Space energy: a history of development, pros and cons

Humanity needs a crystal clear energy in environmental terms, as modern methods of energy production seriously pollute the environment. Experts see a way out of the deadlock in innovative methods. They are associated with the use of space energy.

Initial ideas

The story began in 1968. Then Peter Glaser demonstrated the design of massive satellite technology. A solar collector was mounted to them. Its size is 1 square mile. The equipment was supposed to be located at an altitude of 36,000 km above the equator zone. The goal is to collect and transform solar energy into an electromagnetic strip microwave stream. Using this method, useful energy should be transmitted to huge terrestrial antennas.

In 1970, the US Department of Energy and NASA studied the Glaser project. This is the Solar Power Satellite (abbreviation SPS).

Satellite Solar Power Satellite

Three years later, the scientist was given a patent for the proposed methodology. The idea in its implementation would bring outstanding results. But different calculations were carried out, and it turned out that the planned satellite would generate 5,000 MW of energy, and the Earth would reach three times less. Estimated costs for this project - 1 trillion dollars. This forced the government to close the program.


In the future, it was planned to arrange satellites at a more modest altitude. To do this, low Earth orbits were to be used. This concept in 1990 was developed by researchers from the center. M.V. Keldysh.

According to their plan, 10-30 special stations should be built in the 20-30s of the 21st century. Each of them will include 10 energy modules. The combined parameter of all stations will be 1.5 - 4.5 GW. On Earth, the indicator will reach values โ€‹โ€‹from 0.75 to 2.25 GW.

And by 2100 the number of stations will be increased to 800. The level of energy received on Earth will be 960 GW. But today there is no information even about the development of a project based on this concept.

NASA and Japan Actions

In 1994, a special experiment was conducted. It was arranged by the American Air Force. They placed extended photovoltaic satellites in low Earth orbit. For this purpose, missiles were deployed.

Between 1995 and 1997, NASA conducted a thorough study of space energy. Its concepts and technological specifics were analyzed.

NASA Organization

In 1998, Japan intervened in this area. Her space agency has launched a program to form a space electrical system.

Japan Space Agency

In 1999, NASA launched a similar program in response. In 2000, a representative of this organization, John Mackins, made a statement to the US Congress that the planned development required enormous expenses and high-tech equipment, as well as more than a decade.

In 2001, the Japanese announced a plan to intensify research and launch a test satellite with parameters of 10 kW and 1 MW.

In 2009, their space exploration agency announced its intentions to send a special satellite into orbit. He will direct solar energy to the Earth using microwaves. Its initial prototype should be launched in 2030.

Also in 2009, an important agreement was concluded between two organizations - Solaren and PG&E. According to it, the first company will produce energy in space. And the second will begin to acquire it. The power of such energy will be 200 MW. This is enough to provide it with 250,000 residential buildings. According to some reports, the project began to be implemented in 2016.

In 2010, the Shimitsu concern published material describing the potential construction of a large-scale station on the moon. They will use solar panels in large quantities. A belt will be built from them, which will have parameters of 11,000 and 400 km (length and width, respectively).

In 2011, several large Japanese companies conceived a global joint project. It implied the use of 40 satellites with mounted solar panels. Conductors of energy to the Earth will be electromagnetic waves. They will take a mirror with a diameter of 3 km. It will be concentrated in the desert zone of the ocean. The project was scheduled to launch in 2012. But for technical reasons this did not happen.

Problems in practice

The development of space energy can save humanity from disasters. However, the practical implementation of projects has many difficulties.

As planned, the location of a satellite network in space has the following advantages:

  1. Continuous exposure to the Sun, that is, continuous action.
  2. Complete independence from the weather and the position of the axis of the planet.
  3. The absence of dilemmas with the mass of structures and their corrosion.

The implementation of the plans is complicated by the following problems:

  1. Huge parameters of the antenna - the transmitter of energy to the surface of the planet. So, for example, for a planned transmission to occur using microwaves having a frequency of 2.25 GHz, the diameter of such an antenna will be 1 km. And the diameter of the zone receiving the energy flow on Earth should be at least 10 km.
  2. Energy losses when moving to Earth - about 50%.
  3. Colossal expenses. For one country, these are very substantial amounts (several tens of billions of dollars).

These are the pros and cons of space energy. The leading powers are engaged in the elimination and minimization of its shortcomings. For example, US developers are trying to solve financial dilemmas with the help of SpaceXs Falcon 9 rockets. These devices will significantly reduce the cost of implementing the planned program (in particular, the launch of SBSP satellites).

Lunar program

Moon Power Station

According to the concept of David Criswell, it is extremely necessary to use the Moon as a base for the placement of the necessary equipment.

This is the best place to solve the dilemma. In addition, where does space energy come to be developed, if not on the moon? This is a territory that does not have atmosphere and weather. Energy production here can go on continuously with solid efficiency.

In addition, many battery components can be built from lunar materials, such as soil. Thus, costs are significantly reduced by analogy with other station variations.

The situation in Russia

The country's space energy is developing on the basis of the following principles:

  1. Energy supply is a socio-political problem on a planetary scale.
  2. Environmental safety is the merit of competent space research. Green energy tariffs should apply. It necessarily takes into account the social significance of its carrier.
  3. Continuous support of programs for the development of an innovative way of generating energy.
  4. The percentage of electricity generated at nuclear power plants needs to be optimized.
  5. Identification of the optimal ratio of energy with ground and space concentration.
  6. The use of space aviation for the formation and transfer of energy.

Space energy in Russia interacts with the program FSUE NPO them. Lavochkina. The idea is based on the use of solar collectors and antennas with radiation. Basic technologies are autonomous satellites controlled from the Earth using a pilot pulse.

The antenna uses the microwave spectrum with short, even millimeter waves. Due to this, narrow rays will appear in outer space. This will require generators and amplifiers of modest parameters. Then much smaller antennas will be needed.

TsNIImash initiative

Organization TsNIImash

In 2013, this organization (which is also a key scientific unit of Roscosmos) proposed the construction of domestic space solar power plants. Their planned power was in the range of 1-10 GW. Energy must be transmitted to Earth wirelessly. For this purpose, unlike the United States and Japan, Russian scientists intended to use a laser.

Nuclear policy

Nuclear power in space

The location of solar panels in space implies certain advantages. But here it is important to strictly observe the necessary orientation. Technique should not be in the shade. In this regard, a number of specialists are skeptical of the lunar program.

And today, the most effective method is โ€œSpace Nuclear Energy - Solar Space Energyโ€. It involves the placement in space of a powerful nuclear reactor or generator.

The first option is huge and requires careful monitoring and maintenance. Theoretically, in space, he will be able to work autonomously for no more than a year. This is too short for space programs.

The second is distinguished by a solid efficiency. But in space it is difficult to vary its power. Today, American scientists from NASA are developing an improved model of such a generator. Domestic experts are also actively working in this direction.

Common motives for the development of space energy

Receiving energy from microwave waves

They can internal and external. The first category includes:

  1. A sharp increase in the world's population. According to some forecasts, the number of inhabitants of the Earth by the end of the 21st century will be more than 15 billion people.
  2. Energy consumption is constantly increasing.
  3. The use of classical methods of energy formation becomes irrelevant. They are based on oil and gas.
  4. Negative impact on climate and atmosphere.

The second category includes:

  1. Periodic falls on the planet of large parts of meteorites and comets. According to statistics, this happens once a century.
  2. Changes in the magnetic poles. Although the frequency here is once every 2000 years, there is a threat that the north and south poles will switch places. Then for a while the planet will lose its magnetic field. This is fraught with a serious defeat by radiation, but well-established space energy could become a defense against such disasters.


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