A wonderful culture for your garden is cherry. Planting and plant care

Cherry - a wonderful garden culture, quite unpretentious and not requiring excessive care. This tree is ubiquitous, it grows in many areas. Cherry gives an excellent harvest of juicy, refreshing sweet and sour berries, which are consumed both fresh and processed.

cherry planting and care
In order to grow a healthy, strong cherry tree on your site and get an annually rich harvest of wholesome fruits, you need to know the basic agrotechnical rules for caring for this crop.

The choice of varieties of garden culture. Chocolate Cherry and Bessey Cherry. Landing and care

Many wonderful varieties of this culture are known, but one of the most practical and hardy are Bessey and Shokoladnitsa, which can be grown in almost any country site. They grow well and bear fruit abundantly. The mid-season Shokoladnitsa variety is resistant to winter cold and drought. The tree can reach 2.5 m in height, has a pyramidal crown, brown bark and straight shoots of the same color. This self-fertile plant gives a good harvest of tasty sweet and sour small fruits. Berries have a dense juicy pulp, as a rule, they are dark red in color. The Bessey variety is a low shrub (up to 1.5 m tall) with reddish-brown drooping branches. The bluish-green leaves of the cherry are lanceolate. Bessey blooms with small white flowers (cross-pollination is necessary). The berries are brown, sometimes almost black, "cling" to the branches. The fruit can be tart to taste. The variety is characterized by winter, heat resistance and early maturity, grows well in many regions, but especially loves the steppe regions. Let us consider in more detail what needs to be done in order for Bessey and Chocolate Chocolate to grow and bear fruit beautifully . Planting and caring for these varieties of plants are uncomplicated and not burdensome. Culture does not require increased attention.

Useful and tasty cherry. Planting and care of the seedling. Choosing a site for the plant

cherry chocolate planting and care
You can plant this crop both in the spring (in April), and in the fall (in September). If the seedlings were purchased in the second half of autumn, they must be prikupat and wait with planting until spring. How to do it? In order to preserve the seedling, it is necessary to dig a hole (about 40 cm deep) of oblong shape, while one side of it should have a slope. A seedling is placed in it, its roots, as well as part of the trunk, are covered with earth. Then prikopka is abundantly watered and lined with pine spruce (needles out). Before planting a cherry, you must choose the right place for it. This culture grows and bears fruit well in open bright areas, protected from strong winds. The soil for the plant is sandy, light. Bessey Cherry grows well on the southwestern or southern slopes. This variety can serve as a hedge. Shrub forms are planted at a distance of 2 m from each other, also keeping 2 m between rows.
Cherry Bessey planting and care
Shokoladnitsa cherry requires a rarer planting: it is advisable to measure a distance of 3 by 3 m.

Cherry: planting and care. Landing pit preparation

Having chosen and bought a healthy and strong seedling, it is necessary to prepare a landing pit for it. It should be about 50 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. The soil dug from it is fertilized with humus, potassium chloride (25 gr.), Superphosphate (40 gr.) And ash (1 kg.) Are added to it. A stake is driven into the landing pit and a little fertilized soil is poured onto its bottom. A seedling is placed in it, its roots are covered with soil and slightly densified. Watered abundantly, with soft, settled water. After watering and the final absorption of moisture, the root neck of the plant should be at the same level with the soil. At the end of planting, the cherry trunk is tied to a peg and mulched in a hole with sawdust, compost or a layer of humus.

Cherry: planting and care. Watering, top dressing and weeding

Care for any kind of cherry consists of watering, loosening, weeding, fertilizing, pruning and protection from pests and diseases. The plant is watered during the flowering and ripening of fruits, 3-5 buckets per bush. In hot, dry weather, moisten the soil twice a month. It should be remembered that when watering, the earth should be moistened 40 cm in depth. As for top dressing, nitrogen is applied in the spring, and in the fall - potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Organic (compost or humus) is used once every 2-3 years. During the growing season, fertilizers are applied twice: after flowering and 14 days after the first feeding (mineral fertilizers or mullein infusion). As you can see, cherry is not very demanding. Planting and caring for it include mandatory cropping of the crown. This procedure is performed when the shoot length exceeds 50 cm. Cherry is cut in early spring, 20-25 days before the swelling of the kidneys. Loosening the soil and weeding weeds is carried out regularly. During the growing season, the ground under the cherry must be well loosened.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22734/

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