WoW: riding a cloud serpent. Where to study?

If you just recently started to master the world-famous MMORPG World of Warcraft, you probably saw other players soaring in the air on beautiful and very graceful dragons. These creatures are called cloud snakes. Getting majestic animals is not so easy. Moreover, simply owning the reins of any kind of snake is not enough. Because in this case, you will not be able to ride on cloudy snakes. Where to learn this skill? Now we learn about everything in order.

Blue, green, black and gold ...

To begin with, it is worthwhile to figure out what advantages players get with the ability to move around on cloud snakes. Undoubtedly, these are very beautiful mounts, which is the main advantage of owning them. Imagine riding a cloud of snakes ("WoW" - the described game in which they are used) provides players with the opportunity to own several types of these creatures. Azure, jade and golden cloud snakes are sold at NPCs in the Arboretum in the Jade Forest.

riding cloud snakes where to study

In addition, any player can become the owner of thundercloud cloud kites, varying in color. Thunderstorm jade, cobalt and ruby ​​snakes look very epic! Their bodies are entangled with arrows of lightning, which are constantly in motion. But the most unusual in its beauty is the astral cloud serpent, whose translucent body is decorated with a real constellation.

Where to get training

So, you probably became interested in riding on cloudy snakes. Where to learn the art of managing these great creatures? Is it possible to do this quickly? Of course, any player may have difficulties with this, because training takes a lot of time. In addition, you need to know where the teacher is riding on cloudy snakes. This is what we are going to talk about now.

To begin training, the player must reach at least level 85 and get into Pandaria. The Arboretum is located in the eastern part of the Jade Forest. This is where Elder Anli and Instructor Thun, who teach how to ride cloud snakes, are located. Obtaining this knowledge will not work right away, since you will have to achieve the exaltation of the representatives of the same name order. Only in this case, the player will be able to ride on cloud snakes. We have already figured out where to learn this, so it’s worth doing a leveling up.

cloud kite teacher

How to earn Cloud Serpent Exalted

The player takes the first step to extolling representatives of the order when he takes the quest from instructor Thun. To begin with, you will have to complete several tasks, which are to protect small snakes from bloodthirsty Saurocks on Windward Island, to get meat for growing mounts, and so on. After that, the character is given access to daily quests in the Arboretum. Before you master the flights on this vehicle, you have to look after the growing snake: feed, play ball with him, train and protect.

After you achieve exaltation, it remains to pass the final test: on a grown cloudy snake, fly through the rings of clouds, and then make a kind of race on your mount through the same clouds, but through certain points. At the same time, it is important not to forget to collect the balls along the way and check off the flags. All this will take about two weeks.

Secrets of fast reputation

Do you want to pump the reputation of the order faster so that riding on cloud snakes becomes available? Where to learn this in a maximum of two days? The secret, of course, is. And you do not need to fly to another location to gain access to the management of the majestic mount.

In order to literally become the owner of a cloud serpent in one day and learn how to manage it, after completing the starting quests, you can collect Onyx eggs and hand them over to Elder Anli. Each instance adds 550 points to reputation with the Order of the Cloud Serpent. You can find them throughout the Jade Forest and the Timeless Isle.

riding a cloud serpent wow

The number of quests performed per day is not limited, therefore, with special care and attention, you can literally collect the required number of eggs in just a few hours. Want to boost your reputation even faster? Then it’s worth buying a special badge that doubles the experience gained from this fraction. That is, for one egg handed over they will give you not 550, but 1100 points.

After receiving the exaltation, you can proceed to the final tests. Their successful passage will give the opportunity to learn to fly on cloudy snakes.


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