Wonderful Achimenes velvet bells: cultivation and care

Achimenes flower is a hybrid of gloxinia and senpolia and looks like a bright velvet bell, pleasantly pleasing to the eye. It will be especially convenient for beginner gardeners, since it will not require much effort from them. Varied in a riot of colors and shades of Achimenes. Growing and caring will not take you much time and effort, and the plant will bloom from late spring to the very end of autumn. And in winter it can be removed in a dark place, because the flower goes into a dormant state when the temperature drops. The Ahimenes, whose photos you see, have already entered the midst of flowering. In the picture, flowers of different hues are arranged in a beautiful flowerbed.

achimeneses cultivation and care
Amazing hybrid flowers Achimenes! Their varieties are striking in their combination of shapes and colors. In total, there are about twenty-five species in the world, but the most common are long-flowered, large-flowered, hybrid and multi-leaved.

In the wild, this flower is found in North and Central America. Europeans first caught the eye in the 1690s, and brought into the Old World only in the 80s of the 18th century. At the same time, he began to be actively cultivated in botanical gardens, like an overseas curiosity.


acheneses varieties
First of all, provide the flower with enough light. A balcony or windowsill with windows on the south side is perfect for this. But if there are none, it's okay, just the flowering period will be slightly shorter. In addition, if your plant has dark leaves, then you need more light, and if light - less.

Temperature and humidity

There are also certain requirements for temperature. In spring and summer, it should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius, the heat is tolerated by the flower quite tolerably, so that if you wish, it can be taken out into the open air, for example, to a flower bed. It is necessary to carefully monitor the humidity of the air, because its decrease will affect the appearance of the flower: the leaves will turn yellow, wilt and fall off. In winter, when the plant is resting, it is advisable to keep it in a cool place so that the temperature is no higher than 15-18 degrees Celsius.

Watering, soil, pot

Achimenes should be watered regularly with warm water, since it needs a lot of moisture during flowering. Otherwise, early hibernation may occur. And if twenty minutes after watering in the pan remained water, then it must be drained. So that the soil does not dry out, its composition should be from sheet and turf soil in equal proportions with the addition of a small amount of sand. Also carefully consider the choice of pot. The root system of Achimenes is fibrous, that is, it is located mainly in the upper layers of the soil, which means that the pot should be small and wide so as not to hamper the plant.

Breeding methods

ahimenes photo
Unpretentious achimeneses, the cultivation and care of which even a novice gardener can afford, will look great in the form of large impromptu flower beds when pots with different varieties are nearby. The easiest way to get a new plant is by separating the tubers. To do this, in the spring, during a flower transplant after awakening from winter sleep, several tubers must be selected from the whole root and planted in separate pots. Take care of them as usual. The Ahimenes, whose photo is presented in the article above, have already left the leaves and are waiting for a transplant in pots.

If you decide to share a shoot of a flower with someone, then you can cut the stalk and put it in a glass of water so that it puts out the roots. But note that the water will have to be changed every day. A twig can also be immediately planted in open soil or in a pot, and for quick rooting it is worth covering it with oilcloth to create a greenhouse effect.

ahimenes seeds
Since these two methods are easy to obtain new achimenes, seeds are used extremely rarely. As a rule, they are small, so they are poured out into the open ground, moistened from a spray bottle and organize greenhouse conditions for them. High humidity and high temperature will help the plant to start roots faster.


The feeding procedure should be done approximately every two weeks after the appearance of the first growth point and until the end of the flowering period. Especially good plants take nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers or a mixture thereof. So that the flowers are beautiful and do not fade for a long time, micronutrients must also be added to their "diet". But do not abuse it, it is better to make them once a month.

ahimenez flower

Rest period

In winter, Achimeneses (the cultivation and care of which are somewhat modified) go into a dormant period. At this time, flowers and leaves fade, crumble, and twigs die off. It still starts in September, although unopened buds may last until the end of October, or even longer. The plant stops growing, the leaves turn yellow, then turn brown and fall off. The frequency of watering should be reduced, and wilted flowers and leaves should be removed as necessary. The pot of tubers is transferred to a dark and cold place.

Last Tips

  1. In order for the plant to sprout faster and bloom, after hibernation, be sure to transplant it to a new land.
  2. To add a twist to your interior, you can hang Achimenes from the ceiling. Then it will branch out and form an interesting live ensemble with its relatives on the windowsill.
  3. To make your flowerbed play with bright colors, in the midst of spring, you can put flower pots directly on the ground or transplant them. This can be done when the daily temperature is above 15 degrees Celsius.
  4. If you want to get lush bushes, plant two or three tubers at a time nearby. It turns out especially interesting if the flowers are of different colors.
  5. Would you like to admire the Ahimenes before the end of November? Just pinch the tops of the shoots that have already bloomed. This will launch a new round of sprouts and flowers.
  6. From fungi and decay, soil treatment will help before transplanting a flower with antimycotic drugs.

We hope you enjoyed the Achimenes. Cultivation and care will not require significant financial investments or physical effort, and the result will exceed any expectations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22709/

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