EPSN soldering iron: description

Those involved in electronics know that in this area most of the work is done by soldering. Today, consumers are presented with a wide range of different soldering devices. Of these, EPSN soldering irons are in great demand.

epsv soldering iron 220v

Meaning of Abbreviation

EPSN soldering iron among other similar devices is considered the most common. Its abbreviation indicates that this product is electric and it uses a spiral heater.

About the lack of device

EPSN soldering iron has a non-separable design, which is indicated in the product instructions. Judging by consumer reviews, many attribute this feature to the shortcomings of EPSN electric soldering irons. This is explained by the fact that if the sting of the tool burns and is very firmly welded inside the heater, it will be impossible to correct the situation. A damaged EPSN soldering iron will have to be thrown away and a new one bought.

Heater device

Nevertheless, according to many owners, the heaters of these products are quite durable. Even with their intensive use, these devices burn out very rarely.

The soldering iron heater is a special tube with a nichrome wire wound around it in a spiral . Through it passes alternating or direct current low voltage.

epsv soldering iron 40w 220v

Design Options

Nichrome soldering irons can have various designs. In simple power tools, nichrome spirals are simply wound around a case that does not conduct current. A tip is inserted inside this case. Nichrome soldering iron of complex design is equipped with special insulators that reduce heat loss and increase heat transfer.

40w epsn soldering iron

In the manufacture of the tube for the heater, ceramic is used. The insulator is made of mica. In the manufacture of handles for EPSN soldering irons, thermosetting plastic is used, which is subjected to a hot pressing procedure. According to consumer reviews, for these pens severe overheating is very undesirable.

Ceramic rods

Judging by the numerous consumer reviews, EPSN soldering irons with ceramic heaters are the most perfect. The following advantages are inherent in such power tools:

  • Fast heating.
  • Long service life.

In addition, working as a ceramic EPSN, the master can adjust the temperature and power.

Weaknesses of ceramic heaters

However, soldering irons with ceramic heaters are quite fragile. As a result of shock or fall, such tools easily fail. In addition, these EPSN soldering irons do not tolerate overheating. According to the owners of these power tools, if you set the maximum temperature and leave the soldering iron for a while even for one hour, the scale will appear on the tip. As a result, it will impede the tinning procedure and the adhesion of solders to it. In order to return the sting to its previous properties, the owner will have to use special activators. Since such products are too expensive, many amateur radio enthusiasts use citric acid to flush out stings. Today on the market of power tools there are imported EPSN soldering irons equipped with fireproof tips. These tools differ from domestic ones in that special power controllers are built into their pens.

Use of temperature sensors

In some EPSNs, tip heating can be controlled. Such power tools are equipped with special temperature sensors. According to consumer reviews, working with such soldering irons is very convenient, since the built-in device gives the master a signal as soon as the tool warms up to operating mode. Standard voltage for EPSN 220V soldering iron.

What do you need for work?

The ceramic rods of EPSN soldering irons are heated as a result of their connection to the voltage contacts. In case of its absence, you can use a transformer or battery. Only after the soldering iron is provided with power, will its tip begin to heat up. The device will be ready for use when its tip warms up to the required temperature. Judging by the reviews of the owners, these soldering irons warm up for a long time. The soldering of EPSN itself also takes a lot of time.


In modern electronics, the master has to deal with various transistors, capacitors and resistors. In electrical engineering, several microcircuits can be used. For their installation, you can apply a surface SMD installation using a 40 W EPSN soldering iron. However, according to the masters, in order to solder the elements of the board very tightly to each other, the capabilities of this device will not be enough. The master will have to buy more powerful soldering devices. Also, this soldering iron is not suitable for connecting massive parts: automobile radiators, copper pipes, tin structures and all elements for which a characteristic high heat sink rate. To work with such products, experienced craftsmen recommend using a device with a capacity of several hundred watts. Such a power tool is also called an "ax" in everyday life.

epsn soldering iron

When choosing a soldering iron, you should first focus on the scope of its application. A soldering iron with a power of 3 to 10 watts is ideal for working with microcircuits. When connecting semiconductor and other electronic parts for which overheating is not provided, it is undesirable to use those power tools whose power is 65 watts. Otherwise, these electrical components will fail after soldering. At home, as well as for working with electronics, you can use a 40W EPSN soldering iron. 220V and 50 Hz are considered standard parameters for these devices.


  • The power of the soldering iron is 40 watts.
  • Mains voltage -220 V.
  • Tool length - 285 mm.
  • Diameter - 3 cm.
  • The length with the cord is 1855 mm.
  • The device weighs 180 g.
  • The heating temperature is 250 degrees.
  • Heats up for 8 minutes.
  • The scope is household soldering work with radio and electrical equipment.
  • Tin-lead solder is intended for work.

What to look for when buying a soldering iron?

Today, a large assortment of EPSN soldering irons is presented on the electrical equipment market. Instruments have various power and voltage parameters. Soldering iron tips come in various shapes. EPSPS sting can be a cone, needle, screwdriver, etc. Each of them is designed for a certain type of work. Using the tool will be much more convenient if you correctly select the shape of its rod. Judging by the reviews of the owners of EPSN soldering irons, the tips in the form of a screwdriver worked well . This shape allows the tool to hold solder well at the tip. In addition, the sting has a sufficient bevel area, due to which it warms up quickly enough.

How to work with a soldering iron?

During the operation of the ANSP, it should be remembered that this power tool has a non-separable design. In this regard, it is necessary to prevent the burning of his sting. To do this, it is recommended to periodically clean combustion products from it. To clean the tip, you need to get it out of the soldering iron.

epsn soldering iron

It is also recommended to remove carbon deposits from the power tool itself. It has the appearance of a black powder. Often, many masters neglect this recommendation. As a result, after a short operation, their soldering irons break quickly.

In order for the new ENSP to last a long time, it is advisable to subject its tip to the tinning procedure. This should be done subject to sufficient heating of the electrical device. Then, using a small file, the sting is cleaned. After the end of the soldering iron has been carefully processed, it should be dipped first in a special container with rosin, and then in solder.

electronic soldering irons

At this stage of the work, it is important that a little solder remains on the tip of the soldering iron. Otherwise, the rod will turn black. While working with ENSP soldering irons, many hams notice that shells form on the sting. In the future, using such a tool becomes difficult. Each time after soldering, the tip has to be cleaned again. As a result, one small piece remains from the rod. You can prevent the appearance of shells. To do this, the sting with a hammer should be given the desired shape. After forging, a burn-resistant rivet is formed on the surface of the rod.

The EPSN soldering iron will last a long time, and the soldering process will bring pleasure if you follow all the rules and recommendations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22698/

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