What is publicity? Principle and Achievement of Publicity

In the world there are a huge number of different concepts and terms that are not always understandable to humans. And most often they relate either to the political or social sphere of life. In this article we will talk about what is publicity.

what is publicity

Concept designation

First of all, you need to understand the concept itself. So what is the meaning of the word "publicity"? This is a kind of openness, the availability of information about the work of enterprises, organizations, officials, etc. What is this for? So that the public, if desired, could familiarize themselves with the information of interest to them, which will be used for its subsequent discussion or for solving certain issues and problems. More broadly, we can say that publicity is a synonym for the word "freedom." The following information will be interesting: publicity is one of the basic principles of perestroika, when one of the main goals of the country is to inform the public as much as possible.

About duality of standards

So, having understood what publicity is, it is worth saying that this is an integral part of the democratization processes. However, there are still some ambiguous standards. Indeed, next to the term “publicity” there are also the concepts of “commercial secret”, “non-disclosure of commercial information”. This is a peculiar, partial refusal of publicity, which is convenient for a certain circle of people.

principle of publicity

About the principle of publicity

It is worth mentioning that without the principle of glasnost the processes of democracy are impossible. The political creativity of the masses and their participation in managerial processes at various levels becomes unrealistic. It should be recalled that the principle of publicity itself is an important moment in the restructuring of the psychology of managers, in changing their attitude to their own business. It also acts as a protective tool against permissiveness, impunity in the ranks of management personnel, this is the principle of transparency. I must say that the principle of publicity is especially important today. Indeed, without a sufficient amount of necessary information, a modern person will simply refuse to work, develop, move forward. As a small conclusion, we can say that today, compliance with this principle is an integral part of modern society, a way of expressing trust and respect for people.


Implementation of the principle

So, we understood what publicity is. It is also worth trying to figure out how and by whom this principle should be implemented. First of all, it must be said that publicity is a tool of communication between the people and the authorities. It is also necessary to highlight the main areas of implementation of this principle.

  1. Inclusion of the masses of the public in management (when it is important to discuss pressing issues, search for solutions to various problems).
  2. Increasing public activity in the selection and promotion of personnel, the evaluation of their activities (Lenin said that the working masses should independently choose responsible leaders).
  3. It is important to understand that it is simply necessary to increase the role of publicity when considering issues of responsibility of managers, in order to strengthen the demands of the public for their actions.

The implementation of this principle lies with the various structures of the state.


Be sure to also pay attention to such a moment as achieving publicity. When and how can it be achieved? As it has already become clear, this is the availability of information. It can be distributed by various methods: printed matter, through radio and television broadcasts, convene various gatherings and arrange information lectures for everyone. Today, another important moment has joined to achieve the principle of publicity: this can be done using the Internet. However, it is worth mentioning that this principle should not always be admitted (according to the philosopher I. Bentham). Publicity is not needed:

  • when the subject of its discussion offends certain masses of people;
  • when she favors the intentions of the enemy (enemies);
  • when it helps to ensure that the perpetrators are too severely punished.

But today these moments are not relevant, in these cases the principle of publicity still works, because people want to participate in all aspects of public life.

publicity costs


We study the concept further. It is also worth paying attention to costs. If you look a little into history, the revival of the principle of glasnost occurred during the Soviet Union, much earlier than perestroika. However, over time, glasnost raised to a new level the discontent of the masses with the existing order. At the same time, she encouraged the most diverse, sometimes even brutal forms of protest against him (this is the most important cost of publicity). Also, over time, people began to distrust the information they received, calling politicians not the best words. Moreover, contrary to all expectations, glasnost did not at all improve the standard of living, which the public was counting on.

On the ambiguity of the concept

Understanding what publicity is, it is worth saying that this term is used in most modern areas of life.

  1. meaning of the word glasnost
    Politics. First of all, publicity is a political term. This is the implementation of the principle of maximum openness in the activities of state organizations.
  2. Law. In this industry, publicity implies the possibility of disseminating information about the individual, his social or public life.
  3. Court proceedings. This primarily concerns the period of the Soviet Union. In this option, publicity is the possibility of considering certain court cases openly, if there is a public in the hall.
  4. The work of state security agencies. In this case, publicity involves the open use of information collected by state security agencies to solve certain public problems.
  5. Print. In this case, publicity is closely intertwined with freedom of speech. This is one of the basic human rights when you can safely express your opinion on any nuance of public life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22764/

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