plants. They need it for normal life, because it promotes the formation of enzymes and serves as a catalyst for photosynthetic reactions. With the help of this substance, the winter hardiness of fruit trees, as well as grapes, is increased. When it is applied, the soil does not swell, which protects the roots from the penetration of cold air to them. Calcium chloride prevents diseases such as blackening of tomato fruits, rotting of apples during storage, the “black leg” of roses, rotting and blackening of potatoes during both development and storage, mildew of strawberries (popularly called strawberries), premature fall of grape fruit. It has a draining effect, due to which many types of stem and root rot do not develop. The presence of this element in the soil promotes the conversion of ammonium nitrate into a salt of nitric acid, which is more accessible to plants.

Substances containing potassium in ash and their role

The main substance in which this macrocell is contained is potassium orthophosphate. With its help, the water balance of the plant is regulated. If it lacks this substance, then in the leaves and roots there is an excessive accumulation of ammonia, which negatively affects the phyto growth.

In addition, the substance in question helps to increase the winter hardiness of heat-loving plants. With the help of potassium, which is part of it, favorable conditions are created for the development of garden flowers: chrysanthemums, roses, lilies.

The use of wood ash

Substances containing magnesium in ash and their role

The main one is magnesium sulfate, although it is found in ash in the chemical compounds of this element. They affect the flow of metabolic processes in fruit and vegetable plants, as well as cereals and other representatives related to cereals. Magnesium enhances the action of potassium and participates with it in the production of energy by the plant body.

Magnesium sulfate is necessary for the formation of carbohydrates, especially cellulose and starch. For plants with a rooted root system, this element is very important, since they have the main consumer of this element roots.

Substances containing sodium in ash and their role

Using this element, enzymes are activated that do not respond to other elements of wood ash as fertilizers.

The substance is part of rock salt, which, in turn, is part of the ash. It acts as a growth catalyst for pumpkin-type nightshade vegetables, as it allows cells to retain water, which can be used when extreme drought conditions occur.

Thus, the composition of wood ash as a fertilizer is quite diverse. In any case, this is a useful fertilizer that has a positive effect on the growth, development and resistance to plant diseases.

Nitrogen from ash completely leaves in the combustion process, due to the presence of lime, soil is deoxidized.

Ash use

Wood ash for indoor plants

The use of wood ash should go separately from organic and nitrogen fertilizers of ammonia form. Their joint use leads to the loss of ammonia. Nitrogen fertilizers are used a month after the use of ash. Of phosphate fertilizers, it can be used in limited quantities together with superphosphate (up to 8%). It is better not to mix it with other forms of these fat. This is due to the fact that their combined use can cause the transition of readily available phosphorus to inaccessible to plants.

On sands, wood ash as a fertilizer is best applied in the spring, and on clay and loam in the autumn. It can be added to compost heaps to enrich the nutrition of microorganisms.

Feeding with wood ash seedlings is carried out after three real leaves appear on it. After the cultures are formed from seedlings, you can apply 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this fertilizer per plant.

The use of ash on vegetables

Wood ash as fertilizer for the garden

How to use wood ash as a fertilizer? In different cultures, its application is somewhat different.

So, on cucumbers it can be sprinkled with a bed before watering with a thin layer. You can make an infusion of it: 3 tbsp. spoons pour a liter of water and insist for a week, then pour each bush at the rate of half a liter on it.

Both methods can be used for onions, and can also be used before digging in the spring or applied as an infusion into grooves that are made with a hoe and are immediately dug up.

In tomatoes, this fertilizer is used 2 weeks before planting at a flow rate of 1 glass per well, as well as in the process of their growth and development by powdering the soil in the hole before irrigation and subsequent cultivation.

Thus, wood ash as a fertilizer for the garden can be used quite widely.

The use of ash on potatoes

Wood ash as a fertilizer for potatoes

The fact that chlorine is practically absent in this fat, and potassium is in the form of a carbonate salt makes it indispensable for this culture. Wood ash as a fertilizer for potatoes can be used in spring and autumn. It can be added to the wells at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons in each of them or use 200-300 g per sq. meter. In addition, it can be used during the first hilling of this culture at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons / bush. With a second similar agricultural intake, the dose is increased to half a glass per bush.

Ash helps to increase the yield of potatoes, as well as improve its taste. Using the method of dusting with dry fertilizer, the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle are killed.

With the help of ash, you can increase the yield of any garden plants.

The use of this fertilizer for indoor plants

Wood ash as a fertilizer for indoor plants

It can be used not only for crops. Wood ash as a fertilizer for indoor plants can be used for many of them. A good reaction to the application of this organic fertilizer is different indoor geraniums.

Sometimes when exposed to the garden in the summer of the considered plant species, earthworms crawl into them through holes located at the bottom of the pots. The use of wood ash for indoor plants (in the form of embers) as a drainage protects the soil of flower pots from their appearance.

Similar flowers grow, as a rule, in the same pots for a number of years. Mostly they are fertilized with synthetic mineral fertilizers.

For the species in question, ash is used in the form of a powder in dry or liquid forms. To enrich it with phosphorus, it is diluted in a proportion of 100 g per 1 bucket of water, and indoor flowers are watered with this solution. Top dressing with nitrogen is allowed only a month after the use of ash. Ash from it is used as a prophylactic against diseases and pests in the considered plant species. In tuberous begonias, with its help, they fight root rot. When transplanting these plants, it is added to the soil at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 1 liter of soil.

Wood ash as a fertilizer for indoor flowers is the best tool, because it contains a large amount of nutrients and elements.


Wood ash as a fertilizer can be used on various crops, including garden crops. First of all, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, onions, tomatoes respond positively to it. In addition, it can be used to feed garden flowers, indoor plants. However, it must be borne in mind that it should not be used in conjunction with other organic fertilizers, as well as phosphate, except for small doses when used simultaneously with superphosphate. Ash contributes not only to increase yield, but also to protect the plants in question from various types of diseases and pests.


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