Flag of Adygea. Coat of arms of Adygea

The Republic of Adygea is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Southern Federal District.

flag of the republic of adygea

general characteristics

The area of ​​the republic is 7790 square meters. km The population is about 450 thousand people.

The relief is different, depending on the territory. According to this criterion, the republic can be divided into several parts: plain, foothill and mountain.

The type of climate is moderately warm. The amount of precipitation is 540-860 mm per year. The fluctuation of the average annual temperature occurs in the range from 3.8 to 10.9 degrees.

Ecological communities of flora are represented by a mountain-forest belt, alpine and subalpine meadows, cliff vegetation.

Adygea flag history
Modern Adygea is an industrial-agrarian republic. The structure of the main types of production is represented by the food and forest industries, woodworking, machine building and metalworking, electric power and fuel industry.

The people of Adygea are people who have suffered a lot of suffering. There have been many controversial events in their long history. In these difficult periods, struggling with cold, hunger and epidemics, the steadfast people managed to survive.

The modern Republic of Adygea is an independent subject of the federation, which has its own symbols: flag, coat of arms, anthem.

Flag of the Republic of Adygea: description

The national flag of this subject is a rectangular canvas of saturated green color. In its upper part there are golden five-pointed stars. There are twelve in all. Under them are three arrows. They are also golden and crossed among themselves. The flag of Adygea does not accidentally contain exactly 12 stars. This number means 12 tribes of the people of the republic, and the number of arrows - 3 ancient princely families.

coat of arms of adygea
The flag of Adygea was created in 1830. Its length is 180 cm, and its width is 90 cm.

What the law dictates

According to the law adopted by the Supreme Council on March 24, 1992, this symbol of the republic, along with the flag of the Russian Federation, must be raised and installed during official ceremonies and ceremonies, as well as decorate the entrances of state institutions. Moreover, the flag of the Russian Federation is allocated a place on the right side in relation to the facade, and the flag of Adygea - on the left.

Coat of arms of the Republic of Adygea

The emblem has the shape of a circle, which is surrounded by a ribbon on top. In it in two languages ​​(Adyghe and Russian) is written "Republic of Adygea". In the middle of the ribbon is a star. On the right side are leaflets of oak and maple, characterizing the features of the country's natural wealth. Spikelets of wheat and ears of corn, located on the left side of the ribbon, are an indication of the wealth of Adygea, which is acquired by honest work of the people. The geographical location on the picturesque territory of the slopes of the Caucasus Range, penetrated everywhere by the Kuban and Laba rivers , is also shown on the coat of arms.

At the bottom of the circle you can see the abbreviation "RF", above which is the image of the national table - ane with bread and salt. Thus, one of the main features of the people is emphasized - hospitality and sustainability. To receive guests, the Circassians specially allocated a separate room, which was called Kunatskaya. This room was better furnished than the master rooms. They usually arranged meetings with dear guests: relatives, wise, gifted people of the village (history experts, elders, musicians, singers). If a nonresident guest came, then this event was equated to a holiday. To receive the dear guest, the owners decorated Kunatskaya and prepared festive dishes.

The coat of arms of Adygea also reflects the cultural history of its people. The ancient Caucasian epos, telling about the heroes-sleds, is a national treasure of all residents of the republic. Therefore, in the central part of the coat of arms you can see the main character of this Nart epic - Sausryk'o, who sits on a fiery flying stallion. In his right hand, the horseman holds a burning torch, which, according to legend, was stolen by him from the gods in order to benefit people. Sparks of sacred fire are reflected in the sky by twelve golden stars. It seems that now the horse will really soar upwards, and millions of golden stars will scatter across the sky. Such a flight of a horseman is a symbol of the desire of the young republic in the future, for a better life. The coat of arms and flag of the Republic of Adygea are united by the idea of ​​the unity of 12 ancient tribes, which is reflected in the presence on both symbols of the corresponding number of stars.

coat of arms of the republic of adygea

Located in the central upper part of an impressive size, the five-pointed star is the personification of the unity and fraternity of the multinational population of Adygea.

In general, the emblem clearly expresses the author’s desire, which is the famous artist Adygea D. Merekutov, to combine together the events of the distant past, present and future. Thus, the coat of arms of Adygea, whose photo is located below, demonstrates the unity of all times in their historical development.

Outwardly, it attracts with its rich content and richness of colors, both depicting the nature of the republic, and demonstrating the courage and courage of its people.

Flag Details

We continue to consider the flag of Adygea. His story is as follows. The first public mention of this symbol of the republics dates back to 1834, when the Circassians obeyed the “Great Free Assembly”. Then in the struggle for freedom all the tribes (even those that for many years conquered territories from each other) united.

Adygea flag

Greatest enthusiasm and firm determination were expressed in the desire of the people to preserve their independence and defend the fatherland. The approach of a common danger awakened in their souls the awareness of the need to create a union as an element of necessary victory. Most sources confirm that the flag of Adygea acquired its current form in 1830, when all tribes united without exception. From historical sources it is known that this banner was not the only among the Circassians. At different times, ethnic groups used their symbols, but for the first time uniting all nationalities the green flag of Adygea with 12 stars and 3 arrows is undoubtedly the most expensive for the Adyghe people.


The anthem is also one of the symbols of Adygea. Words to him were written by I. Mashbash, music by U. Tkhabisimov. A peculiar call is heard in the text of the hymn to ensure that a viable and good-natured people always strive for the best: for good, for a dream. It also mentions tragedies experienced by the people, which, fortunately, are in the past. And ahead, the people of Adygea are waiting for a bright, peaceful, serene future.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22697/

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