Daedric sword - the choice of the real Dovakin!

When you are surrounded by dragons, dragoons, and Dwemer creatures on all sides, it's time to think about choosing a weapon. And if your character survives in this heap, purchase a couple or two of strong swords. Just which sword to choose?

Daedra is a powerful creature

Which creature is capable of destroying a mortal in the blink of an eye, taking possession of his body and soul, hypnotizing and making the player get drunk unconscious and wake up in Markarth? Of course, daedra!

skyrim daedric sword

And it is the daedra that should have the best equipment and the sharpest blades.

What characteristics does a daedric sword have

In general, swords have three main characteristics: impact speed, weight, and damage done.

The speed of impact depends on the type of weapon: one-handed swords are faster than two-handed ones. Weight depends on the materials used to create the item. And the damage dealt is the higher, the more rare weapons are found.

The Daedric Sword is the second deadliest weapon. The first place of honor is occupied by weapons made from dragon bones.

A distinctive feature of the daedric weapon is that when you create it, you will need not only ingots (in this case ebony), but also part of the daedron itself. More specifically, the heart, which is very difficult to get. But to improve weapons will also require hard rubber ingots.

daedric sword

Daedric items can be created after the ninety level of Blacksmithing.

On a sword in hand or one big?

If you have decided on the way your character is developing, then picking up a weapon becomes not so difficult:

  1. Did you pump health? Then you should not be afraid of wounds, you can safely "tank" even the Dwemer giants with the help of a heavy broadsword. In this case, a one-handed heavy daedric sword with good sharpening and some kind of dirty enchantment for damage would be an excellent choice.
  2. Rocked stamina? Then pair daggers or two one-handed swords are suitable for you, which can become a real whirlwind of blades.
  3. They chose the path of a magician, but you were struck by a daedric sword? Take in one hand a light blade with enchantment for paralysis, slowdown, weaning or damage. With your other hand, you can hit the enemy with fire, ice or lightning - whoever likes it.
  4. Pumped health and stamina on an equal footing, trying to hit the whole Skyrim? A Daedric sword in one hand, a shield in the other - and you are ready to smash dragons!

It’s easy to pick up a weapon. It is difficult to change from the usual battlefield to a new one, but stubborn players will succeed!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22704/

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