The device and principle of operation of the pyrolysis boiler. How to make a pyrolysis boiler with your own hands: drawings, diagrams and device

Solid fuel heating equipment gradually began to be replaced by gas-generating models, which became a worthy alternative. They have established themselves as easy-to-use, but at the same time extremely effective solutions, therefore, even at a relatively high cost, they are quite popular among consumers. It is enough to note that the principle of operation of the pyrolysis boiler is such that it is successfully used not only for heating private homes, but also for industrial enterprises.

The principle of operation of the pyrolysis boiler

The essence of pyrolysis

Gas-generating boilers operate on the principle of pyrolysis fuel combustion. Its essence lies in the fact that under conditions of lack of oxygen and under the influence of high temperature, the process of decomposition of dry wood into volatile and solid parts occurs. The process usually occurs at a temperature of 200-800 degrees Celsius, and this is an exothermic process, that is, heat is also generated during it, which improves the heating of the fuel and its drying in the boiler. This is also accompanied by heating of the air entering directly into the combustion zone.

A mixture of oxygen with pyrolysis gas released from wood at high temperatures leads to combustion of the latter, which subsequently leads to the generation of thermal energy. In the process of combustion, active interaction with active carbon occurs, and this minimizes the yield of harmful impurities. For the most part, this is a mixture of water vapor and carbon dioxide.


Like other heating equipment, solid fuel produces heating of the coolant, which is subsequently supplied to the system. From other models, it differs in the principle of action and some design features. The principle of operation of the pyrolysis boiler is based on the process of so-called dry wood distillation. It consists in the release of pyrolysis gas from solid materials of organic origin under the action of elevated temperatures while minimizing the supply of oxygen. This set of conditions leads to the decay of wood into gas and residues in the form of dry coke.

The pyrolysis process itself is carried out when 1100 degrees Celsius is reached, therefore there is a large heat release that allows you to: dry the wood in the boiler, heat the air entering the combustion zone. When oxygen and gas released from wood are mixed, the combustion of the latter occurs, due to which a lot of thermal energy is released. The interaction of gas with active carbon minimizes carcinogens in the exhaust gases. Even carbon dioxide contains three times less than in conventional solid fuel boilers.

Pyrolysis boiler device


To understand the principle of operation of the pyrolysis boiler, it is necessary not only to consider its structure, but also to determine how each individual unit of the device functions. It includes a considerable number of mechanisms and parts. However, a pair of cameras serves as the basis. They are usually made completely sealed from steel sheets that have a thickness of at least 5 mm. A nozzle is used as a camera splitter. The upper part of the furnace was made in the form of a fuel hopper, that is, of a separate design, and the lower part is used simultaneously as a combustion chamber and an ash pan.

Each camera is designed for certain processes. In the upper section, the firewood is dried while heating the air, which is then sent to the next compartment. In the lower chamber, the resulting gas is burned and ash is accumulated.


The principle of operation of a solid fuel pyrolysis boiler is based on the ability to adjust power by boosting the secondary gas. So the result is more effective in comparison with conventional heating devices. The necessary temperature of the heat carrier can be set using the built-in thermostat.

The pyrolysis boiler device is such that during its operation the soot is completely absent in the combustion process, and ash is formed in a minimal amount. These features are designed to provide the ability to clean the device as little as possible.

If we talk about how the pyrolysis boiler works in comparison with conventional solid fuel, then it is worth noting a longer burning of firewood with one tab, namely, operation up to 12 hours. Naturally, temperature indicators influence this, but the service life is much longer. Firewood is consumed economically due to the heating of the air entering the combustion zone.

DIY pyrolysis boiler drawings

Fuel selection

While the device of the pyrolysis boiler requires its operation on wood, which is recognized as the most profitable from the point of view of economy, in practice, alternative types of organic fuel, for example, coal, peat, can be used for its functioning. To increase the efficiency of the equipment, it is necessary to take into account that each type of raw material has its own duration of complete combustion. In the case of softwood, this is 5 hours, with hardwood - 6, with coke - 10.

Conducted research and user surveys testify in favor of the fact that the greatest efficiency of the functioning of heating equipment is achieved when working on dry wood. The moisture content of wood should not be more than 20%, and the length of logs can be up to 65 cm. This fuel will not only provide maximum power to the equipment, but also significantly increase the time of its smooth operation. However, if it is not possible to purchase this type of resource, you can use an alternative type of fossil fuel, provided that the manufacturer has authorized it. It can be: peat, pellets, wood waste, cellulose-containing industrial waste, coal.

However, when choosing any type of fuel, it is important to remember that its excessive humidity can lead to steam generation during operation of the device, which causes soot formation and reduces the thermal characteristics of the equipment during operation. Only when using dry substances and correctly adjusting the flow rate of primary and secondary air does the release of carcinogenic substances by pyrolysis gases be minimized.

Do it yourself pyrolysis boiler

The advantages of gas generating equipment

Now that it is known how the pyrolysis boiler is arranged and what types of fuel can be used for it, it should be noted that among solid fuel models this is the most economical type. The functioning of such equipment is characterized by:

- fast transition to energy efficiency mode;

- stable temperature in the heating system, provided that there is fuel in the furnace;

- no need for frequent cleaning;

- it is appropriate to use the boiler in combination with any system;

- does not need to install a chimney;

- made of corrosion-resistant heat-resistant materials.

Such a list of parameters indicates the performance of pyrolysis boilers in comparison with traditional solid fuel models, so they can be used to work in any room. High cost is the only drawback of such equipment, but if it is impossible to use alternative devices, in addition to solid fuel, the choice will be in favor of the former.

The principle of operation of a solid fuel pyrolysis boiler

Pyrolysis boiler device: schemes, photos and manufacturing recommendations

Since such equipment has recently become more and more popular among consumers, the issue of not only its acquisition, but also independent manufacture becomes relevant. This is due to the rather high cost of ready-made solutions, which is unbearable for most citizens. To make a pyrolysis boiler with your own hands, you only need desire and some tools. First you need to have basic information about how this heater looks and works. It must be calculated in advance which type of combustion will be optimal for a particular task - with a slot burner or on grate. After that, in a specialized store you need to purchase all the necessary details. After that, you can start making a pyrolysis boiler with your own hands. Drawings that will serve as a support should also be prepared in advance.


For the independent manufacture of gas generating equipment, it is required to prepare the following materials:

- steel pipe with walls 4 mm thick;

- sheet steel 4 mm thick;

- profile pipes ;

- electrodes;

- a round rod with a diameter of 20 mm;

- fireclay brick;

- automation to adjust the temperature;

- asbestos cord;

- nuts and bolts.

So, if you decide to make a pyrolysis boiler yourself, the drawings will help in determining the optimal amount of materials for this. At the moment, there are quite a few publications that publish schemes and a detailed description of the work process. If you are guided by them, then you can create a fairly effective unit. The scheme of the pyrolysis boiler (with your own hands, as mentioned above, it will not be difficult to do it) is required to indicate the place of water supply, heat exchanger and furnace. It is not necessary to create a drawing of the unit from scratch, it is better to correct the standard version, making corrections for a specific situation.

How does a pyrolysis boiler work?

Creation work

In the manufacture of a gas-generating boiler with your own hands, you can take as a basic model a 40 kW heater, which was developed by designer Belyaev, and then optimize for laser cutting, reducing the number of required parts. The internal volume must remain unchanged for any changes in the design of the device. The jacket of the heat exchanger should increase significantly. After this, you can begin to connect all the parts of the pyrolysis boiler, provided that you strictly follow the drawing. Air in this case is used as a coolant, which allows you to warm the room without heat loss.

Tightness of pipes is an optional condition, since a wood-burning boiler usually does not initiate leakage and depressurization of the heating system. This device can be considered an ideal solution for installation in the country, where the need for heating arises not so often.

DIY pyrolysis boiler scheme


After the device is assembled according to the scheme, you can proceed with its installation and subsequent tests. With the correct manufacture of the gas boiler, it should quickly reach the required mode, and heating of the heating system should take place in 30 minutes. Typically, the temperature in the room rises quite quickly.


So, now that you know not only the principle of operation of the pyrolysis boiler, but also the possibility of its independent manufacture, it remains only to make a decision: either purchase a finished model, or make it with your own hands. It is important to understand that the devices manufactured by the industry are manufactured efficiently, have been tested and guarantee complete operational safety.


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