Common Zhiryanka - insectivorous plant: description

Common Zhiryanka - a plant from the genus Pinguicula. Perennial and insectivorous representative of the flora. The only representative of this family that has a root system, although very small, is assigned to the family of pemphigus.

The plant got its name because of the fleshy and oily leaves, which look very juicy and covered with multiple glands. And from the Latin language pinguis translates as "fat". It is a relic of the ice age.

Botanical Description

The main distinguishing feature of the common puffy is the presence of roots, which the rest of the family does not have.

A basal rosette is formed by leaves. The very surface of the sheet is covered with multiple pieces of iron. Some glands secrete sugar mucus. This liquid is the bait for insects. Another part of the glands is responsible for the digestion of caught food, by the production of special enzymes.

Iron on a leaf of a plant is about 25 thousand per 1 centimeter. But each of them performs its function only once during the whole life of a fat woman. At the moment when most of the glands are already incapacitated, the leaf completely dies.

The leaves of the plant have a green color and an elliptical shape. Length - from 2 to 4 centimeters. The width at the base is about 0.6 centimeters, at the end it is expanding to 2 centimeters.

Flowers are located on long peduncles, solitary. The color of the bud can be pink, purple or blue. White flowers are very rare. The fruits are presented in the form of boxes.

plant gherkin


The plant of papaver has a fairly wide range of growth. For this reason, there are species resistant and unstable to frost.

The plant is found in Japan and Europe, in the Andes and North America, on the Asian continent.

Zhiryanka prefers peatlands and simply wetlands, that is, those places where there are a lot of insects. However, when draining (artificial or natural), the plant dies very quickly, so almost all the habitats of the papaver are taken under protection.

In Russia, there are about 6-7 species. The most common species is the common puffin, it can be seen in the northern latitudes. And in the Urals, an alpine species grows. In Mexico, only two species are found: gypsum and round-cut.

Fat woman victims

Power way

The plant feeds on flying insects, which attracts with its sweet mucus on the leaves. If the prey is large enough, then the leaves are slightly curled so that the victim could not get free.

In one season, the plant is able to absorb several hundred flying insects.

Plant protection

Due to the low environmental adaptability and competitiveness, the plant is listed in the Red Book of many regions. In particular, since 2005 it has been protected in the Chelyabinsk region, since 1981 - in Belarus. It is also protected at the level of legislation in Ukraine, Latvia and Poland.


The most common species is common puffin, growing even in the tundra and mountains of the northern hemisphere. An alpine species grows in these latitudes, and also prefers a mountain belt, but where there is a lot of moisture.

Gypsum gypsum and round-cut grows in Mexico. The Moran variety is found in Guatemala and Mexico.

The flat-leaved species is quite rare and grows only along the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico, from Louisiana to Florida.

Vallisnerian leafwort grows only in southern Spain. The leaves of the plant are more like lawn grass. Since 1997, it is on the verge of extinction.

In Cuba, a filamentous species is common. A violet-flowering species is presented only on the peninsula of Florida. A characteristic feature of the plant is the flowers are white and purple inside.

Crystal fatwort is found in Cyprus and Turkey.

In many regions, these insectivorous flowers have completely disappeared due to the development of peat deposits and due to the drainage of swamps.

Flowering papaver

Reproduction, home care

Unlike most predatory flowers, a puffy woman adapts well to living conditions, although it requires a lot of attention in the process of caring for her.

The plant at home should be in a darkened room, very far from central heating. In no case should direct sunlight fall on the flower, otherwise it may die.

In the summer, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at +28 degrees, but not higher. In the winter season, a fat woman tolerates a good temperature at the level of + 10-15 degrees.

The main condition for plant survival at home is high humidity. It is best to keep the flower in a special terrarium, that is, a closed pot. Regular flowering will signal that the plant feels great.

The very soil for the puff must always be moderately moist, it is best to water through a pallet. It is better to water the plant with distilled water or boiled water, that is, it should be soft and without salt impurities.

The growth of this representative of the flora is very slow.

Mexican fat

Transplantation and reproduction

Like most predatory flowers, a puffy woman does not need a transplant. With the onset of the first cold weather, the old plant dies, and wintering buds form instead. It is they in the spring that will be the new plant.

To get a new plant, you can use the seeds. They are simply placed in moist soil, and in a couple of weeks a new plant will grow. Also, during preparation for winter, wintering buds can be divided into tubers, and in the spring they can be planted in different pots.


Due to the fact that the plant feeds on insects, it is not affected by any disease, because the flower simply digests them. A fat woman can die out only because of improper care. Excessive watering often leads to the formation of rot.

Homemade fat girl

Benefit and harm

Many people do not know, but since ancient times, a fat woman has been used as a remedy for colds and coughs. Traditional medicine even offers this plant as an effective remedy for severe asthma.

And the peoples of Northern Scandinavia prepare a dish from the plant called teelk, which consists of enzymes from the leaves of the plant and milk.

To date, not a single negative episode associated with the use in the treatment or nutrition of a person has been observed.

So do not be afraid to start this plant at home: it is not only unique, but also very beautiful, especially during the flowering period.


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