What are the maternity benefits?

Today we will be interested in maternity benefits. What amount can newly-made parents claim in one case or another? How to request state support? To whom and under what conditions are benefits due for childbirth? To understand all this and not only for us to come. Every couple planning a baby should know exactly what to count on.


Maternity benefits are paid only after the baby is born. But what types of government support are found in real life?

Documents for children's benefits

Compensations for babies are:

  • one-time;
  • monthly.

In addition, they may be:

  • regional;
  • federal.

The first cash amounts are assigned separately in each region of the Russian Federation. Federal payments for maternity leave are due to all families on the same basis throughout Russia.

The role of employment

A few words about what factors can influence the size of the state aid provided.

Let's start with employment. This is a pretty important point when assigning financial support to families. Why?

Working parents are entitled to more compensation for the baby. In addition, they are paid in large amounts than non-working.

Lack of employment is not a reason for refusing state support after the baby is born. In this case, the family will be given fewer payments and at minimum rates.

Who is the recipient

The Law on Maternity Payments indicates that citizens can decide for themselves who will receive the funds. The amount of compensations made depends on this.

Where to get benefits

According to the law, state support after the birth of a baby has the right to receive:

  • Moms
  • fathers
  • close relatives (usually grandparents) who will care for the newborn.

Mothers receive the greatest support. They are given a full package of statutory benefits. According to the established rules, fathers of newborns and close relatives cannot apply for a number of compensations. For example, to pay for maternity leave.

Non-working and money

Now consider the general lists of benefits laid in Russia after the birth of the baby. Let's start with non-working people.

If the applicant does not work at the time of applying for state support, he may receive the following maternity benefits:

  • for contacting the LCD;
  • due to childbirth;
  • for caring for the baby (up to one and a half and three years);
  • maternal capital.

These compensations are considered federal. We will talk about regional payments later. First, consider all the existing "general" compensation for the baby in the family.

For employed

Maternity benefits to employees, as we have already said, are issued in the maximum amount. It in some cases depends on the citizen's earnings at the place of employment.

Working parents will receive not only the money transferred, but also:

  • maternity allowance (maternity);
  • payment for caring for a baby up to 3 years (with 100% probability).

That's all. In fact, remembering the money for the appearance of the baby is not difficult. Especially when it comes to federal payments.

Payments for B&R

The military and their wives

A separate category in Russia is made up of the wives of the military and conscripts in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They receive state support almost the same as in the above cases. Only the amount of compensation will be higher than for non-working persons.

The wives of the military in 2018 receive:

  • payments for childbirth;
  • newborn care allowance;
  • for the loss of the breadwinner.

We will later find out how the calculation of maternity payments in 2018 is carried out. How much and how to get statutory state support? What do each family need to remember?


It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cells of society are different. And everyone has the right to state support in 2018.

At the moment, low-income families are entitled to a surcharge. Its size and regularity depends on the region in which this unit of society lives. Therefore, we will not consider compensation in more detail. It is issued as well as all previously transferred funds. But in addition it will be necessary to prove that the family is poor.

By region

What maternity benefits does one or another family have the right to receive? To answer this question is not so difficult. Especially if you take into account many aspects of the appointment of state support in Russia.

Regional payments are worthy of special attention. They are different. And the size of the corresponding compensation is also diverse.

Most often, families are given:

  • one-time birth benefit;
  • regional compensation for childcare;
  • regional maternity capital.

Often, to obtain the appropriate finances, it is either required to have employment or to remain in the status of the poor. But non-working citizens can also apply for regional state assistance.

Child addiction

It is hard to believe, but a number of maternity benefits will vary in size not only from the availability of the applicant’s employment, but also from the number of children brought up in the family.

So, it is customary to allocate monthly benefits for the care of a newborn. If there is one child in the family, compensation will be minimal; state support will increase slightly for the appearance of two or more children.

For separate financial assistance, the law requires two or more children in the family. This rule applies to maternity capital.

It is important to note that adopted minors will also be taken into account when assigning state support to the population.

Baby money

We go to the antenatal clinic

Maternity allowance is paid if citizens submit certain documents to the registration authorities with a corresponding application. Just because the money is not issued.

Let’s figure out how much the modern unit of society will receive after they have a baby. Let's start with compensation for applying to the antenatal clinic.

This benefit is intended for those who came to the LCD due to pregnancy before the end of the first trimester. It does not depend on employment.

In 2018, women are given 628 rubles 47 kopecks. No more, no less. If the girl applied to the antenatal clinic after 12 weeks of an “interesting situation”, she will not be able to receive the appropriate funds. This is a legal requirement that must be taken into account.

It is important to note that the state does not care exactly where the woman is pregnant - in a paid clinic or in the state LCD. The main thing is that the exchange card was issued before the 12th week of the term.

For childbirth

The next money that parents can get is a allowance for the birth of a baby. The payment is federal in nature, which is transferred to all in equal amounts.

Currently, the amount is 16,759 rubles. It stands out for every family in which the child was born. The allowance is issued for each baby.

Looking after the child

Maternity benefits for working women are often interesting because of the monthly allowance for caring for the baby. If the recipient has official employment, the money is allocated until the newborn reaches 3 years. After this moment, state support ends.

The calculation of maternity payments in Russia in 2018 is carried out taking into account the average earnings of the recipient of funds. The allowance is paid in the amount of 40% of the salary for the last 2 years of work. At the same time, it is impossible to allocate less funds than is supposed to be for non-working citizens.

But what about the unemployed? To them, as we have already said, funds are issued at a minimum. In 2018, it is proposed:

  • 3 142 rubles 33 kopecks - for 1 baby;
  • 6,284 rubles 65 kopecks - for 2 or more children.

Accordingly, they will not pay less than these values ​​to either working or unemployed.

It is important to note that the proposed compensation for non-working people is expected only up to a year and a half of a newborn. Employed parents receive funds up to three years.


If the baby’s mother has a job, she is entitled to maternity leave. These funds are called maternity. Neither the father of the newborn, nor relatives can get them.

How much money is offered for the appearance of the baby in this situation? According to the law - 100% of the salary for each day of sick leave according to BiR. But there are certain limits that parents are guided by.

What do you get at birth

The maximum maternity benefit in 2018 is:

  • 282 106 rubles - with a regular sick leave;
  • 314 347 rubles - if they give a vacation of 156 days;
  • 390 919 rubles - for 194 days of vacation.

The penny is not indicated in this list, since they are not very interesting for citizens.

Minimums of maternity leave also exist. By analogy with the previous example, it is necessary to focus on such cash flows:

  • 43 615 rubles - minimum vacation;
  • 48 600 rubles - the average duration of the decree;
  • 60 438 rubles - the maximum vacation.

That's all. Further details will depend on the size of the official salary of the recipient. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how much money is due for the appearance of the baby in the family.

Maternal capital

Another type of state support for families is maternity capital. He relies on those who bring up 2 or more minors. The recipient can be both the father and the mother of the children. The second option is more preferable.

Money is allocated without taking into account the employment of parents and the number of kids in the family. The size of the motherboard is fixed. From 2015 to 2020, it will be equal to 453,026 rubles. It will not be possible to request more or less than this amount.

Federal type maternal capital can only be spent on specific needs. For example, to treat a child, improve housing conditions or educate minors. Often, funds are sent to increase mom's pension. Fathers do not have such a right.

State support for families with children

If the spouse is a military

Now we will study the means laid to the wives of the military. As already mentioned, it is customary to single out this category of recipients separately.

They can be requested:

  • pregnancy allowance - 26 539 rubles 76 kopecks;
  • caring for a child - 11,374 rubles;
  • loss of a breadwinner - 2,287 rubles 65 kopecks.

In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems. Especially if you deal with the procedure for obtaining state aid.

Where to go for help

The duration of maternity payments in terms of duration depends on the type of compensation claimed by the parents. Some funds are issued only once after treatment, while others receive up to 1.5 or 3 years.

Where to request government assistance? Non-working citizens must send applications to:

  • MFC;
  • social security service;
  • single window services.

Working recipients should ask the bulk of the money from the employer. Regional funds are allocated after applying to the previously listed organizations.

An exception is maternal capital. He is asked either at the MFC or at the FIU. The second option significantly speeds up the process.

Payment of funds for the birth of a baby

When to contact

The timing of maternity benefits is mixed, especially when it comes to regional compensation. They can most often be requested no later than 6 months after the birth of the baby.

Maternity care is usually sought after 30 weeks of gestation. A woman may not go on maternity leave and work before giving birth. But in this case, appropriate compensation will not be issued after childbirth.

In general, for the bulk of the money you need to come to the registration authorities in the first six months after the birth of the baby. This technique will allow not to lose individual (often regional) benefits.

Package of papers

The timing of the payment of maternity benefits we studied. And what documents are useful for the implementation of the task?

For the bulk of state support, couples need to bring:

  • statement;
  • passports of participants (parents);
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • certificate from the registry office of the established form;
  • income statements;
  • labor books;
  • discharge from the place of study;
  • documents indicating non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • a certificate confirming that the spouse does not receive payments for the baby;
  • registration of children;
  • sick leave (drawn up in the LCD);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • adoption acts;
  • statement of early registration in the consultation;
  • certificates of family composition.

Additionally, they may require:

  • evidence of a large family;
  • certificate of stay in the status of a military wife;
  • identification of a poor cell of society.

For maternal capital, SNILs of all family members are additionally required. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this.

Online request

Is it possible to demand compensation for the baby through the Internet? Yes. The government services portal comes to the rescue. But this technique is not in special demand. Indeed, for each payment you will have to fill out a separate application.

As already mentioned, through the Internet you can apply for payments for maternity. But only unemployed. Employed families should contact the employer directly.

If you wish, you can also register at the MFC via the Internet to submit applications. This technique significantly speeds up the process of providing related services.

Terms of consideration

How long will they consider requests for state support?

Often, applications are reviewed within 1 month. In exceptional cases, 2-3 months. The applicants receive no answer regarding the decision. In just a month and a half, they are transferred to the account specified in the application the funds laid down by law.


We found out what modern families of the Russian Federation are entitled to in terms of state support. But that is not all.

Since 2018, new rules have come into force. Now all citizens who have given birth to a baby after 01/01/2018 receive an additional benefit for the newborn. Compensation is allocated up to 1.5 years. The amount of the benefit depends on the cost of living in the region. As a rule, this is 10-11 thousand rubles. The application of the established form will have to be submitted 2 times - from birth to 12 months and from a year to 1.5.

Perhaps this is all. Regional benefits are individual, so we will not focus on them. For example, in Kaliningrad there is also a one-time regional payment for a baby - 3,000 rubles. More accurate data need to be found in a specific region of Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22703/

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