How to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow is beautiful and fashionable: technology and recommendations

Most of us do not know how to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow, although they do this manipulation almost every day. From early childhood, parents taught us how to cope with this task. Gradually, the process was automated, and we stopped thinking about how many actions had to be performed so that the lacing was perfect. Modern youth decided to contribute a piece of themselves to this business and made it creative and interesting. Now lacing is already a way of self-expression, and not just keeping shoes on the foot.

how to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow

Consider the most common ways that show how to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow.

The basis of lacing - "Zigzag"

Thanks to the Internet and other media, we know that there are many ways that will teach you how to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow, but do not forget the classics.

We must pay tribute to the ancient subcultures, and the whole process of shoe lacing began to develop from them. They used threads of different colors and materials, due to which a non-standard look was created. Each lacing is distinguished by the way the bows are twisted, loose ends and threaded through holes. However, the Zigzag remains the most popular for many years.

The presented method is used on all types of shoes. It consists in crossing the laces together along the entire length, threading into each hole. In the classic version, the upper ends are tied with a bow, but you can hide them under the tongue of a sneaker or sneaker. The method has long ceased to attract attention, so consider options that are slightly more difficult to implement, but have a more attractive look.


The presented method is common and tells how to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow with the formation of an elegant lattice in the middle of the lacing. By twisting the lace at a sharp angle, they are intertwined with each other.

how to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow

Not the easiest way, and to create an attractive lattice will have to put a lot of patience and perseverance, but the result is impressive. For the best effect, you can use the laces of two contrasting colors. To simplify the process, it is recommended to work first with one string, making weaving, and then thread a second through it. Suitable for shoes with 6 or more pairs of holes.

Hidden node

Another option that will show how fashionable to tie shoelaces on sneakers and sneakers. The whole secret is that the knot is hidden in the inner side of the holes, and in the frontal zone there is only a created pattern.

how to tie shoelaces without a bow

First you need to thread the lace inward on one side and thread it parallel to the hole on the other side. The result is a flat line. The next line starts from the hole located one row below, and so on to the end. Then we return in the opposite direction, threading the lace into the free holes.


About how to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow, they thought even before it became fashionable. The presented method came to us from the US military. It was they who, in order to better fix the shoes on the foot, bound the laces vertically and horizontally in the form of a ladder.

how fashionable to tie shoelaces on sneakers

Best of all, the result is visible on thin laces and shoes, which has a high shaft with many holes.


The presented method is considered traditional and shows how to tie the laces on sneakers and sneakers in a cross way. Visually it seems that the shoes have large and small crosses.

how to tie laces on sneakers and sneakers

First of all, you need to insert the end of the lace into the lower loop and pull it with a zigzag in the opposite row one loop above. When the lace reaches the last hole, you need to do the reverse manipulation, filling in the empty holes.

Reverse circuit

The lacing looks beautiful and original due to the fact that the bound loops on the back are gradually shifted to the central part. The method involves weaving the lace by the figure-eight method on one side (it is inserted down in the upper hole and up in the rest). When the holes end up on one side, the same thing needs to be done. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to use thick laces of a contrasting color with shoes.

Tangled Track

One of the most inconvenient ways, showing how to tie shoelaces without a bow, but it looks very interesting. It is worth noting that weaving allows you to significantly shorten the length of the free ends. Initially, you need to thread the lace into the upper hole, and then zigzag it down through the next three holes and pull it into the fourth. When the penultimate hole remains, you need to move to the last one and continue the manipulation on the other side.


How to tie shoelaces on sneakers without a bow in the form of a big zipper, many are interested. The method is complex, but very interesting. The secret is to tie a knot at each hole. The lace is introduced from above and tightened into a loop, then skip one row and repeat the steps. The same will need to be done on the other hand.

how nice to tie shoelaces on sneakers and sneakers

The method is suitable for those who need to achieve perfectly durable sitting shoes on the foot, for example, while playing soccer, or for running. Thus, we can assume that the method not only showed how beautifully tie shoelaces on sneakers and sneakers, but discovered the secret of athletes.


A practical lacing method that allows you to correct all the resulting bumps in one motion. It is created on the principle of a hidden node.

how to tie shoelaces without a bow

Double cross

At first glance, it might seem that a beginner canโ€™t cope with this method of lacing, but in practice everything turns out to be quite simple. We start from the inside, and thread the lace into three holes, and then take one reverse step on the outside.

how to tie laces on sneakers and sneakers

After all the holes are filled, it becomes clear that short but wide crosses have formed, on top of which are tall and narrow crosses.

One handed

Another method that resembles a hidden node. Naturally, also tied without a bow at the ends. The essence of the method is that the main pressure in the shoes falls on the upper part of the lacing, and below it is practically absent.

how nice to tie shoelaces on sneakers and sneakers

Pass the shoelaces through each hole, and tie a knot from the top inside. Thus, the lower end will not slip out.

To achieve the best result, it is recommended to use lacing on shoes where the holes are small. If it is tightened too tight, it is very easy to relieve pressure, you need to slightly pull the lower part of the lacing, and then move to the top.

These are the most common, interesting and relatively simple ways to tie shoelaces, but do not make a knot or bow on loose ends. Each method presented is suitable for sneakers and sneakers.


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