Cultural trees: names. Names of Cultural Trees

A man appreciates cultural trees for the taste and useful properties of their fruits and the decorative qualities of a crown. To obtain a cultural form from wild trees, scientists use selection, hybridization, or genetic engineering. In order to avoid confusion, trees, like all plants, have names. They are folk, Latin and generally accepted. This article introduces the reader to the latest of them.

Names of cultivated deciduous non-fruit trees

Trees of this species are of great interest to gardeners who use deciduous non-fruit crops to create landscape design. Trees differ in size, crown structure, color, shape of leaves and flowers. Cultural trees, whose names are different, differ in many other signs.

  • Birch is a visiting card of Russian nature. This tree has many varieties, but more often weeping birch is used to decorate parks, gardens and lawns. It grows to nine meters in height. Names of trees related to cultural species, the most diverse. But the weeping birch with a snow-white trunk, hanging branches and yellowish earrings is especially beautiful.

Cultural Trees Names

  • White or silver poplar is the most common crop. The tree is an adornment of city streets, gardens, parks, house adjoining territories. These two species grow up to ten meters in height. The lower part of the crown is lowered, and is not high from the ground. Large-leaved poplar is distinguished by variegated leaves, and pyramidal black - by a narrow crown of a columnar shape.
  • Maple has a number of varieties, like many cultivated trees. The names of garden forms are diverse. Ashenel maple grows up to five meters in height. The edges of its leaves are white. And the maple is slightly higher, its height is six meters, and the leaves are purple.
  • Alder grows very quickly, so it is widely used to create hedges in the swampy part of the site. This tall tree is 10-12 meters high. Its crown has a conical shape. Cultural trees, whose names are different, have distinctive features. So, black alder leaves are glossy, and gray alder has the lower part of the leaf plate corresponding to the name of the color.

Names of cultivated conifers

In nature, there are six hundred species of conifers. Most of them are appreciated for their decorative qualities. But some breeds of conifers are valuable for the beneficial properties of their fruits - nuts. Many species of evergreen trees have long been cultivated and successfully grow in garden plots and in parks. It is impossible to list all the names, but you can get to know some of them.

  • Mountain pine - an evergreen beauty, grows up to ten meters in height, and in its natural environment - twice as high. It begins to bloom and bear fruit from the age of ten or a little earlier. This culture has long been used in landscape design. Its beneficial properties are used for medicinal purposes. Sanatoriums are being built in pine forests. Single or group plantings of pine trees adorn gardens and parks.

Names of trees related to cultural

  • Cedar pine, or Siberian cedar - does not cause difficulties in cultivation. It is appreciated by the healing properties of nuts and decorativeness. This large tree is planted in large areas where it can grow and bear fruit for 30-40 years.
  • Spruce is a welcome guest on New Year's holidays. This culture has up to 50 species, but not all are used in landscaping. Appreciated by decorative qualities and wood.

Names of cultivated fruit trees

These trees began to be cultivated thousands of years ago. Even ancient people appreciated the taste and healing properties of their fruits. Currently, the names of a huge number of fruit trees are known. It is impossible to list everything, here are some of them.

  • The apple tree is the most popular fruit crop. There is a huge variety of its varieties "white filling", "Moscow pear", "ordinary Antonovka", "striped anise", "Zhiguli", "mantet" and many others. The tree gives tasty and healthy fruits - apples.
  • Plum is the brightest attraction of the spring garden. Flowering trees of this culture are unusually beautiful. They are no less valuable in the fall, when they bring a plentiful harvest of fruits - plums. Depending on the ripening period, climatic conditions and other signs, different varieties of cultivated trees have different names, some of the names are brought to your attention: “Alyonushka”, “Amers”, “Vision”, “General”, “Early Comet”, “President”, "Traveler" and others.
  • Pear has both fruit and decorative value. Its delicious, juicy fruits are loved by children and adults. There is an opinion that sweet and large pears are grown only in areas with a warm climate. But this is completely wrong. Here are a few names of varieties that grow in mid-latitude regions: “Lada”, “Chizhovskaya”, “Rogneda”, “Otradnenskaya”.

Names of cultural trees of the Krasnodar Territory

Krasnodar Territory is called the Russian subtropics, which are adjacent to mountain forests and snow-capped peaks. A huge number of species of diverse cultures grow here. Of greatest interest is the vegetation of the southern Black Sea coast, in particular, the Sochi subtropics. Cultural trees of the Krasnodar Territory have many names. You can get to know some of them.

  • Cork oak is a tree with evergreen leaves, a thick trunk and branches that have the ability to be covered with a cork layer by 3-5 years of life. After 15-20 years, the cork reaches removable maturity, remove it once every ten years. This is a valuable raw material for industry.
  • Peach is a typical representative of the subtropical climate of the Krasnodar Territory. This tree has thousands of varieties and is valued for its taste and health benefits.

Cultural trees of the Krasnodar Territory

  • Tulip tree is a miracle of nature. Tulips grow on a giant tree forty meters high. In the Krasnodar Territory blooms in May and does not cease to amaze with its magnificent flowering and grandeur.

Names of cultural trees of Japan

  • Sakura has been the national symbol of Japan for many centuries. This tree is appreciated for the beauty of flowers and their unique charm. Sakura blossom is a sign of the awakening of nature and the onset of spring.
  • Ume plum, like sakura, is a symbolic tree of cosmic significance. It grows to 5-7 meters in height. It differs from sakura in the aroma of flowers. Its fruits are edible. Blossoms ahead of sakura for a whole month.

The names of Japanese trees

  • Japanese scarlet is a beautiful tree with an unusual shape of a crown and leaves. Appreciated for its high decorative qualities. It is used for landscaping streets, gardens and parks, they are decorated with lawns. The names of Japanese trees are different. So, for example, Japanese scarlet has another name - “pendula” or “weeping tree”. An interesting fact: the height of the tree is 4-6 meters, the crown is the same size. Branches with large leaves sink to the ground, and the leaves change color during growth.


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