Simple camera stabilizer

The technique for shooting photo and video materials has long been accompanying users in the most unexpected places, capturing interesting moments outside the studios and home interior. Action cameras that have become popular also complement the equipment of extreme sports lovers. But such a format for using the device rarely gives high-quality materials without distortion. To cope with the negative factors of shooting in motion, as such, a stabilizer for the camera helps, which softens the vibrations affecting the equipment. Even in simple execution, such a device provides invaluable assistance, while simultaneously acting as a retainer and a damping accessory.

stabilizer for camera

Stabilizer Overview

The stabilizing device may have various embodiments. Such devices include modules built into camera arrays, tripods, and more technological steadicams, which are used in combination with GoPro models. In the latest version, the stabilizer for the camera can be considered as the best option specifically for video. Such accessories are somewhat autonomous and at the same time are manual.

During operation, the user controls the movement of the camera, and the β€œsmart” filling of the device softens vibrations by reacting to them through special sensors. This is an electronic stabilizer for the camera, which is the most effective solution for active shooting. As for the built-in stabilizing models, their application justifies itself rather in photographic equipment, which does not imply sudden movements in the process of shooting.

Types of stabilizers

electronic stabilizer for camera

Three categories of such devices have already been identified, among which stood out to the steadicam. But this segment also has its own signs of separation of devices. The main one at the moment of the development of stabilizing technology is the number of axles. The simplest models work with one or two axes. This means that camera turns will be controlled in a maximum of two directions - and the rest of the actions should be avoided by the user himself. In turn, the three-axis stabilizer for the camera makes it possible to smooth movements in three directions. This decision significantly facilitated the process of active shooting, although a significant improvement in eliminating sharp fluctuations moving to the focus should not be expected.

Pros and cons of manual stabilizers

action camera stabilizer

Simple models, as a rule, have a mechanical stabilization principle and their design is based on it. This solution has its advantages and disadvantages. As for the pluses, they are expressed in the strength, clarity and overall durability of the device. On the other hand, the handling of some models is complicated by the presence of many regulatory elements. Even an experienced user in the conditions of quick preparation for shooting can delay the process just because of the mechanical settings to achieve the initial balance. The disadvantages are many and include the mass. Especially the stabilizer for the action camera is felt in the hand by almost every gram. In general, such a device can add a weight of about 1 kg to the chamber. It is clear that with prolonged use, there can be no talk of comfort.

How to choose the best stabilizer?

manual stabilizer for camera

You should build on the way you use the camera. If shooting is planned in a room environment, then you can completely limit yourself to a tripod, which dampens small fluctuations. For an active mode of operation, it is best to refer to electronic models with three axes of motion control. But here it is important to consider the aspect of universality. There are models specifically designed for the GoPro segment, but you can also find a multifunctional manual stabilizer for cameras weighing up to 4 kg. Another selection criterion also implies features of structural performance. Usually the smaller the device, the more functional and expensive it is. Massive models are not so technologically advanced and heavier, but their handling in some conditions can be more comfortable thanks to the understandable physical ergonomics.

Stabilizer manufacturers

stabilizer for action camera

There are no obvious leaders in the segment, and in different categories there is a tough struggle between manufacturers of different levels. For example, if the built-in stabilizers of fundamentally different types are offered by Nikon and Canon, then the Chinese company ZhiYun can compete in the field of manual models with its budget development Z-ONE and Raylab, which represents the entry-level modification Kino SC-01. But here it is important to note that each version has a lot of external differences that make the models unique. Quality stabilizer for the camera can also be found in the lines of Poise, Feiyu-Tech and Golle Micro. The devices of these brands differ not only in technological implementation in the form of the same three-axis mechanics, but also in the basic strength of the elemental platform.

Price issue

The simplest models resembling shortened tripods with handles can be purchased for 1.5-2 thousand rubles. These are completely mechanical devices, devoid of modern options in terms of ergonomic comfort. The average level is represented by the same three-axis modifications - the cost of such products is 3-5 thousand. This is the widest and most popular class of this equipment. The high-tech stabilizer for action cameras, complemented by a set of auxiliary mounting and holding accessories, is also available on the market. Moreover, some elements in premium versions of this type are made of carbon fiber. Such a stabilizer costs about 7-9 thousand. Its advantages include the possibility of engaging in active shooting and the benefits of stationary use indoors. However, it is not worth counting on a high working effect of vibration suppression in both cases, at least highly specialized devices can handle similar functions better.


three-axis stabilizer for the camera

Modern camcorders are complemented by many auxiliary devices. Some of them exist no more than in the form of a marketing product, without presenting practical interest. Can this be said about the function that the stabilizer provides for the camera? More likely not, since the same GoPro models undergo high-amplitude vibrations during use and the effect of the steadicam, expressed in minimizing vibration, is clear and obvious. Another thing is that not in every case the camera will experience trembling, and the stabilizer will not always save from vibrations. Unless universal models of electronic devices can be suitable in any case, the use of a video camera, although they also have their own limitations.


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